Friday 8 December 2017

Third Things Third

Well we went to Sam's Stroke Class and what fun we had. But I am still getting better and better week after week

Second Things Second

Then after that we popped off in the car to someones house in Carmarthen where I had bought a small table from. We had to pay the woman cash etc but it is done. So next week I will do it up, polishing etc then I will print out some photos to put on the top and cover it with perspex or summat.
I am a bit pleased with it, she said "There are some scratches on the top" to which I replied "Ah, but I have a plan"

Unsettling Thought

So s'morning as we are popping off in a bit while Timmy and MagicMark were conversing I put my trainers on and did them up etc.
But it occurred to me, how fscked did I used to be when I couldn't even tie shoelaces....?