Monday 30 April 2012

City 1

And tonights folk club is quiet because everyone but me is flippin' watching at present Man City beating Man United
AND they won!!!!
City 1 United 0


And later we took that Toby chap to Kidwelly to watch the football with his mates


And this morning I had a bit of a row with Ed on't way to the supermarket as I said "I am not walking today, my head is in bits 'cos it's my anniversary" and he said "No, but.... walk" and I had to insist (at greater volume "NO"

Sunday 29 April 2012

I know U

And tonight in't pub I saw a man who has said hello to me loadsa times and tonight I asked him a slightly different "Who are you?" question than usual and from that it became clear that he was Naomi's partner in Brer Rabbit, Clive. Dunno how we have missed it so much but now I know. "Hello Clive"

Bike Racing

And I was able to watch a whole bike race, MotoGP, on't telly today. Last time I tried I felt as if my head was exploding but today I watched a whole race


And with TimMy again s'morning. After I was nearly late yesterday I made sure that I had got dressed and brushed my teeth well in time today. Then TimMY was 15 mins late!!!


And I am staying up late to watch the snooker. Gosh but it is a really strange game

Saturday 28 April 2012


Then today I switched on t'telly to watch the snooker. Just good lord, if you think about it it is a really strange game. Who invented it and when?


And I was in bed s'afternoon when it occurred to me that my BLOG needs an introduction, a say hello, to make it legible to a newbie not just fans who have been reading it for ages


And I have been trying to go to bed for an hour and a half but Harry Potter has taken my breath away. I am currently 96% of the way thru book 5 and just wow....


So for now I am sat in my wheelychair wheeling about. I am quite capable of eg walking to push my lunch carrier into the kitchen, unloading it then pushing it back. But it is such a struggle, so difficult that most of the time I am wheelying. Do I need to change my habits? How can I? Denyse, any view?

Looking For Somewhere To Live

So me and TimMY are going out looking for property to rent in and around Carmarthen today
And we found some!

Friday 27 April 2012


Then, because my head is in such bits, we decided to take Freya to eat out and we had a lovely meal at The Harvester

Out For Lunch

Then later me and Paul went out to Waverley Stores (where we will be shopping later) for a delicious lunch. I had what was described as Shepherds Pie but I think it should have been called Veg Farmers Pie!!


And Sara the Physio came and did "stuff" to my right arm/shoulder that flipping hurt but did me good so I shouldn't complain

Thursday 26 April 2012

Iechyd Da

Then we went to Caffi Iechyd Da for their monthly folk night
There didn't seem to be very many folk in tonight but it was good anyway


And a new T-shirt that I bought arrived today


So we had to go to great lengths to get a smiley in my blog today and there is more possibility

/please :))


So I listened to the new messages that I put on my diary

so today when Ed was taking my car in for a service I had a proper shower.
Not my bits and pits but a proper shower


Then today that beautiful woman Ruth came over and returned my big TV which she can't fit. So it will go in my front room in my new bungalow, not my living room as the small TV that I can see will be there


And I won't be able to go to gym today as the car started flashing a "service now" light on't dash every time the engine is started and the only time available was s'afternoon.
So Ed took it earlier, they phoned and it is back now, new oil, new oil filter etc, and washed!!!
And I didn't have to pay for it either :)

Wednesday 25 April 2012


And we are going off in a bit to Llanelli Folk Club
And it was as excellent as we have come to expect

Triple Busy

Then I was in cooking dinner when that Toby arrived, said "Can I have a shower" then showered and left


Then unexpectedly Moishe came round with Eli, her son, to see me and we talked about moving and decorating afterwards etc


Then Sarah the OT came round and spoke about Mindfulness and NAT's and paying attention and moving etc

Looking For Property

Then me and TimMY went out and about, calling into a letting agent or 3 and then looking at their property

Tuesday 24 April 2012


So I am sitting in a restaurant with Toby because I was s'posed to be cooking for him but my head exploded. Why? Denyse came to see me s'afternoon and said "We have got funds, you are moving". The first person ever to leave that place
Just good lord I don't know what to say, other than Hoo-(f**king)-rah!!
Gosh, just OMG - I am moving


So TimMY came round s'afternoon and chatted for a bit then we went online and booked my trip to Manchester for Sam's graduation


And then s'morning I woke up at about 7, thought I lay there for about 10 minutes and looked at the clock again and it said 10 past 9!!! So obviously I was asleep without realising it
And s'morning I am looking out my window, waiting in the hall etc for my MOS but they are not coming, they are having a scary meeting about me s'morning and then coming later
Still not here...

