Wednesday 2 March 2016


And I had to reheat some frozen stuff for dinner tonight so I went for some cheese garlic circular thingies, they were very nice, that wasn't the issue but the fact that I could taste the garlic off them, I think I would have said "That's garlicy" if someone else had fed me with these. Now they weren't overwhelmingly strong, but I could still taste them........ dunno why, perhaps my sense of smell/taste is improving....... dunno

My Watch

After I came out of swimming pool I put my watch back on, next time I wanted to know the time it had gone, disappeared. Dunno where, GGtGG has been to look in the car, dunno where it has gone
And 3 or 4 hours later my arse was itchy, I reached behind to scratch and thought "WTF's that?" I could feel summat behind half way down my arse. There was summat that felt odd, I pulled it out of my pants and it was my watch

Early Lunch

So we have an early lunch today (half an hour/an hour before normal lunchtime) to give it a chance to get out of our tummys before a just after lunch time aqua-aerobics class
And it was as much hard work as usual but I did it. The tutor commented on how much better I was being than GGtGG


While I was starting my breakfast it was all stormy, wild wind and rain. I finished my muesli and started paying attention again and the wind has almost entirely gone and the rain has gone too