Sunday 30 June 2013

Bloody Sunday

Well, we nipped to superdoopermarket earlier, got all that was on my list.
After we came back I had a haircut as my haircut-worthy MOS is off for a bit after today

Saturday 29 June 2013


And I made the usual Saturday night treat of scrambled eggs, beans and toast. I managed to make it all in the microwave tonight, unlike last week when for some reason I decided to try it in a sauicepan again and made it nearly uncleanable.
And tonight I said to Ed, "I might need some help buttering toast" but I managed the whole cooking part of it, the only help I required was lifting it

Little Old Lady

Then s'morning Sarah Bailey the speech and language therapist came to see me, 13 minutes before she told me last time she was due. We talked about how well I communicate in various situations and from that she worked out what we will talk about in a fortnight when I see her next.
It was quite good, she suggested coming back in a fortnight, I will be busy with my parents next week

Friday 28 June 2013

Across The Universe

Then we nipped into Aardvark for the usual shop which went OK

Friday's Gymming

And we (a team) went to gym today and I nearly had to cry - no Sam today 

We did our usual extra work at Friday's class and I was exhausted by the end. One of the other students was in the lift back down with me and she commented on how much better I seem rather than 6 months ago

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Panic ye not

So we are heading off to my PromotedClass in a bit, me, SmallPaul and AwesomeAlex as a dream team. Hopefully it will be good

Thursday 27 June 2013

Better this month

So Iechyd Da folk night seemed better this month, more attendance by musos etc, I actually enjoyed it from start to finish this month
And this peeing every 15 minutes thing is so in the past. We left here at 6 to go and fetch Freya and I didn't go to the loo from then 'til about 10.45

Oh what chaos

So I was heading for the bath s'afternoon when suddenly I thought "Where's the washing basket and half my washing?". Oh dear, outside on the washing line (and sitting next to it) and it started raining about 7 minutes ago, it was cloudless when we put it out last night 

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Dry Day

So the swimming session that I was trying to make excuses for big style turned out not to happen. It was Alex had to come today to see how it's done but he forgot his trunx

Wednesday 26 June 2013

Out Tonight

And we went out tonight, eventually into The Drover and I had one pint and 2 double JD and Honey

Quiet Day

So as I am having a quiet day today we went to the supermarket s'morning and bought a pinta milk and not much else.
Then s'afternoon we are having such fun that I am paranoid about saying it's too quiet in case Denyse tells me off for saying 'I'm Bored' as she supplied a list of "fun" that I can do

Tuesday 25 June 2013

I want one

These Pirate Socks that I could only find one, with a hole in it, s'morning
Oh dear, I have bought one (OK, two) from Amazon now....


And for dinner tonight we had Kievs with cous-cous which, I think, was an awful fattening garlic butter type meal, but the "What you have eaten" on my iPad didn't think it was too bad


So today my MOS said "Okay dokay" to me, I thought in return "Out comes pooh", told him so and we both laughed and shrugged.

Later, when I was having my late nap, it occurred to me, it's Winnie-The-Pooh isn't it, from one of the stories, possibly "The Search For Owl"

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Late Sleep

And because we had had such a hectic day today it was nearly tea time before I went for my "early nooneraft" nap

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And we went into town to see the nutritionalist, me and Denyse and NaughtyNick. Gosh, we learned bugger all, I need to exercise more, nowt about eating (we took my iPad with diet recorder) nor drinking too much, basically she didn't know and was a bit negative feeling about my gland in my kneck


And today while recycling a MOS from there was working alongside us and chatting, she noticed my humanist badge and commented on how the Mayor of Carmarthen is an atheist this year and had caused some strife by having his meetings away from the church, just in a room


So we are off to Trysordy in a bit to take more photo's for their website. Which is quite good and interesting. Last week the camera ran out of battery half way thru so I had to get stuck into proper recycling work but they know it has to be charged today
And today the interior "taking pictures" space had been taken up by SAND from Carmarthen who were busy having a meeting so we sat outside, in the sun, and sorted out broken socks from thread etc

Monday 24 June 2013


So I have nothing on for the rest of the day but...... dunno actually


And we went gymming again today, as ever I worked really hard but on the cycle at the bottom of the foot pattern my right foot insisted on moving straight but my toes went loads downwards, it would come back into proper position half a second/a few degrees later but it felt wrong, so I only did 5 mins instead of my usual 10


Then today I have got my MOS from England, the cover chap, but it seems OK so far...

