Saturday 17 May 2014


And we went out tonight to check out another bungalow but it was too far out of town, on a slow road

Take 'Em Off

And today Alex was out hoovering the car so I tried it myself, leaned forward and took off my boots, my socks and my 'sockings', both feet, no problem


And today I dropped the yoghurt lid when I was walking to the bin. I didn't have to use any support, I just leaned over and picked it up, without holding on to anything with my not stretching arm
And after my bath I leaned forward to dry my bits and bum without holding onto anything either


So we nipped into Ceir Cawdor Cars in Carmarthen and said "Neil wants/needs a new motability car" and they said "£99" so we said "OK, we'll be in touch" and came away to tell Denyse to start the process