Wednesday 27 April 2011

No Manual

And I tried recording sound without looking at instructions and it seemed to work, first time, so I may have remembered enough to be able to say "I learned how to do that"

With Paul

And he has been here since s'morning. I spoke to him, spoke to Freya on t'phone, spoke to him again and they agreed. Tomorrow when Paul takes me to the Folk Club Freya is gonna come along too, being picked up from there by her mum later. And we went shopping looked every~flippin~where for our gadget to no avail. Paul noted down serial numbers etc and is gonna try buying one online when he gets home. We went to Caffi Iechyd Da for lunch, where we are going tomorrow night.

Blinkin' flip, I am exhausted now


This is on my Tablet PC again And wow
I have learned to do capitals today