Monday 23 April 2012

Dinner THEN Folky

So then we went and got Freya from her house at 5 o'clock. First of all we nipped to a restaurant it was closed, went somewhere else and sat outside it for 15 minutes as it said "Opening in 10" then eventually we went to a third place and had a delicious veggie dinner each.

After that we drove not far to a Folk Club where Freya won the prize of tonight's CD, and generally we all had a good time


And I had made arrangements to pick Freya up from school at 5.15 today after her revision lesson but she just txted me to say "Did I tell you they are not happening today?" so after a few more txts we decided to pick her up from her house at 5


So Ed is back here again today although Paul is taking us (me and Freya) out tonight to give him a rest

Sunday 22 April 2012

'Tween Pics

And I was looking for my reference about how to link to a lower picture and couldn't find it. Looked on that Interweb and confused myself even more trying to put the wrong command in.

Eventu-(f**king)-ly I found my example of how to do it and it finally worked


Wow. What a weekend I have had, at SoS 2112. We went up on Friday and were one of the first to arrive. On Friday I mat a chap who said "Hello Neil, I never met you before your accident but I can't tell you how much better you seem now than 3 years ago when I fifest met you at an Ixion do" so I don't really know what to say to that.

On Saturday Gordon had to bring in a very grubby bike because he had just fallen off, but he was unhurt. I am struggling with how he crashed and got up and picked his bike up and I am so ill

Also on Saturday we came back to the hotel for lunch, she said "Sorry no chef" and we went and had a nice lunch elsewhere. The same night she said that 5 minutes after we left the chef came in and she tried to phone us but there is almost no mobile coverage there

And someone also was wearing a T-shirt that said "Rock'n'roll with MS". I thought what and asked him, he said it was his band and a friend of theirs had a child who suffers from Multiple Sclerosis so it was to raise cash for them

For the whole weekend I was torn between thinking "Compared with my life 10 years ago I am f*cked" and "Compared with my life 9 years ago I am so much better"

And the local brewery supplied beer there
And a local festival was publicised everywhere

And I was so impressed with marvin's t-shirt that I went to the supplier he told me he got it from and bought one for me

Saturday 21 April 2012


i am being tokd off for having negative thoughts so.....

"Isn't it a nice day, here I am in a beautiful place with a good crowd of folk..."

Friday 20 April 2012

What a day

First I packed my bags for SOS then Sara the physio came in and really hurt me to make my arm better

Thursday 19 April 2012

Dr Richard

Then came down the chap who was here for a number of hours, recording and videoing me talking. His name was Dr Richard Body, speech & language therapist and he is on my side putting my claim together. He did say some interesting stuff and gave me an example from his tape device of how I need to speak slowly and louder and clearer (which I was capable of doing, unlike some of his patients) in order to make my voice more understandable
So practising now, every time I speak


Then we had to take that Toby chap and buy him some food, as they had cut off his dole without telling him so he had to reapply s'morning. Now he is a proper doley, sign on every fortnight and get hassle off the staff etc


So Paul came round s'morning and he soon took me to the Doctors for a follow up appointment on my swollen left leg. He said it is still slightly swollen but nowt to worry about. He said that I should try resting my leg on a cushion when I am in bed

Wednesday 18 April 2012


And we went to the first folk club that I have been to this week later and it was excellent


Then I was put off by Sarah OT not coming today, her kids are off school today, apparently.
I have been lost in Harry Potter world since and Timmy is now cleaning

Wiv Timmy

Then Timmy came in s'morning. A bit later I ruined the world by getting in my car and being driven to (More Reasons To Shop At) Morrison's to buy £2.00 worth of Blueberries

