Can someone suggest a "Help me" page
Sunday, 30 September 2012
Table or .div
I got stuck in looking at how to keep 3 pictures in a row and write beneath each one. So I could sort out one of my pages, but just no, way too complex. I either need to write a table or else do a .div neither of which I have any experience of and it all looks far too complicated for my poorly memory to come to terms with.
What a day #2
Then the hot water stopped coming out of the taps. The boiler was still on, the radiators were still hot but no hat water. So I tried hot tap again, it ran for about 30 seconds then stopped. So in the bathroom instead of a bath I filled a basin full of water and washed in that.
We phoned landlord and he said "I am in Carmarthen, see u in a bit", came round, did some adjustments which matched the ones we had tried but the hot water is back now.The magic touch, I think (noisy link)
What a day #1
So today I managed to watch half a motorcycle race, I sort of enjoyed it, it didn't upset me as much as it did last time I watched
Saturday, 29 September 2012
Splintless Day
And it only occurred to me when I started getting ready for bed, my splint is still sitting on my bed side table where I set it last night. All day has been in wheelychair mode, no walking at all
Pepper from my Trug
Then for dinner tonight we had pasta, a fried pepper that I had grown on my Trug and Lloyd Grossman's sauce which was delicious but it felt a bit like cheating as I opened a jar and heated it up, QED, no actual cooking
Dimmer Switch
And my dimmer bulbs arrived s'morning. But they wouldn't fit in the lamp by my bed. I thought we'd better go lamp shopping but Ed proved to be very useful and swapped that lamp for one in the other room and the new dimmers fitted, it was well cool.
THEN I got in a tiz trying to take a set of pics of the brighter bulbs. If my camera was set to auto every picture looked the same so I had to d/l a manual for my camera and read that. In the end I couldn't manage, but a shout of "Ed" brought a very clever chap running and together we were able to take a series of pics with a discernible difference visible between one and the next.
Then he had to give me some velcro bits to let me stick the brightness control by my bed
THEN I got in a tiz trying to take a set of pics of the brighter bulbs. If my camera was set to auto every picture looked the same so I had to d/l a manual for my camera and read that. In the end I couldn't manage, but a shout of "Ed" brought a very clever chap running and together we were able to take a series of pics with a discernible difference visible between one and the next.
Then he had to give me some velcro bits to let me stick the brightness control by my bed
Friday, 28 September 2012
And we went to Waverley Stores s'afternoon and got veg, milk, juice etc
There one of the members of staff was most scathing about another menmber of staff who had tried to retell one of my jokes last week and had been laughing so hard she had got it wrong
There one of the members of staff was most scathing about another menmber of staff who had tried to retell one of my jokes last week and had been laughing so hard she had got it wrong
And we went swimming today. Oh what fun. But this time I was brave enough to not wear a t-shirt and no-one pointed and laughed. No-one.
While we were there we spoke to the lifeguard and he agreed to rescue me, if necessary, next week after I have jumped in, and suggested about a safety device I can borrow/use on my way in
Thursday, 27 September 2012
More Fun
And we are going out to the "eat your dinner here" folk club in Carmarthen soon. 2 local Folk Clubs, both on once a month, one night after one night
And wasn't it excellent. We got Freya from school at about a quarter to six (1), took her there a bit later and everyone was excellent(1) Brought her back here to eat mince pies first
And after lunch it was time for Gym. As usual I was a bit grumpy because it is still, so difficult to walk. S'pose a year ago I wasn't able to walk without my 'stick so.....
But today I was practicing again at the 1 step upwards tool. A few weeks ago I tried to stand upwards with my right foot. To no avail, I couldn't manage it with my right leg. However today I could do it with both feet, whichever one I chose. So I am getting better even tho it fills me with such joy being there
But today I was practicing again at the 1 step upwards tool. A few weeks ago I tried to stand upwards with my right foot. To no avail, I couldn't manage it with my right leg. However today I could do it with both feet, whichever one I chose. So I am getting better even tho it fills me with such joy being there
Wednesday, 26 September 2012
Off Out
So tonight I am venturing out to a monthly folk night in Blue Parrot, Carmarthen
And it was as excellent as to be expected. But someone had tidied up the recipes for the "cochtails" so I made do with a pint of rather nice scrumpy cider. Or 2 or 3
Nokia Suite
And I said to Ed "I downloaded this tool to transfer txt messages onto my PC but it wouldn't work - look" clicked the program again and it did work today which it wouldn't do last night
So s'morning I had to go to the dentist, to see a dentist and a hygenist. I forgot to ask the hygenist whether my teeth were looking clean enuf but.....
