Friday 10 July 2015

Dinner Tomorrow

And we are having an Ed dinner tomorrow.....


And we had the usual na'an bread pizza for Friday tea and it was as nice as it usually is

In The Bathroom

So in the bathroom after my bath I can reach down and dry both legs without any holding on with my other hand to balance me, my balance &c is simply so much better than it used to be

Nipped Out

Then after lunch we nipped out to Morrisons, because..... because the na'an bread I had bought for tonight's pizza had broken, and as I bought a jar of lentil soup that me and Ed can have on Sunday with the broken na'an bread and no sweet potatoes I thought we may as well buy more today. So I got most of the little shopping that was on the list apart from next weeks na'an bread and next weeks salad so I will nip to shop on Monday and just buy those 2 things

Friday Business

Yes, again......
Well, we did a triple shop.
First of all we went to Aardvark and did my weeks shopping, then we nipped to Wilko's and got some compost so the sunflower can move to a bigger pot, then we nipped into Morrisons and had to buy the one ingredient I need to cook with Ed tomorrow that they didn't have in Aardvark. So we have done it all and still have time to sit in front of my PC for half an hour b4 we nip to my gym class that happens every Friday