Wednesday 8 July 2015

Out Tonight

And me and Timmy are going to the pub up the road for a pub quiz tonight
And we came last in the quiz.....


And me and Timmy headed out today to the Farm Foods shop for a) Some Findus Crispy Pancakes and (Shhh) b) Some Ice Cream treats


And as Timmy forgot to bring his swimming trunx today we went to gym and I got on a bike to do "further cycling" instead of my usual timed. It took a bit longer but I travelled 6km
And my right ankle was being strange, it sayt properly without turning over and for the 2nd half of the cycle it was sitting in a "proper" position

Learning About BI

And 2 of my staff are off on a course today to learn how to nag me better etc, it's about Learning Strategies for Brain Injury sufferers