The dentist did say that I was much better at walking than last time she saw me and I said "Give me a couple more months then I will be able to chase you!"But she did say "Oh filling there, make another appointment" which I did
Tuesday, 25 September 2012
B B C C Busy B W W
Good lord, so tonight at 8.25 I actually got to sit down at my 'puter, not doing owt, not writing my BLOG just sitting down to actually read some email. The first email in my file said "8.55AM".
Bang bang chop chop busy busy work work, apparently
Bang bang chop chop busy busy work work, apparently
Then that Toby chap, whose date last night didn't show up, came again for tea. While he was here I made him make me a load of flapjacks which I was gonna give him half of but he said "No ta, loads of birthday sweeties in my house already"
Big Shopping Spree
Then I went into town and went into, in the end 3 shops, to buy everything that was on Sara's shopping list of things to help me exercise. 3 flippin' shops!!! But we got it in the end, charged to Anthony's account
As seen in pic, back to front, left to right, bouncy ball, throwing smaller ball, non slip mat for under my standing exercises, loadsa various weights and ankle and wrist weights
Denyseing and OTing
So Denyse came today at the same time as the council temp occupational therapist. First of all me and the OT talked about my needs and wants, eg a new bigger loo seat and a new carry food trolley
Then Denyse got stuck into her big lista stuff, dating sites(1), swimming(2), who am I, my timetable etc &c .
(1) Not yet, Denyse will see me in January and p'raps decide then
(2) Jumping in now!!!
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Then Denyse got stuck into her big lista stuff, dating sites(1), swimming(2), who am I, my timetable etc &c .
(1) Not yet, Denyse will see me in January and p'raps decide then
(2) Jumping in now!!!
(sent from my phone)
Monday, 24 September 2012
What fun
So s'morning Ed changed my bed for me and is now gonna take me shopping for more weekly bits then he is gonna take me to the new (more) local cycling place
(1) Some on tandems, some on pedal with your hands machines &c
And yes, WHAT FUN, we went to Morrisons where I didn't need to buy too much stuff. Came back here, gonna have lunch then we will nip over to the cycling place, not for a cycle today, just to check it outAnd it looked OK, we weren't there to cycle today, just check it out and it looked busy but well cool. There were a number of people "cycling"(1) who were much more disabled than me, but all seemed happy
(1) Some on tandems, some on pedal with your hands machines &c
Sunday, 23 September 2012
And for dinner tonight I had naan bread pizza with garlic and herb roast potatoes
Now the garlic potatoes, at the start of the meal I wasn't sure that I could taste the garlic but by the end I was sure that I could. I dunno why, perhaps my tongue is getting used to garlic again or perhaps my mind is being told that this is extra delicious because... and it is starting to sink in. Gord knows but it was delicious for me anyway
Now the garlic potatoes, at the start of the meal I wasn't sure that I could taste the garlic but by the end I was sure that I could. I dunno why, perhaps my tongue is getting used to garlic again or perhaps my mind is being told that this is extra delicious because... and it is starting to sink in. Gord knows but it was delicious for me anyway
More Coffee Machines
So my new Cafetiere wasn't pleasing me slightly as the lid wasn't sitting on it properly so we nipped out to Tesco's and spent £8 on a new one with a different lid arrangement
Saturday, 22 September 2012
Strange Film
So Dicky brought in 2 DVD's today, one of them is stuck in the telly DVD player, won't play or eject, but I was eventually(1) able to watch "Wall-e" on my PC. it was strange but rather good
(1) After downloading a new "Watch DVD"s program
(1) After downloading a new "Watch DVD"s program
Standing On Toes
Then today as recommended by Sara t'other day I lifted myself onto my toes and my heels 10 times
Friday, 21 September 2012
Then we took that Toby chap out for a birthday meal as he is just 18 now. So we had a pie and a pint (or 3) and it was lovely.
