Tuesday 22 February 2011


And tonight, for the first time, I tried out my new "toe drier" And WOW it works. Tonight I had my shower, got dried, got dressed and was able to put boots on straight away, like I haven't been able to do for some years

Busy 3

After all that I had to try again putting a link from part of a picture and I managed it on Sarah. So you can now magnify part of the picture and see what it is

Busy 2

Then the lovely Sarah the OT came to see me. I still can't decide whether OT stands for Off Topic or Occupational Therapist. Anyway she assessed my memory and I was actually surprised at how well I did etc. Next week she is gonna get some extra ingredients for me and watch me cook Falafel for me and Freya next Tuesday afternoon

Busy 1

Well much earlier today, much earlier than usual but she is on a half term week, that beautiful Freya chick came over to see me. After some txt issues 'cos she was waiting for a bus that didn't come etc. Eventually she got here and paid me some attention and my technology some attention. But what can we say to each other, I am glad to see her getting bigger and she is pleased to see me getting better

"It's light better get up"

So I woke up, thought "It's light better get up" got up, got dressed &c, finally managed to look at my watch and it was only 7.30AM. This post-solstice light is still doing my head in a bit