Friday 3 November 2017


So then we headed to the local pub to try and be sociable on a Friday night. There was 2 couples sat together eating and eventually playing pool and just the 2 of us sat on the other side, in the end watching rugger on't telly
So there was me trying to be sociable and there was no one there to be sociable to

Isn't She.....

So while I was in Sam's class today she was doing a "stand with your feet apart" exercise. I caught her attention later and said "It just doesn't work for me, trying to stand like that" and she said "Ah, that's probably because....... you need to do this" which although I didn't have a chance to try did make complete sense to me and I think as that follows on from loads of other advice I have been given that it makes complete sense.

Hectic Day Started

So s'morning I started off with a hurried, very early, lunch then popped out to Lammas St to the toenail chopper and what can I do other than kind of moan uber-gratefully and kind of moan "Forever in your debt"
Then we popped to the Drs and said "Someone contacted you for a proof that Neil is still alive letter for his claim" and they said "Posted it to Anthony t'other day" so again I made grateful noises then left
Then we went straight to gym for my class
Then we panted a bit and said "Glad that's done"

How Posh

So today I was searching on the interweb and this came up, lordy, how posh and how clever must you be