Friday 28 February 2014

Gym Class

So as arranged I went to the gym class today and I managed it all standing and walking, no sitting down to rest etc.
Gosh, everything is getting easier

First Out

So first of all we nipped to the Docs to pick up a new 'script for Diprobase, then we nipped to Cantre (opposite the railway station) to pick up a posh potato peeler that we ordered last week, but he said "I will phone you", then at last we nipped to Aardvark where I parked my chair outside was able to walk across the room, up the slope then into 2 more rooms and back without resting. Gosh, my walking is still rubbish but it it so much better than it was even a few weeks ago

Thursday 27 February 2014

Cash Card

So I went to the bank machine today, put in my savings account card and it said "No, wrong PIN number"' I tried again and it still said "No", so I panicked, I knew if I got it wrong again it would eat my card, pressed "Exit" and got my card back, put the other one in and took out cash. But "Duh" it wasn't the petty cash card, I had entered the wrong number twice.

Iechyd Down Dilly

And we are meeting Freya in the folk club that happens once a month in Iechyd Da (noisy link) tonight
And it seemed quiet but still rather good musicians tonight


Then we went to gym for a practice session and I did 10 minutes on the treadmill then 15 minutes (which I hadn't managed t'other day) on the cycle. Then we nipped to shops then came home for lunch

First Things First

So first thing s'morning the wheelchair fixer came out, made some notes on what I need and will phone me to make another appointment to actually fix it. He also said that as this chair is 9 years old he will put in for an assessment for a new one for me.
Then the gorgeous toenail chopper came and chopped my toenails and was generally as beautiful as a.....
It's only half past 10 in't morning and they have both been and gone already

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Delicious Dinner

Then for dinner tonight we had veggie burgers in bread rolls and mashed sweet potato. And the potato was so nice that I finished it all first then thought "Oh, I'd better" and got stuck into the also quite nice burger

Gym, gym, jeroo

Then we went, not swimming as it's half term, but to the gym where today I just did 10 minuted walking (with my FES) and 10 minutes cycling (without my FES) and then gave up and came home

Out Shopping

So first of all we went to The Range and spent loadsa cash on a blender, hopefully a good one that will enable me to make more delicious soup like I made with Denyse
Then we just nipped to Morrisons and got a bit more protein based frozen food

No To House

And first thing s'morning me and Paul nipped to look at a much cheaper house, but no, it was much too small etc

Tuesday 25 February 2014


Then we drove for miles to look at a house which was too far away and in a hilly area. After tea we went out to have a first look at another we found today, I think Paul better phone the Estate Agent tomorrow and express some interest. Tomorrow we are going to look at another of last weeks which looks good area wise etc and it is a lot cheaper than some others we have sern which is a bit making me paranoid, wait 'til I have seen it

What a day

Well, first thing s'morning Denyse came to see me, we talked about how I want Anthony to keep some of my giro every week, then we made a delicious lunch that Denyse had brought, a sweet potato and butternut squash soup. Which was actually relatively easy to make, if I follow her latest suggestion and get a MOS to chop up the squash and freeze it in portions

Monday 24 February 2014

He Likes Quality Veg

And on Sunday I cooked my new regular roasted veg. And it was Gareth eating it and he said how you can taste the difference. Organic veg from Aardvark tastes "much" better than the poisonous stuff from supermarkets

No Swimming Today

So we set off to the swimming pool today kind of being a bit suspicious as it's half term, and yes it was way to busy so we took up plan "B", left the swimming bag in't boot and went to the gym. Today I did 15 minutes on exercise bike and a full 10 minutes treadmilling

War Over

On the news s'morning they said the last prisoner who was locked up by the Nazi's died last night. So summat has gone away

Sunday 23 February 2014

Now A Weekend Visitor

And tonight Freya came round. She seemed in better form than recently and helped me cook a new dinner. Well her part was new to me whereas mine was old hat

Far far away

And we popped to look at a new build house which I think meets my wishes. But he said "Make an offer next week, someone has already" and I need to take time, have Denyse look at it, then contact Anthony etc which I think puts me out of the market for this one

Next Door but no

And we went to have a look at the house next door which she is thinking of selling. On one one level it is perfect, her son is in a wheelchair so lots of adaptions and broader doors have already been done but there is summat about it, perhaps the separate kitchen and dining room that just says "No"


And I played the first game for ages today and had taken all my pieces off when the opposition had only managed one

Saturday 22 February 2014


And he measured my legs today and the right leg was the smallest ever


And we went to have a first on the road look at newest house but it was much to hilly around and about
So then we went to Morrison's to get more cleaning products and I thought "Oh, f**k it" and bought my weeks shopping (like £6.18 worth) a day (or two) early

Friday 21 February 2014

Rugger Bugger

And we are going up to t'pub tonight to watch the rugby. Here's hoping Wales do alright.....
Ooh, they won, big style. I think it was 27:6 in the end....


