Tuesday 31 December 2013


Going To The Pub For Drinks


To one and all, I am off out in a bit so....
And we went off to pub and had a lovely time, seeing loads neighbours etc

And Good Lord

And I looked online and searched for some way of making txt from K-9 Mail client be bigger, readable.

And it f**king worked!!!

It was

And it is now#


So I went to the (beautiful) Doctor's s'morning and got the results of my blood test. She said I have immanant diabetes. Possibly I will be able to control it with eating carefully and drinking less
Hopefully I can control it like this and avoid medication
And she said I need another blood test....

Monday 30 December 2013


So the news about Brain Injury is in the news now...
Just shit, shit shit that it had to happen to someone but hooray that it is getting less unfamiliar


And me and SmallPaul went out to Morrison's today where we didn't have to buy as much as some weeks but we still shopped

Sunday 29 December 2013

Clean Up

And we took down the Christmas tree today to make my living room look a bit normal again...
But 12 days? Well 4??


Then we had to go to That Tesco Place and spend £6.50 on ten DVDs which we had to use 4 of making a Recovery Disk Set in case my PC explodes or summat

First Thing

And I got off my sheets etc and put them on to wash even before breakfast or a cuppa s'morning....

Saturday 28 December 2013

Quiet Day

Quiet Day today....

Friday 27 December 2013


Then later we first of all went to That Tesco's Place looking for a toaster that would take the whole bita bread, couldn't find one, they were all boxed and the staff couldn't help, so then we headed down to Curry's, went upstairs in the groovy lift then found the toasters. We bought one that looks an improvement so....

Belated Shopping

So because gym was on holiday today we were able to leave Aardvarking until 3.30ish, much more civilised

Quiet Day

Quiet day today after all the Xmas confusion. My parents txted my to tell me they got home so......

Thursday 26 December 2013

Bye bye

And after all the quiz commotion we all came back here and had a cuppa. Then I said "Farewell" to my visitors, they will be getting off early in the morning so I won't see them.
It wasn't as bad a visit as I expected. Come to think of it when they started social visiting I couldn't even sit up in bed buy now I have just learned to walk with the very clever FES device

Out For Lunch again

We have just been out for another lovely lunch. So we left the pub about 4pm so "they" went off leaving me and GarethTheCleverClogs to come back here. Imminent nap etc then we are going out to the local to do a quiz
And all 6 of us went down to the pub and did the Christmas quiz for the second year running. Last year we came 2nd last, this time we were 3rd from 8. So next year we should win

Wednesday 25 December 2013


And the Christmas dinner was a bit lovely, even if I did think "WTFs that" upon reading the menu but it was worth it. Now I am napping and Alex is taking Gareth to get the troops and Sam's girlfriend
And I did that walking in thingy again, walked half way across carpark, up the hill into place, then miles to table
And he is now taking them away again, back home, we had a very pleasant Christmas


So my parents and bruv's came over and passed pressies etc.
There is now a pile of presents marked Sam, Emme, Toby and Freya.....

Breakfast Watching

I was watching the end of Breakfast while having a late breakfast and they had all celebs wishing us a Happy Christmas. One chap said "Remember if that relative is pissing you off it's only for one day"

Tuesday 24 December 2013


So tomorrow morning I have to phone them and say "Up" then they are gonna come over and "do" Christmas

On The Way

So they are in Carmarthen already, my Mum, Dad, big bro and little bro. They are waiting for me to phone 'em and say "Napped" then they will come out and see me
I am waiting for Ed to finish in the loo, come out and put my FES on me then I will phone 'em
And we went out and had a lovely, but a bit big, meal. It was more civilised than I thought, quite good
But when we got there, parked half a car park away, I got out of the car, switched my FES on, and walked across the 'park, into the hotel, all the way through to our table. I can walk so much further with FES, I have gotta practice loads because it is excellent