Sunday 23 June 2013


So Gareth has come in today and SPaul sais "No need for us to co-work, I shall bu**er off home for a few hours"

Nerve wracking but it seems OK

Gareth is here 'til 10 tonight, SPaul will be back before he leaves
Right, well, the day has just about gone and I am rather impressed. He seems quite pleasant and very eager to help me have a life too, so fingers crossed...

Morning Poohing

As SmallPaul commented that I hadn't written from the loo for ages, GOOD MORNING. Hope he's happy now...

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Saturday 22 June 2013


Then later we nipped out again to the proper Tesco's and spent a few quid on stuff for that Toby chap when he moves house in a coupla weeks. His new house is empty of furniture etc and Toby is still copying his fathers habits of getting drunk then being skint for the rest of his giro period

(Link on title)

Nipped Out

So me and Small nipped out to Wilkinson's, the old Tesco's, and bought some stuff to put on the petty cash account, gloves, printer paper etc

Obscure HTML Event

So today I was playing with obscure HTML stuff to put a logo next to the title of my webpage, and I even discovered it stands out more against a coloured background
And now I have finished this s'morning I'd better go for a pooh(1) and brush my teeth
(1) OK Paul, perhaps I haven't been mentioning poohing enuf recently....

Friday 21 June 2013


Oh wow, so Google tells me that someone had thought of this dinner that I thought I might have invented first


So then I early slept before we nipped to Aardvark, actually no, I played Solitaire when I should have been asleep, napped for 15 minutes then had to get up as the shop was nearly closing
But I did it all, remembered to take onions out of the freezer at lunchtime and cooked a delicious Naan Pizza for dinner

Late Lunch

So we had a late lunch today as I needed to be in my new gym class from 1 'til 2 s'afternoon and I think it is bed to eat then exercise excessively.
So again I walked round and round, punctuated by stopping and bending then walk some more for about 3/4 of an hour then sat down in stretchy position for 10 minutes then walked at the end


So Sarah the OT came here today and discussed my weight etc etc. She is much too busy to come next week but we have made another appt for 2 weeks time, after I have seen the dietician

Thursday 20 June 2013

Hooray, what fun

And we are off to the swimming pool in a bit..
So we went today and it was a bit strange having 3 of us in the changing room but it was OK


And I remembered to shut both curtains at the same time last night


So tonight I have a newbie caring for me, Gareth. I will know more how it's gone tomorrow, so...

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Wednesday 19 June 2013


So then we nipped across to Ferryside to the swimming pool that we might be using in the summer.
But no, there were too many steps etc and the floor was slippy etc etc

Shaun The Sheep

And last night next doors 18 month old son came out by himself, saw Shaun The Sheep and came straight across. Patted him on the head, bent down and was trying to pick him up and steal him when his father saw him and came running over

Tuesday 18 June 2013


So we nipped into Boots to buy an obscure sized battery for my bionessthingy and they said "Sorry, usually sell 'em but we have none ATM"
"But you could try here on't market"
And that led to Neil grinning later


And for dinner tonight we had veggie burgers and Batchelors cheese'n'brocolli bake which was absolutely lovely. I don't remember where the cheese'n'brocolli came from but if I see it again I will but 10

Voluntary Work

So me and NaughtyNick headed over to Trysordy the recycling place where again I took loadsa photos of stuff they are working on but then half way thru the camera ran out of battery. So instead I got stuck into loads of cones with a bit of thread left on, which I think came from a clothes factory so we had to split thread from the cones as both are sellable, seperately

Monday 17 June 2013

Fathers Day Pressie

And I got an excellent book from Freya, amongst other stuff
And I managed to read it, even tho it was a proper book with pages, I still managed
I think that is a compliment to the book and to me, getting better

Gym, Jim, Jeroo

And so we nipped to gym old fashioned class s'morning and it went OK etc.
On the cycle machine it was saying "Heart rate too fast" for about the first 3 minutes, and my excuse is that I only spoke to the beautiful assistant before I started, so I calmed down a few minutes later

First Time in 10 Years

So tonight I came into my bedroom and went to close the curtains. Instead of doing both curtains with my left hand, like I have been doing for more than 10 years today I stretched out both arms at once, gripped both curtains and closed them both. Easy. Now I need to remember my new technique tomorrow. And the day after. Etc etc

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Sunday 16 June 2013

Botanical Gardens

So we went out yesterday and had an excellent time with Freya at the National Botanic Gardens of Wales.
And it was really strange for me, I have no conscious memory of The Gardens but it feels familiar, as if I have been going there for years

What A Day

Phook, what a day. Until about dinner time from breakfast I was still stuck on my PC sorting out loadsa photos from yesterday, mainly from NBGW, but there were some others too

Saturday 15 June 2013


And Then me and AwsomeAlex and SmallPaul nipped into Carmarthen and went into 3 pubs and it was actually quite nice.
By my standards it was much too busy but in terms of Saturday night in town it is very quiet nowadays

Botanical Gdns

Just wow, the National Botanical Gardens were really special on so many levels for me and Freya, but I need to nap now, will write much more on my PC later.