Tuesday 17 April 2012


Then that Toby came round. As I had felt unsettled this week and didn't have a "learn to cook this" organised for him we just went out and I bought us dinner


Then s'morning me and Paul went to the gym which was as much fun as always but I am still getting better. Afterwards we stopped and had lunch there.
And for the first time yes, I was walking a long way but Paul had to catch me when I tripped over a chair-leg
Later today we have arranged to take that Toby chap out for his dinner too, so I will only have eaten breakfast here today
(And it's a reference to a Mary Poppins song - this Gym-miny thing)

Monday 16 April 2012

Burry Port

And then tonight we are going out to Burry Port Folk Club
Oh. But then Ed told me he had just been sick so he had to go home. No Folk Club tonight then


They we spent all afternoon running a new version of Norton Antivirus scanning my PC. Good lord but it is effective but it has taken 2 hours so far and there is still the 3rd hard drive to do
And we are still waiting for it to finish
And it is still going. Today's lesson is OVERNIGHT

Bigger Bin

And I was trying again to make my recycle bin icon bigger. It said "Right click anywhere on desktop, click Properties...." but Properties didn't come up when I clicked. I thought panic.

Then later I looked again, same result but this time I noticed it said "Size" at the top of the right click menu. Investigated and it then said Small icons, Medium icons or Big icons


So I went shopping with Ed s'morning. When we were on the way there I said "Can I not walk today" as I felt uneasy. He said "No, I will come behind you pushing your wheelchair". So fairy nuff, I still felt unable, uneasy but tried it. I walked the whole way around the shop, I could have walked much further if we needed to. But I felt too scared to walk
And before we set off he protested to me, tried to persuade me to take off my "I'm a pirate" hat, but we mat loadsa kids about 3 years of age who said "He's a pirate" to their parents then laughed when I said "Pieces of eight" to them

Sunday 15 April 2012

Aargh - I Had The Ability Already

And I got fed up with Gimp to try and stick together 2 jpg's so I deleted that and searched the Interweb again for another solution. One solution said "Download a program called Irfanview, it's easy". But Irfanview is the graphics editor I use and I had never found a "Stick 2 pics" together mode. So I looked at it again and oh dear, good lord etc. Under the Image menu it sez "Create Panorama Image" and there it is, put other pics at the bottom or to one side etc, it works the size automatically etc


And ho hum, TimMY was on again today....

Saturday 14 April 2012


Then tonight I thought "Oh, I had today's meal at lunchtime, better have salad for tea", but then I thought "No, wan't warm food".... So tonight for dinner, wanting small but warm food, I had a chip butty for tea, and 4 spare chips. Just one piece of bread and a few chips. YUM YUM it was good


Then we met up with Freya and all headed over to the Laugharne Weekend sort of folk festival (noisy link), and it was good entertainment. There is another band playing tonight and more tomorrow but we had to miss those. But what we saw was very entertaining


Then TimMY took me exploring and we went into the shop that Sam told me he bought my birthday hat in. Good lord, there was some radical bargains and some very expensive Hippy stuff. They apologised and said it wasn't wheelchair friendly but we said "'Cos there's no room" but it was well worth a look


So TimMY came over s'morning. If it stops raining we want to look at the shop where Sam bought my hat, then we are picking up Freya who is coming into town to meet us

Friday 13 April 2012


And Paul took me out to have dinner tonight as I think he's worried about me. it was very nice but I need to stop eating at their expense so much, I think I deserved it today tho


So Paul came in s'morning and after some farting about he took me to the coast with my hot air balloon so I could let it off and say goodbye to my sister during the funeral in Scotland

Thursday 12 April 2012


And I thought that as Freya had an extra dinner at my expense I'd better take Toby out for an extra so I did
And it was delicious, in the Frankie and Benny's


Then we went off to the (ashamed) Tesco's place and bought 4 days worth of Blueberries (Wow!!!) and loads of quids worth of toothbrush heads


Then later in the day the chap came to service my boiler and he said that it was all fine, working well and not leaking