Monday 23 December 2013


And for dinner tonight we had Quorn pretend meat pies(1) and posh microwavable mashed potatoes. It contains some carrot mash and another veg but it is good too. But it is me learning to experiment, I haven't had Couscous or Supernoodles since Monday and the dinners have been lovely (and easy too - which matters a lot more to me now)

(1) Which I sort of object to pretend meat things, us veggies should like vegetables but they are actually quite delicious too


When we were in town we were a bit distracted by weather etc but before we went I was walking about the house with my FES on, and just how pleased am I. It works incredibly on my wonky ankle to the extent someone told me off for running before I could walk as I was holding my walking stick up off the ground, not using it at all

Ooh Hello

And when we were looking about town for the pirate, in the rain, someone said "Hello" and it was Sam and Emma. I couldn't be sociable as I was cold and wet but it was good to see them anyway

Shopping before Xmas

So in today's list of things to do is a trip out to the mobility shop in Carmarthen to buy a new cover for my bath lift device.
When we are there shopping I may as well go shopping for a new pirate for my model ship that we glued t'other day 
Yes, so first thing s'morning we went into the mobility shop and had to order a new part. She hopes it will be delivered about a week after Christmas then they will phone me and I can collect it. Luckily Paul refitted the old one s'morning.
Next we went and bought some sugar for my visitors to have in a coffee
Then we went pirate shopping, we found one in the third shop we looked in but now it looks better again

Sunday 22 December 2013


And Julia's Dad came to see me today, which was nice. I must have made some impression on him the years me and his daughter went out

Gordon B

Oh, watching telly over breakfast and it reminded me summat that I had forgotten, Gordon Brown became PM after Blair

Using My Right Hand

And using my right hand to move breakfast from trolley to table is still harder than using my left hand but it is 10 times easier than it used to be

Saturday 21 December 2013


And for some reason Panasonic sent me a £30 cheque today, which was nice

Caps Lock

And I have just noticed that if the Caps Lock on my PC is switched on there is a little light at the corner of the button so you can know it's on when looking at the keyboard

Shortest Day

So today is the shortest day of the year, tomorrow it starts coming back longer again (OK, not by much but it starts)

Friday 20 December 2013


I suspect that I will try wearing my FES device to Gym today.
I have owned it for a week but haven't worn it in anger yet as I have had an infection
Well I have fitted it and tried it. Wait and see....
Well it seems OK, I have taken it off now we are back but my leg did feel better with it on. Towards the end I felt funny but upon taking it off we saw that the wire had got under the sticky pad so perhaps that's why. But for a first run it felt OK


So we went and bought loadsa food and drinks s'morning
It was raining on the way there, we bought some utterly healthier food etc and it had stopped raining on the way out
Trying to tell us summat...


So I haven't had too close a look yet but my foot does seem fully better now
But after coming back from gym Ed examined my legs and said "They are up a bit" so we will have to put them up for an hour s'afternoon

Thursday 19 December 2013

Iechyd D-ing

And tonight is the Christmas Folk Night at Iechyd Da, a week earlier this month but me and Freya are going together
And it was a bit entertaining. And Freya's Mum was in town so we didn't even need to take her miles home


So we had a session with Sara at the gym today, we started off on the bike and treadmill then worked our way around various moving weights in various ways machines. 
Gosh I was there for ages working at it today


And when we left to see Sara there was snow/sleet on the ground, about half an inch thick. Thankfully it has gone by now

Better Still

And my feet/legs are better still s'morning. My legs both look as small as normal and my right foot seems perfect and my left foot just a little bit puffy. I took the last of my antibiotics s'morning so hopefully it is all finished

Wednesday 18 December 2013


So my feet and legs look much less swollen even today, so fingers crossed etc


<sigh> So we are off swimming in a bit....</s>
And it was actually OK, apart from..... no it was OK

Tuesday 17 December 2013

Nice Dinner

And tonight we had the first of my "easy prepare carbohydrates" with dinner and it was a bit delicious

