Tuesday 29 March 2011

Her Lift

And it was actually that Julia who came to get her tonight, Moishe and family have moved into a caravan in Freya's garden, so very hectic. But Julia said "I found your old wood burner that used to keep you warm when you lived at Happy Valley, want it?" and good lord, I had wondered where it was who had got it etc and it turned out to be under a pile of junk at Julia's. I don't need it but just sentimental reminding me of when I had a life
And strangily-strange. Tonight when I saw Julia I thought "Odin, how did I ever love that?", last time I saw her I thought "I still love her", so obviously progress in the getting better thing, but hopefully I will have come to terms with it better and won't think such nonsense next time I see her