But big ta to Freya for now, it was really good and special

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Botanical Gardens

And we are off in a bit to take Freya to The National Botanic Gardens of Wales, apparently we used to visit there years ago but I can't remember at all, I have no memory

Hot again

So the hot tap was hot again but I will need to ensure that "he" writes how he fixed it so my new staff will know how to cope if we have a similar emergency

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Friday 14 June 2013


And I went to another "promoted" gym class morning s'morning and did loads of walking etc. And I can see the differences in my walking, both in ways I move my right leg forward and how I lean on my 'stick 

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So Sara(h) the Occupational Therapist came round to see me s'morning and talked about calories and food so much that my brain exploded. But she left me some handouts and recommended some PC programs to try to get it all in track

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Hot once more

And having been to gym and shopping in Aardvark when we came back here for lunch there was hot water coming out of the tap again. [shrug]

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Hot Water

So there was no hot water coming from the taps s'morning. Ed had to do some clicking and banging in't cupboard under the stairs and it is working again now, still coolish but heating up

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Ooh, have I figured out how to do this from my phone?

Thursday 13 June 2013


And Freya came in for dinner etc tonight, so I had to cook 4 meals, me and Ed and Gareth and Freya's but it was nice. And nice to see her, and loose at cards too
And Freya is taking me out for Fathers Day a day early, on Saturday, which makes me feel a bit emotional
And Freya begged me once more to shave my lower lip tonight and for some reason I did just that


Then s'morning Sarah the physio came to see me and did loads of stretching my arms etc. We also did loadsa walking with no Bioness and she was quite impressed with how I manage that

Wednesday 12 June 2013


So Timmy insisted that I go swimming again today <sigh> As ever it was great fun and excellent therapy being in the swimming pool (if a little cold today) and as ever washing and drying after I was out was well stressful.
And again I laddered in and back out of the pool

Tuesday 11 June 2013


And on the way back home today we nipped into "More reasons to shop at..." and bought 6 packs of cous cous that serves 3 and some (org. and semi. skimmed) milk

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Treasure House

So today at Trysordy "she" gave me a camera and said "Take pics" so I have actually been promoted, so instead of my usual recycling work I had to get stuck in to photographing the whole institute. 

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We're Off

In a bit to that Trysordy place to do some voluntary work

Monday 10 June 2013

Big Delivery

Ooh, so the postman came today with my new Tablet, we have just got it up running and good lord, just wow


So I went to see the dentist s'afternoon and it was Ok but she x-rayed my teeth and said "Oops new hole there" so  we had to make another appointment

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More About Gym

So as I can't find a way of topping up old entries I will have to write another. (Unless any readers can tell me how to?)  So today's gym was knackering but I managed it

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Old Gym Class

Then I am off to my old gym class in a bit with my 2 members of staff who are here today.
Then afterwards I have a delivery then going to the Dentist

Sunday 9 June 2013


After the sh*t*y spring we had it is now so warm, I am still just wearing a t-shirt, for the fourth or fifth day running. It is nearly dark, at 5 to 10 and it is still warm enough for just a t-shirt

New Ringtone

And after much trials and tribulations eventually I fixed it and my phone has a new sound ringtone


I was sitting around tonight when suddenly there was a motorcycle noise from just outside, it was Stuart who had dropped over for a cuppa on his evening ride out. Which was nice


So first of all today we headed into Currys at Towy Ford Retail Park, Carmarthen, SA31 2BN but decided not to buy the iPad from there. So we came back and got stuck into Amazon and bought it much more cheaply from there. Apparently it is being delivered tomorrow, here's hoping not at the time I am at gym.
We also called into the Range, next door, and bought some pick'n'mix sweeties. As I am no longer on a diet...... well wait and see but I was feeling hopeful today
And we also, at The Range, bought some covers for plants, so hopefully I will actually get to eat some blueberries off my blueberry plants

Saturday 8 June 2013

More Reasons To Shop At.....

