Saturday 16 August 2014


And I tried to put some socks on today for the first time in months (usually my staff have to put on my Sockings first) and by gord but it is a lot easier now than it was last time I tried, I can now put both socks on without any help


And the central heating indoors has switched the radiators on again today for the first time in months so the temperature must be dropping again

Fixed The Armrest

Well today I was sitting in the car cursing the armrest that gets in the way and stops me trying to use my right hand to put my seatbelt in place and thought "OK, if I move the seat forward 2 notches I can use it then, but can I still get in and out of the car?", so I now know that I can get out and it didn't occur to me to try getting back in, so I won't know that until I go out next but hopefully......