And I am off to the only class of the week in 5 mins.....
And we got there along with other clients from even further away and they said "Sorry, it's cancelled". They didn't contact us to tell us....
So then we nipped to Wilkinson's to get some envelopes for my team, there we left my 'chair in the boot and I walked in and around the shop. It was too far to be comfortable but as I was determined not to ask him to get my 'chair from the car I had to keep going. Which I did

And we went to Aardvark today, as the sun was shining I parked my 'chair outside and walked right in, uphill to the back room, paused standing up for ages 'til I had chosen veg, walked to the till, walked outside.
At no point did I ask Alex to go outside and fetch my 'chair

Thursday 20 February 2014

Early Gym Session

So because there was no Kwikfiting s'morning we nipped to gym where I managed 10 minutes on the treadmill and 10 minutes hand cycling despite wearing full on boots. Even tho I kept the FES switched off it is improving my ankle, movement and not turning over etc

Right Hand

So I went to't loo, took my fleece off and poohed. Then I washed both hands then put my left arm into my fleece first. I think my right arm must have. Been neglected for ages now...

You'll Never Get.....

So we are off taking the car to Kwikfit for some new tyres s'morning....
And we took it there, they said "Nah, still busy" so we had to make an appointment to go back this afternoon
And they delayed us (You'll never get quicker....) but in the end I just had to sign for my new tyres and it was done s'afternoon

Wednesday 19 February 2014


Then s'afternoon me and Paul and Denyse headed over to see the doc about my diabetes. He was quite positive, saying my blood sugar was good etc and he thought if I continued eating well, loosing weight etc that I wouldn't need a pill for a number of years


Gosh, I just couldn't win a game last night, I had to play for hours before I finally won one and could go to bed. Much too late

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.


So I wanted to stick a Youtube link on my website with a "start at certain time" thingy overriding it, I put the link in and just knew what to do to set the time.
It seems simple but actually remembering more modern bits on the PC, bits I wouldn't have done before my accident...

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Running Late

And because Sara was running late by the time I had had lunch, bathed and napped it was too close to 5 o'clock when gym gets way too busy to use

Big Walkies

Then we met Sara Davis in town, parked the car in Wilkinson's walked to Café Nero, stopped for a coffee then walked back to the car. I was accompanied by my wheelchair but at no time did I sit in it

First Time in 11 Years

So I have just been to the loo. I took off my fleece (eg) to go to the loo, went to the loo, washed both my hands together, then went to put my top back on, today I tried putting my left hand in first, then reached up and round with my right arm and put it on. It was a bit scruffy but it worked, the first time I haven't had to lead with my right hand in 11 years
And I have just done it twice again this afternoon.... so I have got to relearn, change a habit

Monday 17 February 2014

Busy-ish Afternoon

So then we decided to go and buy a new frying pan today, as my old one is too wonky to sit flat on the cooker and has a plastic handle so you mustn't stick it in the oven like the recipe for dinner t'other night suggested. First of all we went to Wilkinsons, which was just shutting when we got there, then we tried Tesco's as they have loadsa stuff but no, couldn't find one, last of all we tried The Range where we found one, tidy and not too dear

Busy Morning

So busy morning part 1. After a phone call to confirm that it had arrived we had to head over to the chemist next to the Docs that we left the 'script in last week and pick up some more (not very kinky) stockings for me to wear in the afternoon/evening/to bed.
Part 2, then we nipped out to (More Reasons To Shop At) Morrisons and get the small amount of food I need for next week.
Part 3, then we nipped to the swimming pool where frankly I astonished Gareth with how mobile and up down the ladder I am etc and generally how much better my feet and legs are in the 2 or 3 weeks since he has been swimming with us

Sunday 16 February 2014


Then I had just had my bath earlier and was sitting on my bed pre napping when I checked my phone for txt messages and there was one from Ruth, saying "Can I pop and see u now?" I txted her back and said "Napping" she replied "In an hour?" and came to see with her now 11 year old boyo. And it was lovely, she told me off some and said "Does your iPad do this?" which I didn't know that it did etc

New cooking

So today as an experiment we are cooking spaghetti, tomato and pesto frittatas,  basically a kind of omelette which Timmy suggested
And while reasonably nice it was much too much hassle for me to prepare it again. There were some aspects that I needed help for, I couldn't make it for someone, as a treat

Saturday 15 February 2014


And it was pointed out to me today that some hairs are growing on my lower leg, so this Testo-whatever is working some
There haven't been any hairs there since my accident.....

