Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Frozen Shopping

Then s'evening we nipped out to Farmfoods to do some more frozen food shopping. Ready to bake spuds(9), Linda McCartney and some ice lollies
(9) Which I would have been so scathing about b4 my accident, "Just buy some spuds and wash then then bake them" I would have said. But this is easier, but not much for someone fully able


And we went swimming at 1 o'clock today, when the free (or busy) morning session has just finished and it was much quieter than s'morning. We did the usual walks, exercises and 4 lengths backstroke. But, as much fun as I am usually having, how much better I am getting at certain aspects of it. Today, for the first time, I was standing on my right foot (or wonky right foot as I think of it) and not holding on to the edge with my hands while I lifted and stretched out my left leg.
And in the changing room afterwards I was able to put the right brake on my shower chair with my right hand, and take it off too. Both on and off with my right hand. I couldn't do that last week....


And I went to bed about midnight last night, stayed in bed for longer than usual, I didn't need a pee 'til 6.15 s'morning, but when I got up then I was pi**ing for ages and ages, it was a big pee and it kept coming
My bladder is getting stronger/better