Monday 31 August 2015

Further Concentration

It was only for an hour tonight but I was able to concentrate on the whole Wallace & Gromett again tonight


And for dinner tonight I cooked boiled new potatoes with stuff, they were ready at the same time as everything else and a bit delicious

Hedge Trimmers

So we headed into B&Q s'afternoon and I bought some hedge cutters, a plug in variety. As GGtGG had to bring his in to cut my hedge last time I thought I had better get some to keep here

Carmarthen Before Lunch

So we headed into town and had a bimble about. I was surprised at how many folk were eating in restaurants and just bimbling about - it's a bank holiday

On TV Today

So watching Wallace and Gromit in The Curse Of The Were-Rabbit and it is unusual but very good/funny
(New link BTW)
And more to the point I was able to concentrate and watch it for the whole hour and a quarter it lasted!!

Snank Boliday

A busy day in Sir Gaerfyrddin

Sunday 30 August 2015

Surprise Visitors

Then Toby and my old friend Julie came to see me, said "Lets go to the pub for lunch?" but I had just finished my lunch but we went to the pub(*) and watched them eat, then we watched them play pool.
We had to get off then, my bath and nap were calling
(*) Orange juice and lemonade for me,  drank alcohol last night
And Toby also said that he is doing his CBT soon, he wants a motorbike. Dunno how that makes me feel

Saturday 29 August 2015


So we went out s'morning looking for a measuring jug but we couldn't find one small enuf
Then we came home for lunch then headed into town to look at B&M shop, parked and on the way found a band playing at the castle, The Mini Cwtch it was called, we are heading off to the big Cwtch next week, this was just an advertising do but the bands we saw were excellent
And after that I cooked roast veg and today I chopped all the veg using my right hand. All of it, I didn't even hold the knife in my left hand once

Friday 28 August 2015


Then Ruth and Julie didn't come over today as life was too hectic for them but that meant we were able to have Na'an Bread Pizza and Chips for tea which did cheer me up slightly


So we went to gym and had to workout without a Beautiful Sam to encourage me

Across The Universe

And me and Alex went to Aardvark and got everything.
We parked in the "special" spot around the back again

Thursday 27 August 2015

My Kids

So we are meeting up with both my kids in town tonight at about 5.30 so we will be looking for entertainment until Iechyd Da is up and running later
A bit emotional....

Out For Lunch

And today me and Timmy are going out for lunch, in Carmarthen, with Denyse and my potential new MOS
And I met up with them on my own two feet, walked in, sat down...
And he seemed fairly OK, so Denyse was relieved at not having to interview etc again

Wednesday 26 August 2015


So we went to gym today and today's lesson was "Pay attention" as I wasn't listening to a comedy show on my phone like I was yesterday and I went much further on the bike as I wasn't distracted


So we are having a quiet day today as tomorrow I am meeting Denyse and a potential new MOS for lunch then meeting Freya AND Toby for dinner at Iechyd Da Folk Club (noisy link)

Tuesday 25 August 2015

Red Dwarf

And I was bored tonight so I clicked a link on Amazon and was able to watch the whole very first episode of Red Dwarf which was interesting and well funny

-ish Afternoon

Then straight after lunch we went hunting for a toolbox as my "toolbox" was just a box full of all jumbled together tools and nails and screws so in the 2nd place of looking we found a Stanley Toolbox with enuf subsections to make a bit more sense
And in the first shop, Wilko's, we bought some superglue to fix the decoration that Timme broke by accident earlier

Another Busy Morn'

So after the handover s'morning we headed off to the Docs, I walked from the car into the queue, got my 'script, walked from there to the chemist, got my bumf and walked back to the car.
Then we nipped to Wilkos and bought a new hammer (as I didn't have one) and some more screwdrivers as the mega tool that is supposed to be all screwdrivers is a bit of a nightmare to use
THEN we nipped to gym and did loadsa miled on the bike


So Denyse visual phoned me s'morning (which was a bit strange but pleasant) and said that we need to look for another MOS as Paul is gonna have to leave and Ed will be leaving in 6 months, but she will bring some chap who nearly had the job before but was due on long holiday just when we needed to start