Lunchtime Visitor

Then at 10.30 me and Gareth (Ed was starting work at 11 today) went to fetch Freya from her friends house, she came over here and was a bit rude to me and had lunch, well her brealfast but my lunch and then we dropped her home at 2.30

Thinner Still

And my legs are even thinner s'morning...
AND I lost another 3 lbs last week

Friday 14 February 2014

Smallest Ever

And after wearing strange stockings for 3 nights my legs measured what IIRC was the smallest width ever since 'they' started measuring

Missing Sam

So then I went to gym for an exercise class. With Sam being off for 10 weeks it was taken by Gareth, who did loadsa stuff but only for 50 minutes. He hasn't taught me for 4 months and commented on how much better I am


Then we went to Aardvark to get more shopping, I stood up in front of veg rack(1) and got enough to make roasted veg tomorrow as well as my usual
(1) Because it is up the slope. I walked up last week and asked my MOS to bring my 'chair up so I could sit down and shop for veg. This was the first time I have stood and bought enough veg to roast too

Docs First

So first thing s'morning we went to the Drs and the chemist to pick up a script for more cream and a script for more stockings. The chemist didn't have stockings in stock but they hope to have them by Monday

Thursday 13 February 2014


So today me and Freya were having a txt conversation about meeting her this afternoon when suddenly she said "Oh no, parent teachers night tonight, another time?"


Then me and Gareth went swimming today, much exercise and doing strange new exercises etc and then (hooray) we came home

Strange Poohing

So I got up s'morning, thought "no breakfast" so I went to the loo to have my morning pooh. Squeeze squeeze squeeze for 5 minutes, no pooh. So went out and sat at my PC and read the mornings Ixion, about 5 emails. Then I went to the loo again and just poohed immediately

Before breakfast

So we had to head out to West Wales General Hospital for my diabetes blood tests s'morning. It took us ages to get there as it was heavy school traffic time but we got there in the end. And this time my blood just flowed out, with just one hole made, unlike last time. Now we are back, breakfasting and coffeeing

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Another Aspect of my Disability

And I discovered tonight that my right thumb, I can move it into all the required positions by pushing it with my left hand but I can't move it over by itself, it simply won't move by itself

Power Cut

And it had just got dark today when the lights flickered then went off. So we lit candles etc and thought "We better go out for dinner(1)" when it all came back on. So phew and waiting to see if it happens again

                             (1) Gas rings on the cooker but an electric oven


And he said "No booze tonight Neil, we are going to hospital to give blood sample in't morning before breakfast" so keep it clean


And we nipped out to the shop, to fill up my freezer a bit as there might be snow over the next couple of days. I said to Timmy "Morrison's" but he insisted on going to that Tesco's place so I could buy some curry and.... for tonight too

Gym Today

So after yesterdays crisis @ gym we went instead of swimming today. I started on the bike and managed 15 minutes on that for the first time in ages, did half a kilometer on the hand pedaler and then I was so exhausted I only managed half time on the treadmill. But it was exhausting, I did a lot today

Tuesday 11 February 2014


And as we were busy s'afternoon we didn't make it to gym until after most folks had got out of work and therefore it was much too busy and we had to leave it today. So go before 5 o'clock


And we got my prescription for more BiggerBollockCream today, we have another month

Back To Normal

And I had my pooh at normal time once more today....

Monday 10 February 2014


First of all we nipped to the Drs to see if they had finished the 'script for Testostogel that I ordered at the weekend, they said "No" but then we walked down to the Chemist next door to pick up tomorrows treat, my Ted Stockings which I will start wearing tomorrow. Possibly back to the Drs....


So s'morning we are off to super dooper market followed by a trip to the swimming pool
And we spent almost next to nothing in Morrison's (noisy links'morning (but did get a few essentials) so swimming next, after half an hour delay or so
Oh what fun we had, it was all in place, the steps to climb down etc so we did it. I walked, swam on my back, tried swimming on my front, said "No", stopped that for a bit, did some new stretches Sara suggested, tried swimming on my front again and just about managed this time, I am still not happy but I managed

Sunday 9 February 2014

Loosing Weight

And this week I weigh 1 pound less than last week. It's still in the right direction

Different pool - again

And I have tried another pool game today....