YetAnother Morrison's Trip

So after dinner we are gonna head to Morrison's and buy some glue to try and stick together my now dead model of a pirate ship


So I txted Sam s'morning and said "Won't be there today", she txted me back and said "GWS". THEN I txted her again and said "Second opinion, c u later, I will be there today"
And wow, that has done me good. My feet are much less swollen after half an hour exercising, like much less

Monday 16 December 2013


So I asked Timmy to take me to Morrison's (again) tonight and we looked for easy prepare carbohydrate. So I can branch out from Couscous or Super Noodles and they actually had a load for those of us who can't peel potatoes

Quiet And Doctors

So we had a quiet afternoon followed by a(nother) visit to the doctors. The Doc looked at my legs, said "Needs blood flow" and described me sitting with my feet up. For the rest of the week, if it is still swollen then we will go for scrapy things to find out where the infection is from


Then straight after Dentist we went to Morrison's (Yes, we had taken shopping bags to Dentist too) to do my weeks shopping


So s'morning I have to go to the dentist...
And it was actually quite pleasant. I just had two small fillings to top up previous work and because it was minor work she didn't even need to inject me

Sunday 15 December 2013


So tomorrow morning I have to go to the dentist.

Poohing For Wales

So s'morning I was eating my breakfast and I thought "Oh, I need a pooh", considered it and decided that it was OK to stay eating and not pooh. Immediately that I had finished breakfast I got involved in a technical crisis with Timmy so I couldn't go to the loo for about 3 hours
I was learning again, in the past, since my accident, I felt imminent pooh and thought "Must go, now", but today I was learning that just because I need a pooh doesn't mean it is leaking out


So I asked Timmy to HELP again s'morning, I explained the crisis with sending plain text emails from my phone and he sorted it, after much looking, big style. He changed the messages from POP3 to IMAP which I don't understand at all but now I can read/reply on my phone and I still get them on my PC

Strange Dream

I went to bed last night and dreamt that some MOS was talking to me and they said "So you wanna live independently?", I said "YES", and they found somewhere for me to live. It was just like where I live now, independently

Saturday 14 December 2013

Missing You Already

And Paul is now off for over a week 'cos he is taking his son to Lapland to see Santa at the weekend, at his MIL's expense

Quiet Day

So I made Paul change my bed before he left today and there in not much else to do, a quiet day today. But looking in my diary, I have an appointment with the dentist on Monday morning - hoo-flippin'-ray

Friday 13 December 2013

New Loo Seat/Switch

And I had a poo s'morning and pressed the lever for a full/big flush and it worked


And first thing today we have to go to hospital to be checked out
Well, we went to the hospital, met Denyse then waited for ages. While we were waiting they took my blood pressure and weight. Eventually Dr Rice invited us in. Basically he said that they had done loads of tests and most of them were fine, but he said that my testosterone levels were a bit low. He offered me some replacer cream, said it might or might not work but did I want it. After a discussion of pros and cons I said yes, so he is gonna write to my doctor and after Xmas I shall contact them and ask for a testoso-gel stuff 'script
Then we came back home with Denyse following us, she came in, had a brew and discussed the testo-stuff and also said that the "monitoring what you eat" thingy isn't working and I should delete it
Afterwards I made an appointment with Denyse for next year, in abut a month I will see her
But because we were so late back today I missed Sam and her gym class

Thursday 12 December 2013

iPad Crisis

So we came back from taking Freya home and the iPad had frozen, no buttons did anything, even the switch off button. About 20 minutes later I found about the third set of instructions that I had looked at on my phone and after much holding buttons together for 20 seconds etc it came back to normal


So we nipped to a public loo earlier, I went in, thought "OK" and took my bumbag off before sitting down and sat it in the sink.
Automatic taps came on and drenched it all


And we picked up Freya on the way to the Drs then took her to Frankie & Benny's for dinner as I couldn't be bothered cooking after a stressful day. Since we arrived at my house she has been fixated on the PC


So we went to the Drs s'afternoon. She said my blood test results showed imminent diabetes which I already knew and we asked her all about my legs and she said "No, make a proper appointment" whhich we did, it will be in the new year now 

What A Morning

Aargh. What a morning.