Monday 24 August 2015

So Much Better

I took this pic last night when I was putting stuff away in the kitchen, it is just proof of how much better my balance and general mobility is, stick on my wheelchair, on the other side of the room

Marginally Busy

So s'morning in order to cut down the number of trips in the car we need to nip out to the Drs to pick up my script, then nip to Morrisons to get the garlic na'an bread which they had none of last night then to gym to do more exercises, then come home for lunch
Oh dear, first we headed for the doctors, I walked from the car, queued, asked for it and she said "No, come back tomorrow". So we went off to Morrison's, again I walked in as we were only getting 1 item got that then headed to gym. I walked in there too.
So tomorrow we will have to head for docs to get my script. But a day of much walking and a gym session was had

Sunday 23 August 2015


So tonight I was cooking my usual Friday dinner as we have been eating out since then. Na'an bread pizza was had but tonight I thought "Use that up too" so instead of tomato puree we spread some Salsa on the na'an bread then grated cheese (1) etc. There was no garlic added this week (I forgot) but this combination proved to be rather lovely
(1) Grated the cheese with the proper grater, not the disabled cripples tool that I have used for some time, I managed to grate it all today



With My Parents

So s'morning my parents came round, we had a brew then went off to More Reasons To Shop At.... (noisy link) then came back here for another chat then they drove off to Cardiff to fly home
And when they were leaving I stepped outside on my own two feet and stood there and waved goodbye, which I think they appreciated 

Saturday 22 August 2015

Pleasant Second Half

So they all came here, had a cuppa then someone suggested that we all head to the parent's hotel for dinner, and we had an excellent dinner there and a nights gossiping etc
So I won't see Ian and Hannah again, they are setting off very early in't morning but my folks will come here 'til about 1 PM tomorrow when it's back to normal

Hectic First Half

So then s'morning my wrinklies and relations came to my house then we all headed to the National Botanic Gardens and had...... a trip. They left me at nap time and will meet up again later.

Friday 21 August 2015


Then we went out and I paid for everyone's dinner, 5 of us, me, my parents, Ian and Hannah. But it was delicious at Tafarn Tanerdy


Then we all headed out to gym, I was getting on, again so improving then half way thru the class my mum went downstairs to meet Ian and Hannah and brought them up to watch. Again as I havent seen them for some months they commented on how much I am improving


So me and GGtGG went into Aardvark, met my parents there and bought loads of stuff, including some extras that will be used next month as my parents were buying

Last Night's Crisis

Then last night I got a bit fed up with my bedroom monitor slipping, so I pulled off the external piece, it stopped monitoring. So s'morning after I had eaten my toast (no muesli left) I had to go "TIMMY....." but Tim'll'fix'it fixed it so I don't need to go shopping for a new monitor

Thursday 20 August 2015


And my parents have been delayed a bit at airport so they won't be to Carmarthen for a couple of hours so they will just go to the hotel and txt me from there then when I have bathed and napped I can contact them
Well they arrived after nap time, came here for a look around then we all went off to their hotel and had dinner and it was lovely.

Where is it?

And where is the missing King of Diamonds?

Gymming It

So me and Timmy went gymwards s'morning, I protested loads but no, we were going. AGAIN I am getting so much better at some of the exercises


This upset me somewhat today. We have such an easy life here.......

Parents Coming

So my parents are on their way over today followed tomorrow by my brother-in-law and neice

Wednesday 19 August 2015


And we went out s'evening to just re-explore some places for me, so we went to Cross Hands and where there used to be a different cheapskate supermarker there is now a Lidl. We had a look around and I must say crazy stock they had and potatoes and beans etc

'Wimming Wednesday

Hooray, we are off in a bit.....
And NO, we got there, peeked inside and it was full of kids as it was raining outside so we said "Naah" and GGtGG went back to the car and put my bag back in the boot then came back in and took me to gym
But the one lesson we learned, after 10 mins on the bike it was hurting my right toes, I was just wearing sandals, I need trainers

Tuesday 18 August 2015

Kitchen Floor Tiles

After the performance with trying to find a similar kitchen tile colour Alex nipped to the garage looking for summat else today and came back in with one of the two boxes of tiles he had found in the corner.


