Tuesday 3 May 2016

Almost Painless

And when he creamed my armpits tonight it was hurting perhaps only 2% of how much it was hurting 3 nights ago. It is still unwell but getting better and I still have 3 days on antibiotics.
Here's hoping...

Out For Dinner

Then tonight we are going out for the first "someone else's kitchen" food. Dunno where we are going tonight, I will leave it up to Alex(1)
And we just went to Morrison's for tea and we both said "That was lovely" afterwards. And it was relatively cheap. £13 for the 2 of us with 2 apple juices, 2 coffees and 2 buns between us
(1) No, my call actually, in the end

Weirdo Lunch

And we had lunch in the spare room today then. It all went well, I could find everything etc but it felt so strange

What A Day #27

So after the crisis s'morning, we popped to Morrison's where I bought the smallest Muesli I could find as more organic is being delivered on Thursday, then to the gym to do lifty/pushy exercises. On one of those machines, I asked Ed for advice, I said "I suspect that my right arm is lifting as far as the left now, is it?" and he said "Yes". It still hurts to move it like this but if it now moves nearly as far as the left summat must be improving

Thrown Out

So s'morning I had breakfast in the spare room and just as I finished the floor redo-er arrived. Conversation, then he shut the door and got to work. ATM there is big noisiness coming under the door s he struggles to remove all the tiles and carpet
And you should hear him drilling (noisy WS)
He has finished drilling now, so phew