Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Dat Boy

Then this afternoon a handsome young chap came to visit me. He has got to get up and go to college tomorrow so I hope it will go well

Nearly Hit The Ground

And in gym today we were standing up to practice just before we left, I stood up and toppled forwards. Luckily I could move my left foot forwards and my left hand with my 'stick quickly so I was able to catch myself, stop me hitting the ground.
My bum hasn't been right since, I nearly shat myself there and then

Gymmy with Timmy

So in a bit me and Tim are going to gym. I think today I will walk, with stick, from the car in the car park, into gym, show my card to get in then walk to gym. Timmy will need to follow me pushing my 'chair just in case...
I will let u know if I succeed
:) Didn't I do well :)