Firstly. We nipped to the Drs, picked up a script for Diprobase cream, made an appointment to see about my swollen legs (that I have had 2 antibiotics for so far, they are much better but still a bit wonky), and asked about my blood tests, they said ask the Dr s'afternoon, there is summat.....
Then we went to chemist and cashed in my 'script.
We were on the way to Trysordy to do voluntary work when the landlady phoned and said "Are u in, plumber's here" so we came straight home and let them in. o they fixed the leak and the loo now had=s 2 flush modes, poo and piss, or full flush and miniflush
So we will pick Freya up about 4 s'afternoon, take her for a brew and bun then head to Drs then come back here and eat afterwards

Wednesday 11 December 2013

Happy Chappy

So I was tired tonight but I thought "Try looking again" so I searched again for "Free html editor 2 views", I don't know what was different tonight but the second reply led me to www.htmlkit.com/ where they had a free last years version and it seems to fit all my preconceptions.
I will be able to tell you better when I have done a few pages (1) but for now.....
(1) Seem good so far....


So today while the landlord was here I went to the staff loo. And they don't have a lifty up thingy on the top so I was able to have a pee standing up. The first I have managed in some months 


So the landlord and his wife came round to look at my cistern and she said 'I haven't seen you for a year and you are so much better'
And they didn't fix the loo, took a part away to get a new one....
They came back, fixed that part and the part underneath started leaking. So it's switched off and they hope to be back tomorrow with a plumber in tow....


And I got out my clothes and towels etc, Alex packed the bag for me, we went to swimming pool and discovered he had packed my bag without swimming trunks, so we had to leave and come home

Tuesday 10 December 2013


So then we nipped to gym, which is all moved into a different room. I did longer on the treadmill before bicycling as it went better that way round
And on the way home from Gym we went to that Tesco's place and didn't buy any food or drink but I found another warm fleece type garment and bought that. I object to buying in Tesco's but I don't know where else to look

Late Lunch

But because we had a late breakfast s'morning I couldn't eat lunch at normal time
So we had a late dinner....


Then after breakfast me and Alex headed into town to get some more mouthwash and special bulbs for my bedside table. While we were in the bulb shop I noticed a pirate model and had to buy one

Blood Test

So before breakfast I had to go to the doctors to have a blood test.
I was so nervous I neglected my opportunity to flirt with the nursey


And my feet are as small as they were b4 infection so...

Monday 9 December 2013


And I can't have a cuppa or any breakfast in't morning. We have to go to the Drs first thing and she is gonna take some blood then we will come back and I can have breakfast


So I had a play with the version of ....shh.... that Stupot sent me and then I downloaded Arachriphilia as recommended by Mike and it looks promising so far
Right, more, I downloaded BlueGriffon as recommended by Liam and it is my favourite so far
Well, just no to them all, I got more and more pissed off with them all. So I  downloaded a fresh version of PageBreeze which still isn't perfect but it is now 17 times quicker than the old version


So Sara phoned me s'morning and said "When and where?", I explained that gym was too much hard work because of my infections, so she came here to do loadsa practice, including a step and walk on narrow device which I managed

Good Hat

As we were leaving the house s'morning Gareth called 'Hello' to the new neighbours. They looked round, laughed and said 'Good hat', his Christmas one

Busy Morning

So we went to Morrison's first thing today and bought another weeks food.
In a bit we are off to gym to see The Beautiful Sara and see if she can up my exercises