My first born son is a grown up now, how old must I be?
My first born son is a grown up now, how old must I be?
Then I took Freya's school work that she left here yesterday into her school. We parked and I was being pushed towards the school when Freya and Julia showed up in a car.
Freya had been in hospital for a MRI scan which turned out to be OK. She has an inflammation but it will hopefully be better, apparently
So Sara the Physio came s'morning and did loads of stepping and walking and balance exercises, including not leaning over when I walk etc which hurt loads but was worth it. I thought I had stopped leaning one way when I walked but she was polishing the cake
Thursday, 20 September 2012
Grumpy Busy Girl
Then Freya came round and was way too busy doing her homework to even speak to me, but there you are
Jim Jiminy, Jim Jim Jaroo!
And we went to Gym afterwards and it was scarier than usual, I feel as if my right foot was turning over when I walk but Ed says it looks OK.
In class there were a variety of people who are as ill as I was last year, dunno what to say but if you do work hard you can be weller.On the exercises routine I was actually able to step up with my right foot first, I couldn't do that last time I tried
More Shopping
So then today me and Paul nipped out shopping, because the blueberries from Morrison's are not as long lasting as the ones from Waverley Stores, who finished their blueberries last week, for the season
Wednesday, 19 September 2012
Drinking Slowly
And tonight I am actually drinking slowly. Gosh it feels different, recently I have been pouring a glass and necking it in the kitchen. But tonight I am attempting to enjoy the flavour etc
And it did for Matt, I mustn't go down that path
Then we went out to Saundersfoot for no apparent reason but it was special and loads boats were parked there
Tuesday, 18 September 2012
And when I got back from gym today there was a card thru the door. "We tried to deliver but you weren't here, in post office after 3pm". So we went along and there was the makings of a bird feeder which my brother sent over for me
And I went to the gym s'morning. As had been decided last week I got pushed into the building then stood up and walked the rest of the way. With no walky stick today. Apparently I have won on that leaning over to one side thingie. But it is still very hard work, but I managed. So tomorrow it will be a little easier etc
Monday, 17 September 2012
Clap Hands
And as I am at an excellent folk club tonight I need reminding. After each song I am tapping my left hand on the table "No Neil you can clap again". I have been able to clap for 2 or 3 weeks, after 9 years of not being able to. I just can't recall
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(sent from my phone)
And as recommended by Denyse I managed to get a free copy of a book about making the brain get better. I haven't read any yet but it may be useful tomorrow etc
Lost Sum Weight
Well, last night I was weighed again and this week I have lost 2 lbs. Slowly but surely, at least I lost some
So me and Ed nipped to Morrison's, got the shopping, tried some potato waffles and another kind of frozen spud that isn't an oven chipas we are trying to broaden my diet
And they were actually quite good
Sunday, 16 September 2012
Saturday, 15 September 2012
Not tomorrow, tonight!!!
Were going out tonight and oops, tonight it is on, not tomorrow
And it was excellent. Clive played loads, I read out 3 poems and it was just generally excellent
Poohing Today
And I woke up s'morning, felt it and thought "First?" but squeezed it and ate sum breakfast before going to t'loo
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(sent from my phone)
Friday, 14 September 2012
So for dinner tonight I made stir fry veg and a Morrison's curry soz. It said on the jar cook chicken then add this but I cooked veg then added it. And it was really nice, delicious. It took about 5 mins to cook, then half an hour on the cooker, yum
AND tonight I tried some of my olive oil with chilli's in. I tasted it, thought "Can't taste owt" but I think the curry was significantly hotter than it would have been without it
More Slimming
Then today I had my first toast with slimming marge instead of butter.
It was actually OK, the marge is not so bad and I could put it on a lot thinner, so.....
