Monday 17 March 2014

2 pics, 2 slogans

OMG. Wow. So I figured out how to put 2 pics side by side with a caption on each and how to make that slogan appear in size on a bigger version of that picture.

Blog Crisis

Then today out of the blue I went to make another Blog entry and the "Click here for new post" button had disappeared. What a performance. We had to switch off everything that was working and restart the browser and take a few more steps before it came back.
Then we had to switch back on the desirable gubbins etc etc

Umlaut HERE

So yesterday I finally gave up trying to make an umlaut be visible on my site, today I was trying again and after much work with Timmy and myself he said "Give up, I'll send u a link to check more if you are bored" and then I found another site which said summat about ALT code or &# code but didn't mention this one but I tried it &#0220 and it worked. 3 or 4 days later we found a way to win


And we went swimming today and did a good long session. I did loadsa exercises and a length and a half swimming on my back with just one support behind my shoulders, this is the second time where I have been able to swim with just one support and I did half a length extra today

Watch Filums

And good lord, I had got a letter from Amazon saying "Watch....." which I hadn't really understood so s'morning when Timmy came in I showed it to him, he said "Good lord, there's thousands of free video's for you to watch on your PC or iPad"
And good lord#27 I found Fawlty Towers in the first 2 minutes of looking...