Tuesday 15 December 2015

I Own It Now

So I can do as many "decorations" as I want

Mint Spys

Then we headed into town to fetch some of the ingredients for the mince pies I am making next week with Alex. I will buy mince and eggs in Aardvark on Thursday but I got flour and unsalted butter and a baking tray etc today


So s'morning me and Alex went to gym to do sum exercises. As I am getting better, and trying to get betted still, I climbed the stairs to gym today. While I was half way thru my first exercise it suddenly went "Beep, beep..." there was a fire alarm. So we had to leave the building by the stairs not the lift this time. So after 10 minutes in the gentle rain outside we were allowed back in. I thought "..." and climbed the stairs again partly to prove to me how much better I am. Then we went in and finished my exercises. Then we headed out thru force of habit I got in the lift, headed down got there and came straight back up and walked down the stairs to prove to myself that 2 ups and 2 downs is possible and I could still walk back out afterwards


And everything is on hold now and I am watching telly as the astronauts are about to take off to the space station.
I am a bit puzzled as I was too ill to be aware when it first went up. Previously the last space missions were in 1969 (when I was born) and onwards from there