Woe Is Me
So last night I thought "Oh g*d, better go swimming in t'morning", arranged my bags full of more clothes, towels etc s'morning, changed my pants for swimming trunx to make it easier there, then the phone rang. Oh, no swimming today as I have gotta do other stuff
Hooray but I have just spent ages getting ready, then nearly as long getting un-readyBut as last night "they" said s'morning swimming b4 lunch I thought "OK, no shower tonight as in an hour I will be in't pool in't morning..." so I will have to have a shower just after lunch today
Thursday, 13 September 2012
The Young Ones
For some reason I searched for an episode called Bambi, watched it and it is relatively amusing, still
More Fun
Then all my staff were in the kitchen for a meeting but lord, I had to make my excuse and leave
Afterwards I spoke to Denyse and asked her about the reports that were written about me way back when. She has not 1, not 2, but 3 lever arch files full of the paperwork from back then. We sorted out that it is the neuropsychologists report I wanna see and will see it in a fortnight when Denyse comes back
What Fun
So no gym today (hooray) because a) the physio lady is coming to see me to talk about extra balance exercises etc, then b) there is gonna be a team meeting here to discuss my immediate future etc, so not really hoorayish but still, gymless
Good lord, she brought loads more exercise sheets for me and tried most of 'em. Which was wearing but I could tell how surprised she was that I am so wellAnd we did loadsa walking upright with my staff gripping my right arm and keeping me walking properly straight. You must do it and learn
Normal Poohing Once More
So back to normal (after breakfast) poohing again today.
So phew
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So phew
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Wednesday, 12 September 2012
Now Wednesday Visitor
And Freya came over for the first of her new Wednesday visits. I was a bit bored, what should we do together?
But she won't be able to nick my chocolate in Waverley Stores any more. I have reduced to one treat per week, a bar of Green&Blacks from there
STILL No additions
And I walked on my own two feet to bed s'afternoon, again.
And I took my wheelchair to bed, in case I need it in the night and didn't sit on it at all in the night. So p'raps I will have to try walking to bed in the night too tonight
And I was able to leave my 'chair half a room away whereas yesterday I left it at the door to the hall
And I took my wheelchair to bed, in case I need it in the night and didn't sit on it at all in the night. So p'raps I will have to try walking to bed in the night too tonight
Weirdo McPhone-call
So I had just finished my lunch today. My BT landline phone rang so I went out of the room and answered it. "Hello, is that Mr Gareth Williams?" he said, "No" I replied.
"Why not" he asked me
"Why not" he asked me
Had I thought about it I should have said "Because I am a burglar" or summat but I was too surprised
Voluntary Working
So today we will drive off to Carmel and if necessary take photos of broken bits
And it almost all looked perfect except for 1 gate, someone had nicked it, removed a whole farm gate
Early To Poo
So I woke up s'morning. Most mornings I have my breakfast THEN a poo, but today I felt it was more urgent so today I needed a poo first.
Shock horror etc
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Shock horror etc
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Tuesday, 11 September 2012
No additions
And I have just gone to bed on just my own two feet. Wheelchair = no, and walkystick = NO too. All by myself
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(sent from my phone)
Oh What A Beautiful Morning
Well What A Morning anyway.
So first of all me and Timmy went into Wilkinson's and bought a full length mirror, well a fuller length one. Sarah the Physio is coming here Thursday morning and she will make use of it
So first of all me and Timmy went into Wilkinson's and bought a full length mirror, well a fuller length one. Sarah the Physio is coming here Thursday morning and she will make use of it
THEN we went to gym, where once again I walked in from the car park. Once again I was too knackered to do much exercises but not as knackered as last week, so obviously summat is improvingAnd I took the opportunity of being in Wilkinson's to purchase another 2 reuseable shopping bags which cost me the grand total of 90 pence
Monday, 10 September 2012
I Can Walk
Yes. Yes. Yes. I can walk without my walky stick!!!!! I have just walked from in front of my PC, across the living room, down the hall, across the bathroom, and back without my 'stick and without holding on to anything I was passing.
For ages I have been too scared to try walking halfway across the room with no 'stick but I just managed.
For ages I have been too scared to try walking halfway across the room with no 'stick but I just managed.