So Ed came up s'morning closely followed by the chiropodist who I told about the broken nail last time but this time she cut all my nail's better than last time anyway
My left big toe nail looks almost properly cut back now while my right big toe is almost cutting length now

Wednesday 11 April 2012


So s'afternoon we didn't do much then this evening we went to Llanelli to the Folk Club which wasn't busy at all for ages then loadsa folk arrived
And I usually drink Whiskey Macs here but they didn't have very many left tonight as last night they had a run on gin and ginger wine


Then we went off to Carmel to the Grasslands Trust property which I am checking out for dumping etc. The first gate we saw had loadsa black bin bags dumped but that was it all for today. Someone had opened one of the later gates but no other evidence so dunno why.


What a stressful hour we have had already, me and Timmy. I have to pay for more "stuff" that they should pay for but I am stuck mid-changing representative

Tuesday 10 April 2012


After my nap we went and picked up the kids and went to Swansea to go bowling. Oh what a day, I won the first game then Toby got better I let them win a game

Gym Crisis

After that I went to gym, what a crisis we had. The lift upstairs was broken, no-one could fix it, after about 20 minutes we had to take another lift to another room and have 2/3 of a gym class


And I was in bed s'afternoon when a member of Leonard Cheshire staff came to my door, ignored the do not knock sign, eventually read it and went away again


First thing me and Paul went and bought a blown up helium balloon. We discussed it and decided to have it blown up today. When we brought it home I was able to write on the side of it, quite well and legibly, "To Carly, thank you and goodbye, from Neil, xxx"

It nearly made me cry writing that but it is done


More walkies. Kitchen, washing up, thru lounge to bathroom, sit on loo for a few minutes then stand up and clean teeth and floss and mouthwash then walk back to.... oh no, forgot my bag, turn around walk and get it turn once more and walk to living room and chair

Monday 9 April 2012


A few months ago I stopped having to say "YES" when I deleted and made them go away, not Recycling. More recently I had them not going to the Recycle Bin but I had to say "YES". A few nights ago I made it so I don't have to click "YES, delete this" but it does go to the Recycle Bin, which I usually have to empty every couple of days but it lets me check if I have deleted accidentally
I like it best like this


Good lord, I am actually watching a proper TV program tonight
Bored with it now, watched half an hour
OK, with various distractions it it still on and being listened to, it goes over in about 3 minutes


Good lord. While Ed was still here I snuck off to the bathroom and actually had a shower not just washing my 'pits. Then cos Ed was here he dried my shins/ankles put on more cream then splinted me properly

Out To Play

But me and Paul are taking the kids bowling and for dinner tomorrow night for my birfdé
And immediately after that conversation we also talked about me letting off a balloon for Carolyn on Friday when she is being buried


A bit with Ed s'morning but not going to a Folk Club tonight as a) I need to have a shower before we go out with the kids tomorrow, and b) They said there is none this week as it's just after Easter

Sunday 8 April 2012


And it occurs to me... Now that I am gonna be getting more staff perhaps I need to practice being clean to a woman. After I have said...... Gosh even the thought is hard work


And my Dad phoned me again, I don't think he needed to talk to me but he needed to speak to his Still Alive Son


Then this afternoon me and Ed went out exploring the local area. First of all we passed a castle that has the builders in followed by Paxton's Tower which has been described as "A Gothic Tower, Erected by the late liberal-minded Possessor, in Commemoration of our Noble Hero, Lord Nelson"

Ding Again

So Ed came round s'morning. There is no point going to shops as they are all closed for Easter but he did agree to cut my hair as my parents aren't over this weekend.

Saturday 7 April 2012


Then tonight my parents phones me. What can I say, they were saying "You are still alive and your precious sister isn't" etc

(Weep bitter tears)


And Ed came up s'morning, sat on the laptop then he asked me "What have u planned for today?". OK he is still on the laptop now.....
Still on the laptop...
And he's all gone home now, left me alone. And he has said "I am leaving my phone on if you need to talk" because they are all so worried about me, but he's gone now and I am as bored as I usually am on a Saturday night

Friday 6 April 2012


Then me and Paul drove past many beautiful places in Pembroke (inc where he lives) and it was all beautiful, too hilly but beautiful
We ate there too, so next week I need to start cooking again


We went into town, drove past Aardvark in town, paniced a bit 'cos it is shut, hoped the other Health Food Shop wouldn't be, turned the last corner and it was the only open shop in sight. Phew. They had been empty all afternoon as town is shut for Easter but one of the health practitioners upstairs was still there so they had to stay open.