Sunday 8 December 2013


And we have both been watching the snooker all night tonight.
Gosh it's exciting

Getting Better Again

And my leg seems a lot better even than yesterday. I have got 3½ days of antibiotics left to take so hopefully it actually will be better when I finish them, again

Quiet Day

We went to the Leisure Centre to ask them if it will be open tomorrow, went into town to see if the pub will be feeding us on Boxing Day, had a cuppa and went around the market for a look and bought myself a new hat when I was there, it matches my face.
Watching snooker tonight

Saturday 7 December 2013

Friends Again

So me and Freya were together tonight, for the first time since I pissed Freya off by not telling her the truth about why I couldn't make it last week
Today started off with Freya having to get stuck in and put up my Xmas tree for me
Then we we't out and ate dinner as a way of me saying sorry

Aargh Ripping

And someone leant me a Sigue Sigue Sputnik CD so I thought "Oh, rippings easy" but then I recalled I haven't ripped out under Windows 8.
I found it in the end....

Xmas Arrangements

And we made more Xmas arrangements today. That Paul chap was here so he said "This and this..." then phoned my Mum, spoke to her for ages then I spoke to her.
Lordy, I think it is coming together, this Xmas with my whole family thing
And we said to Mum, shall we phone restaurants and tell 'em extra person but she said "No, I have done it already"

Friday 6 December 2013


Aaaaaa, I watched the semi final of the GB championship tonight. They were playing first to 9 frames. So one chap was leading 8:3 earlier today, then it went 8:4, then 8:5, then 8:6, then 8:7 and he finally won a scary final frame 9:7 to be in the final. Just wow to both of them tonight


And I had my usual Friday night dinner of naan bread pizza and chips tonight. Gosh, I am so impressed with naan pizzas, they are delicious


And I have noticed that getting out of the car is easier again today with more antibiotic. It just needed a day or 3 afterwards 'til I had actually finished etc

Try It

And I think as my leg feels better again that I might try the FES for walking at gym today
Well we have put it on now, it is a bit cumbersome but I think it works, I have ust walked to the loo and back and it feels good.
My swelling was down enuf to try it
And when we got to gym the room was a mess and no class. Which I did grin at but I wanted to try my FES and I thought there would be a class somewhere else but apparently not


This house for sale arrived in my inbox and it doesn't look too bad, providing there is not a step up to the front door
We drove past, it looks lovely but there is a step up to the front door. Dunno about the back tho...


So we had to go out s'morning to Aardvark and Morrison's (again) to try and stock up on food for Freya who is coming on Saturday as she was busy on Thursday and get my general Aardvark shopping too

Thursday 5 December 2013

HTML Crisis

And I got well stuck trying to do my HTML work today, I tried to do too much and not having an editor where you can check your work made it impossible


And I am off next to have my Botox injection to help me walk etc. I haven't been able to have my FES fitted since I got it as I have been on antibiotics for swollen legs but hopefully it is all finished now
AND no. After a conference they decided to phone 'em and make another appointment in January for my Botox, instead I went to the Drs and got more antibiotics, another week. We said it is so much better can we continue with the same so another week without Whiskey and month and a half without Bioness


And about 10.30 s'morning Linda Smith - the toe chopper came around and did another good job sorting out my toenails

Trousers Off

So I was talking to my Mum yesterday and she said "Take your trousers off when you go to bed, help keep infections down". I thought "Erm..." and tried it last night.
I think I started keeping my trousers on because it used to be so difficult taking them on/off as it used to be hard balancing etc
I tried last night and it had become easy again so I guess I'd better change my going to bed habits and actually take my trousers off

Wednesday 4 December 2013

New Windows 8

And we spent 6 - 8 hours today downloading a new version of Windows 8. So far it seems almost identical apart from a start button in the corner. Which doesn't bring up useful stuff like it used to but the same picture menu that the not button got before. It was such a large download that there must be loads of differences but that's the only one I have noticed so far
It's OK learning how to use 8 but it is way different, much more than between versions in the past