But not too far
So even after doing my walk earlier tonight I am attached to wheelchairing...
After I bumped into someone from Headway a few weeks ago I s'pose I'd better try and show some interest so I will be there tonight
And it was as interesting as was expected but a couple af members said "Well done Neil" as I am showing people how f*cked they can be then get better....
Bitter Tears
Well, I watched The Best Of Men and actually started crying towards the end. It was good, us cripples were shown well and.....
Sunday, 9 September 2012
(Pics of) Eating with my right hand
And today it occurred to me that I haven't used my right handed spoon for ages, so I gave it a go today. Now it doesn't look as "proper" as my left hand does but the more I use it the better. Now I thought, when I was eating breakfast, that I should use the timer on my camera to take a pic. In the first one I had no head

and in the second one when I leaned my camera on a coaster I only had half a head

so I had to use 2 coasters piled up to take the proper looking final photo

and in the second one when I leaned my camera on a coaster I only had half a head
so I had to use 2 coasters piled up to take the proper looking final photo
Shop, shop, shopping
And Timmy said "Do you need to go to Morrison's today, as I need...." so "No, but yes". So today I will buy the ingredients to Freya's tortilla's and some other "extra" stuff, then tomorrow I will get some salad and my usual weeks shopping
OK, we got everything on my list apart from salad, I think my and Timmy make a good team shopping
So me and Ed were in my living room s'morning. I said "I can't walk the 6 steps to my other chair as I have no splint on, where's my walky stick", he said "Go for it" and moved into a position where he could catch me if needed. I managed to walk properly, upright, lifting my right foot etc so I can walk further than my confidence suggests, I AM GETTING SO MUCH BETTER SO QUICKLY that I can't keep up
Saturday, 8 September 2012
Irish Politics
Today I put up another webpage and this time it's name included 1690. Which for those of us with an awareness of Irish politics is the date of The Battle Of The Boyne when "us" protestants won
This may partly to be why I tell folk that I am a heathen
So my bro is on his way, from Bristol airport, for a 21 hour visit.
I am cooking for him unless he insists on taking me outAnd very strange it was too. He came over a couple of hours after he was expected as traffic had been bad, ate dinner with me, watched Dr Who then it was time for him to leave, he will only be here for about an hour in't morning then has to go again, back to Belfast. I know that it was a bit of a brief visit as he just want's to check on how I am but....
Friday, 7 September 2012
And Freya made it into the shop where we were shopping today and came back to mine afterwards. She really liked the Falafel but did not even eat the garlic potatoes which were much better cooked than yesterday. That was a bit disappointing, I wasn't overly impressed with them but did like them.
Afterwards we discussed attendance as from next week Freya will be attending Rangers every Friday and won't be able to come so we rearranged her visit to a Wednesday
Oh Dear
And as the summer holidays are over we better nip to the swimming pool.
I AM GETTING BETTERAnd as I was walking up and down the swimming pool I was able to concentrate a bit less on lifting my knee and walking properly with my right foot. I think I am beginning to learn properly how to walk, it is more automatic than last week
Just good lord, in the swimming pool stretching my legs upward, doing the breast stroke with both hands etc. In the couple of months since I have been there and I am so much better already
So last night I switched off my 'puter and nipped bedwards. On the was I switched on the laptop but it couldn't find my music files which are stored on this PC. It took me checking and showing Dicky that it is working again s'morning (which isn't what I was trying to show him) that it began to dawn on me.
Autoshutdown in an hours time, instead of switching off now is what I should have dun last night
Thursday, 6 September 2012
Ybot Again
And we took the rest of Toby's washing to him tonight and he was going straight out to meet a gurly, so god knows etc
And Dicky suggested that if the cooking goes well today one day next week we will make some garlic mushrooms to have with a french bread which, if it comes off, I think will be an addition to "Neil's easy dishes"
Well tonight's dish wasn't cooked properly, but lovely anyway, so hopefully it will be even more delicious when reheated and cooked a bit more tomorrow
And so me and Dicky went shopping, I bought some spuds, some double cream, some cheese etc which Dicky is gonna help me turn into Garlic Potatoes tonight, and there will be enuf left over that we can have it tomorrow when Freya comes to dinner too, with the Falafel mix that Freya reminded me to buy this week too. So yum yum in anticipation.
