Saturday 9 October 2010


And I am going out to play, in a pub, in a few minutes. Tsk, tsk, tsk

From Scratch

And I made another Pizza for tea, which is a smidge radical but hopefully delicious
And it was delicious too


And at lunchtime today I spread the Peanut Butter and the Jam on my sandwich with my right hand


Good lord, I practiced my Guitar playing. A) I realized how to get the arms of the chair out of my way, and B) It was much better, I won't go bushing yet but it was much easier/better than last time


As I was walking yesterday I am today "resting" in my wheelchair

Woke up

So I woke up s'morning at about 7.20, thought "No, go back to sleep", lay there still awake until about 8.40 when I eventually got up. (Ho hum)