Monday 28 November 2016


Then later we drove to Swansea for a Headway meeting. It wasn't bad and we arranged to meet up with them on Thursday at the variously able bowling thing
And as we were coming back Timmy commented on how much better I am getting at just randomly having conversations with passers by


So we headed into town and went to CCC office to give them the forms for my reapply for a new blue badge. They said tick, tick, tick.... ah this letter is out of date. So we explained how all my letters get sent to Anthony in Bristol and Timmy emailed an Anthony assistant and asked for a copy. My blue badge doesn't run out til the end of the tear so we are OK, just waiting now

Monday Morning Again

So it is Monday again. Today we have to head over to Headway Swansea instead of going swimming. I think "Oh no" about going to HW, but "Hoo-flipping-ray" about not going swimming so I shouldn't complain too much