I had to buy some stir fry veg for the weekend too
Wednesday, 5 September 2012
Ybot again
And tonight I had to pick up Toby, do a load of his washing then drop him back. Hmmm, I feel a bit used but what choice does he have?
Sarah Jones
And we had a really important visit from Sarah the Occupational Therapist today as she wanted to finish off my views as she is putting together a big report for the court on how I am doing. She seemed really positive and gave me sum feedback on how well I am doing at this being in the real world
And she suggested I look into holidays abroad, perhaps starting with France or Spain then being more adventurous when I know I can cope...
Computer Genii
And this morning I was looking online for devices to listen to music from my PC in my bedroom, but they were very expensive and I didn't buy any. I mentioned it to Timmy and he said "You have a laptop in your bedroom, why can't it be in the sharing group?". Much fiddling about etc and now the laptop speakers can play any MP3 file on my PC in there, through it's own speakers.
Next query, after a bit of looking I found AUTO SHUTDOWN on my PC so I can set it to go to sleep a couple of hours after I have gone to bed, listening to the music, or read out books from my PCOh he is so clever this Timmy chap, it was all his fault that I sorted stuff out today
"Indeed, even the Soil Association's own president, Monty Don, acknowledged as much when he took on the role in 2008: 'I would much rather someone bought food that was local and sustainable but not organic than bought organic food that had to be shipped across the world'"
Interweb Stopped
Just at bedtime last suddenly the www started playing trix on me. would load but from that, the page called Getting.htm wouldn't load, after many trials, different browser etc it still wouldn't and Classic FTP wouldn't work either. So in disgust I switched it off and went to bed. This morning it all worked, phew
Tuesday, 4 September 2012
And Toby is coming over later for dinner. Today was his second day at college, his first proper day as they had an induction yesterday. Gosh, I hope (and pray) that it went well for him and he is doing summat proper with his life again
And it turns out "later" he has to stay in college 'til 7.30 tonight, so much later he will be hereNo, even l8r, dunno they must be talking about more important stuff so he said "C U again"
Big Team
So today I have got Dicky and Paul as my team, and they both wanna come to gym with me. Paul want's to assess me doing various stuff, possibly bicycling etc
Well they both came, were both making noises about how well I was, this week I cycled on a different bicycle which wasn't as comfortable as last weeks but I did itBut for the second time I walked from the car into the gym and then I didn't want to do more exercises as I was knackered
So I went to loo needing a pooh last night. I got there, farted loads and thought "Oh, gone now" and went back to bed.
Farted LOADS
Neil The-Hippy
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Farted LOADS
Neil The-Hippy
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Monday, 3 September 2012
And today I started the bar of chocolate that Freya left here t'other day. Just WOW, it is delicious, she chose an (expensive and) excellent bar for me to buy her
More Reason's To Shop At....
And we went to Morrison's s'morning and bought all sorts of stuff. We didn't buy any WitchDoctorWitchHazel which we couldn't find last week
but they do sell it on Amazon, so I bought some last night
No Shower
And the water has been turned off in this area today while they fit sum pipes. My big bottle is full, as is my kettle but no shower today. Woe is me (noisy video)
And by half past five the water was back on, properly fixed, so HOORAY I will be able to have a shower tonightAnd interesting, the next time I go up the street and see if they have filled in the hole that has been there ever since I moved in
Sunday, 2 September 2012
Brain A Bit F**ked
Mmmm, this is summat that happened 6 years before my accident but I have completely forgotten all details
More Lunch
And today I took out the toasting bags, some bread and some cheese. Luckily I checked the bread in the bag first, it wouldn't f**king fit. So I had cheese between toast again, not toasties.
I have bought some different toastie bags off Amazon, they look a bit biggerAnd tomorrow it is back to salad 'til Friday when hopefully my new toast maker will have arrived
Saturday, 1 September 2012
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