And Paul came in and said "You stink, need a shower". As I had a wash my arm pits and bits wash last night I was brave enough to actually have a shower.

Now it is.... (Shhh)

Well it wasn't as unpleasant as last time so I might...... I might even shower more regularly now I am getting better


AGAIN, I am getting better.

Slowly but at all

Thursday 5 April 2012


And then I had to beg Ed to take me out to dinner again as I feel like sh*t say in here ATM


And we are off to Dacey's in a bit to get my splint fixed And what a performance that was. First of all we called in to the Sand Martin and waited for Denyse.
Eventually she txted me and said "Go ahead, order anyway, I will be there soon" so we did. And the veggie burger I had was possibly the nicest one I have eaten in about 15 years. She came in the end and expressed concern for me following my sisters death. She did give me a birthday card 4 next week, and told me that someone has applied for interim funding to get me moved out of here which is a bit exciting, we should hear in the next month or so
AND they did fix my splint
AND she did agree with me to actually send Ed home tonight, eventually, they are worried about me

More Walkies

And I managed walking to the kitchen then walking straight to the bathroom s'morning. It was difficult standing still for long enough to clean me teeth(1) but I managed

(1) I have a modern toothbrush with built in timer, then I need to floss then mouthwash

Wednesday 4 April 2012

Big Pee

And I noticed tonight, after I had been sat listening to music for ages, that when I eventually went for a pee that it took ages. Obviously summat is improving


And tonight they were excellent, playing a variety of new folks tunes


Then we went out to the Doctors, he gave me a fortnights supply of Antibiotics and another tube of cream for my feet, which he hjas now added as a repeat script
Then we nipped to Argos and bought a camp bed so if staff have to stay again they don't need to sleep on't floor


Then Denyse told me that Carolyn died s'morning. Dunno what to say....


Then Tim came in, followed by a knock on the door and it was Sam (my son) and his Girlyfriend Emma. We talked for a bit, he filled me in on some missing elements and agreed to write some notes for me.

Still Good

And I walked into kitchen then the bathroom again s'morning


Because my sister was rushed into hospital yesterday Ed came down to sleep on my living room floor last night, in case I was struggling

Tuesday 3 April 2012


And Denyse came to tell me that my sister has had a Cerebral Aneurysm and is now unconscious in intensive care in Scotland. My parents are there already, my brothers are following but I couldn't bear it being amongst so many sad relatives etc so I am not going.

Just sh*t, sh*t, sh*t


And we need to go back to t'GP today and try to find out why my left leg is swelling up, and get a repeat 'script for Diprobase
Change of plan, Denyse wants to come over to tell me summat "important" so GP will have to wait 'til tomorrow


So today we had to go to t'gym, it was as much fun as it normally is, I did loadsa exercises and could really tell how much better that it is making me

Good Again

And because my bowels were behaving again s'morning I walked to the kitchen, did my washing up, walked back into the living room, poured my coffee still on-foot, walked to the bathroom, brushed my teeth and had a pooh, all with no wheelchair

Monday 2 April 2012


Then tonight we went to Burry Port to the Folky Club and it was good, not as empty as last week


Then I had an email off Denyse saying that her car is fixed and she want's to catch up on our missed session in Cardiff on Thursday when I am down at Dacey's


Then with Ed I went to Morrison's and did loadsa shopping, more than usual because I am teaching Toby how to make curry on Tuesday. But then we had to go to Tesco's and try buying blueberries again, the ones in Morrison's were best before tomorrow


As I was eating my breakfast s'morning I was thinking "Sh*t, I need a pooh soon" so I rushed to the sink in my wheelchair and then rushed to the bathroom in my 'chair. Oops

Sunday 1 April 2012

Better #2

Aaaah, this morning I walked it all again