And we nipped to Morrison's a day early as we wanted to buy some blueberries and let Alex see our routine so we did it all. Gosh but it's a lot busier on a Saturday than a Sunday (noisy link)


And Alex was shadow shifting again. It went well, except he can't fix my hot water crisis

Friday 7 June 2013

Hello Newbie

And The Great Gareth actually turned out to be not too bad when he went home after his first day. He wasn't in my face but if I asked him he would answer etc


Then afterwards I had to make pizza for 3 not 2 so I bought some extra bases in Aardvark when I was doing my weeks shopping late s'afternoon

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Then after much business with GreatGareth we nipped to gym to do another of my promotion classes which Paul had never seen either.
Now afterwards I am ****ed but I have worked very hard

'Nother Newbie

And then today despite what "someone" told me yesterday another new MOS came in today. So GarethTheGreat1 came into shadow shirt along SmallPaul today

Thursday 6 June 2013

Wiv Freya

And then later today we went and picked up that Freya and for almost the whole night she was caught in conversation with TechnoTimmy and AwesomeAlex(1), my new MOS
(1) I am told to call him this not AwfulAlex


And we have in shadow shifting today one of my new MOS, AwfulAlex and today has gone alright so far


So we went swimming today and as much as I want to complain I did actually rather enjoy all the exercises

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Dreams, dreams

So last night I dreamt I was in bed, had a w*nk, sat up in bad to reach for a tissue and realised thar the member of staff who was sleeping on my floor was awake and looking at me. WTF?

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Wednesday 5 June 2013


So we are off to see the NHS Equivalent Of Bioness chap today to perhaps get one, see how it goes
But it is wonky, requires a wire attachment etc etc
Oh no, not at all. The consultant talked about many aspects of me, to my favour
"So we nipped to the posh hospital by Neath today and a new consultant saw me and was talking VERY wisely about my fatness etc. When she has written her report she will email me a copy then when I reply she will send a copy to Denyse
sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone"
One of the things she suggested may be an issue is this

Tuesday 4 June 2013

You Lucky Bugger

So when we came back to the car after walking towards the beach today Nick said "Whassat?" we decided we didn't know and came home. Later Nick was checking over the car, said "Where's that gone?" so we drove back to the beach and lying on the ground in the car park was the bit off the bumper from my car that had fallen off
So Nick has refitted it and seems to think it's OK so....


So this afternoon my and Naughty went exploring. We set off in one direction but then ended up on a single track road to Llansteffan  and we stopped and I was pushed along the coastal path
And I walked up the steps, got half way down the other side and said "No, gotta go back" etc but someone insisted we carry on and I did it
In the end I didn't have to do that up and down on the way back anyway, which was the cause of my concern

Treasure House

So then s'morning me and Nick headed off to Trysordy, which is a treasure place of recycling stuff instead of throwing it away and I did some more sorting stuff out to make it more sellable rather than throw-it-away-able
And they did say that next week I can take some photo's for their website, to improve it etc

Monday 3 June 2013


And I made a dinner tonight with cous-cous on the side instead of fattening cooked potato's which I have been using for a number of weeks. No, cous-cous is now my new favourite again


And by gosh but today is the summer, it's so hot, we have had to open the windows in my house and it is still too hot


So in a bit we are off to my old gym class.
So I was cycling but I decided not to take my "play music" device as it is a bit tricky to operate and I am trying to concentrate while I am there

Sunday 2 June 2013

Dull Day

So nowt much was happening today. Just befoe lunchtime me and SmallPaul headed off to Burry Port to look at the sea and have an ice cream. Just as we were about to leave a lorry started picking a boat out of the water so we had to stay for a bit until that was finished.
Then I had the first of my salad from my 'Trug for lunch which was a bit strange but nice

Saturday 1 June 2013


So as I have been up today since X-o'clock this morning- I have gone to bed early tonight so hopefully I will sleep. Tonight

Neil The-Hippy
From my phone, a BlackBerry Q10

Little Old Lady

Then s'morning Sarah Bailey, the speech and language therapist, came to see me and discussed me choking etc etc

Talk don't fight

And I heard a news story s'morning which filled me with joy. Some fascists turned up to riot and the mosque, instead of being scared invited them in for tea and biscuits
This fills me with joy, there is power in talking, not throwing stones etc

Early to bed, early to rise.....

And I got up s'morning because I had been awake etc for hours and that sleep seemed to be escaping me so got up at 6.30 s'morning
And my MOS who was asleep at the time complained loudly as he had to get up then to keep care of me