Sunday, 1 May 2016


And I nearly had to fill the bird feeder again. That's about 3 days since I filled it. Either more birds are eating or we are gonna have some fat pigeons


And it is well foggy here ATM

Less Hurting

And having just had MightyMark put cream on my armpits I can say that it hurts less than it did yesterday. It still hurts a bit but it is getting better. I have another 5 days of antibiotics so hopefully it will continue

Next Week (or 'This Week' if you count Sunday as the first day of the week)

So next Tuesday the floor tiler is starting in my kitchen/dining room so it will be a week of eating out
And my team started rearranging the furniture, when there was two of them here s'morning, to make the spare room into an eat breakfast/lunch area next week
And I have done my last load of washing. Tomorrow morning, when there are 2 of them here, they will attempt to put the washing machine into the garage. And then GrumpyGareth is responsible for removing loads of tat out of the kitchen etc ready for Tuesday morning