Thursday 7 July 2011


Well I have eaten my dinner tonight and didn't even remember to be careful with half my mouth. Obviously much better


Well, what a day. An hour later than usual Ed arrived. Firstly he looked at my phone, click, click, click. No joy. So we went to the O2 shop where the chap with the "guru" badge on fixed my phone for free. It was because I was trying to send photos, which I had taken with my phone, and it got stuck, trying to send massive files.

Then we came back here and I had loadsa salad for my lunch then we went to Dynamic Rock where we went in. Ed said he was surprised that I didn't go "See you next week" but I got stuck straight in. Put on the harness, put on the cap (over my head-wear), then just got stuck into trying to climb. I only made it about 18 inches today but they have now met me and will change some of the grips etc and I will try again next week

I only managed 18 inches but it was climbing up from a standing position by myself