Alarm Clock

So I remembered to ask Timmy how to set my alarm clock into night-time mode, so no phone calls etc while I am asleep. I tried setting it in night-time and setting my second alarm, the one that I use to wake me up in the afternoon. No good, it was silent night-time mode. But upon investigation further we discovered that you can set the proper alarm clock more than once a day, which will go off and wake me up. So my alarm is still set for 8AM Monday to Friday and another alarm will go off in the afternoon to wake me up from sleep mode, so I can set my alarm-clock to not behave like a phone until I get up


And Timmy insists that I try this swimming thing again today. So in a bit we are off.....
DoubleFark - it was actually OK. The steps that I get in and out on were broken so they had to use a hoist to get me in and out but it went well after that. We did loadsa walks, exercises, swimming etc. and got a "proper" changing room


Remembering this morning too

Tuesday 3 December 2013


And for the last few days I have been watching snooker on't telly. I used to be a fan about 20-25 years ago and I haven't really watched it in between. But I may be becoming a fan again


Then s'afternoon I put on boots and socks and went to the gym to do exercises. I think today we learned that my second treadmill after cycling for 10 min. was too difficult for my right foot, so perhaps we should just do one, longer, treadmill session at the beginning

Panicy Morning

What a performance. A few days ago my laptop in the bedroom stopped connecting to the interweb. Gareth had a look yesterday to no avail, so TechnoTimmy got stuck in today. He had to tell it to get back to last weeks mode etc etc. We have been in there for a couple of hours but it works again now.
And I went back and switched it on just to check later and it immediately got on the 'net


So just after 10 o'clock I stood up in the living room and walked to the bathroom and back, twice. So I will have to do that after 11 and 12 and......
And just after 11 now too
Well, I neglected the earlier walk, nearly lunchtime etc and now I am going off for my bath etc
Well I think it is night time now so I may be excused

Monday 2 December 2013

Tea Time Shopping

So about 5 o'clock today me&Gareth finally headed out to Morrison's. I had in my head buy 1 or 2 SuperNoodles etc but they had buy 5 and get money off so I filled my cupboards a little more than intentioned


So I had to go to the hygienist at the dentist today. She was able to tell that I haven't brushed my teeth for 2 or 3 weeks just using mouthwash so that has to change. But apart from that she was reasonably happy just noticed that one small filling has come out for no reason so I have made an appointment in a fortnight to have that seen to


So Denyse came in s'morning to check up on Alex and while she was here said her husband works for a company and they say "55, 5" meaning after 55 minutes sat on the PC you need to walk about for 5 minutes and I have agreed and taken that on board, so every hour I walk up and down the house

Another AAARGH

And my PC crashed s'morning, so I had to switch it off and on again then it was asking me for a password to start which I haven't had to enter for ages so I had forgotten. On about the 27th try I was at last able to use my PC


And I have managed to reinstall Autoshutdown in this new PC too.....

Search Engine

Aargh, my default search engine had changed, we couldn't change it back until we got into Control Panel and deleted the add on dearch thingy, now it is back to normal

Sunday 1 December 2013

Shut Down

As the mouse on the RHS of the screen to bring up a shut down dialogue wouldn't work again tonight I investigated further. So all I need to do is remember (which may be why I am writing about it here) to press ALT then F4 and that will either shut down whatever programs I am using or bring up a shut down dialogue


Well I am watching telly now and they are talking about the disaster in Glasgow again. Just aargh


So last night I downloaded and installed Solitaire on my phone.
So today I was in the loo, having a poo, and playing Solitaire at the same time
The term happy chappy springs to mind


And today, while I was in the bath, I noticed (like I do every day) the size of the scar on my left knee. It was caused during 'my accident'. But that scar is so big and my left leg is the one that works. My right knee, with no scar that I can see is the one that causes my dependency on a wheelchair