And I didn't have my morning pooh 'til 12.10 today. Radical

Saturday 8 February 2014


And as I get my testo-thingy rubbed in every day my mind is full of a song, sorry etc

Out In The Rain

And "we" went off looking for a house in the rain (which isn't 1 bedroom as they describe it), but we couldn't find it

New Pool Game

And because Paul was saying he was worried about me spending too much cash on playing 8 ball pool, as it started off free but as I got into it it is now a bit pricier, so I downloaded a game called Pro Pool 2112 which is a bit trickier but seems as much fun, if a little OODated. If this doesn't get my ballls rolling there are loads of other free games in the app stote

Friday 7 February 2014


And I had my usual Friday dinner of naan bread pizza and chips which was as lovely as ever.
Tomorrow I am having roasted veg but with potato and carrot instead of butternut squash this time. I think this will just last 1 night unlike butternut which had to be used twice

Busy 2

So after changing into my trainers we went along to gym class (1). Good lord, but this Testosterone seems to be making me work harder etc, I did it all from start to finish today.
Then we nipped to Aardvark and did another weeks shopping before coming back and having a late lunch (2)
(1) The last with Sam for 10 weeks, I nearly had to cry when saying goodbye
(2) During which I spilt half a glass of apple juice over the table, my leg and the floor. (grumble, grumble, grumble)


So today we were a bit busy. First of all we went to the chemist next door to the doctors, they said "Ted stockings, Monday" so then we went to the disabled stuff shop by the railway station and picked up my new bath seat thingy. Because this took so long there was no time to nip to Aardvark, after gym for that then

Thursday 6 February 2014


And when I was distracted this Gareth chappie looked on Zoopla and found me the house I wanna move to. Well, I think so, we will have a closer look tomorrow


Then tonight we went and got that Freya and it was nice. Exhausting but well cool


So we had a session in't gym today when I got on the machines and used them 'til I was finished, as it were.
It was a relatively exhausting, good, session

Wednesday 5 February 2014

Roast Veg

And it occurred to me that if I can't handle the butternut squash in roasted veg perhaps next time I could try making it with (eg) 2 potatoes and a carrot or parsnip instead then I would be able to make it from scratch with no assistance required

Off To Docs

Sigh. As recommended by Sara we have got to go to the docs s'morning and get a TED Stocking to wear on my lower leg, dunno why etc but she thinks it will help somehow
OK, my MOS told me because swimming in the pool is obviously improving the blood in my legs this is to try and extend that effect

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Power Cut

And earlier s'evening suddenly my PC switched itself off and the lights all went out. I was just going "Erm..." when they all came back on. Apparently all the lights in the street had gone off. But its all OK again, fingers crossed etc


So with Sara today we drove to town, parked in (ex Tesco, now) Wilkinson's, walked, yes walked, along Merlin's Walk to Café Nero, across the road at the end, stopped there in a proper seat for a coffee then walked back outside, back along Merlin's to the car park. And it was a bit difficult at times, up hill etc but I managed it all no problem

Monday 3 February 2014

Easy Cooking

And I have an easy cook tonight as Timmy has had breakfast today and he is on one of these "Eat once a day" dieting schemes. So he will have a "milk shake" for breakfast and lunch tomorrow so I can cook a proper meal tomorrow.
When I am trying that roast, half of my butternut squash is in't fridge awaiting me

Swimming 2nd

Then we nipped off to the swimming pool, and swam. It was as much fun as always but we did it

Shopping First

Then me and Timmy nipped to MoreReasonsTheyShopAt... and did my usual weekly supermarket shop. It was small this week

Sunday 2 February 2014

More Rugger

Oh, Ireland beat Scotland big style in more rugger today


Then s'morning me and Gareth nipped to Morrison's just to get some veg that we will cook tonight (in my learning to cook class) we got into shop, I stood up and walked until after we had finished shopping
And it was delicious, perhaps too much hassle to prepare a butternut squash but the rest of it was easy

Saturday 1 February 2014

Strange Windy Weather

And today it was really windy earlier, then 20 minutes later there was no wind for a couple of hours, then it came back, then it went again....


And I have just watched the rugby and it seemed closer than the final score says. But Wales won it :-)
Then the French looked better all the way through the first half of their game, then England scored in the first minute of the second half and proceeded to make them look daft until about 30 seconds before the final whistle when France got the game again

First Month Gone

And it is already February....