So we went to Wilko s'morning and shopped for chest cream, mouthwash and flossy sticks. I walked in and out etc then we went off to gym and did 20 minutes on the bike.
I had said "can we just walk as I have already walked around the shop?" but someone objected and said "No, you missed gym yesterday, you need to get back on track" so I went to gym and 20 minutes on a "bike"

Monday 17 August 2015

Wedi Gorffen

Wow, he's done it all


And 10 minutes after he finished the floor it was time to head Dentistwards, where she was pleased with how good my teeth are after electric toothbrush, floss and mouthwash
I did walk down the stairs to get in, having left my 'chair in't car, and I walked back up the stairs when leaving.  That is so much easier every time I do it 

Walkies Under Pressure

So me and Timmy had to nip to B&Q to pick up cement &... so he could stick the kitchen tiles down again, where they started coming up last night. We drove to B&Q, he got my wheelchair out, and pushed it alongside me all the way in, 23 of the way back to find the gubbins we needed, I walked back to the till, paid and walked all the way back to the car, I didn't need my wheelchair at all
I can now hear bang bang bang as Timmy gets up the tiles to recement them down
And that broke some of the tiles, we need to go back and replace them 
Wow. So we went back to B&Q but they had almost no coloured tiled so we nipped to Tile&Bath Co where we bought an...... a close, noticeable different but it is close. Timmy has been bang banging etc, got the site cleaned etc and has just started to lay. At a guess he should be finished about 5 minutes before I need taken to Dentist
What a morning, my timetable looked empty but this filled it up

New Date

And Denyse said in an email s'morning, "I am due to meet you same day as your parents coming over, shall we meet next week instead?" and as I can't insist my parents come the following week instead I'd better say yes


Got the dentist today.
Checkup so shouldn't be too stressful....

Sunday 16 August 2015

Early Cooking

So s'morning I bought the last few ingredients as recommended by Julia (who I used to cook it for/with) so early s'afternoon I got stuck into cooking from scratch a pasta accompaniment. After my nap I will add some lentils, cooked sum pasta to go with and grate sum cheese then we will have a lovely dinner
Yes we did, what a difference lentils and bouillon make, it was lovely
And what a difference getting better makes. The pasta finished cooking, I walked from the front of the cooker to the sink to drain it, carrying it with both hands, no walking stick, no FES, I just manage it these days


So me and GGtGG went shopping s'morning as Timmy whose working tomorrow doesn't approve of Morrison's. We did our bit, went to about 27 other shops looking for salad cream sachets, couldn't find any. In the end we went back to Morrison's bought 1 mushroom for tonight's dinner and a small tube of salad cream
Well in the past, for about 20 years I had a cheese and salad cream sandwich most lunchtimes. Everything changed after my accident but I have settled down to having a small bread roll and a small piece of ready to eat cheese for lunch, with no salad cream. Until today, you could hear the noise as I tasted my favourite lunchtime snack....

Saturday 15 August 2015


So Alex might be in charge of making me skint. I said "I wanna replace...." while he was doing my feet, he said "Look at....." and within about 4 minutes I had spent loads on a replacement for my bathroom, as now the drawer is way too full and there is no room etc
So we will have to go and pick it up after my sockings are on....
And just WOW, he put it together too. It had a really thick manual, loads of do's and don't's but he did it


So Alex put my new £60 bit in the staff shower and it works again.

Friday 14 August 2015


So "we" went out for a push around Carmarthen tonight. We went miles and saw loads of pissed people etc


Then s'afternoon a chap knocked the door. I answered and he was delivering the parts for the shower that I had ordered that I thought the postman was delivering tomorrow


So after a dull wait about we nipped to gym and just good lord etc. It is still as little fun etc but I can just do so much more balancing etc

Busy Morning

So Alex is putting my FES on early so when GGtGG comes in we can go straight off to Aardvark because at 11 Sara is coming to see me for the first time in ages then at lunchtime I am going to my only weekly class at gym
Sigh No. I was paying at Aardvark when my phone rang. I pressed the wrong button and it said "Sara was trying to call you" so when I had finished paying and got back in't car I phoned her back. She said the A48 is closed just after end of motorway so we will have to call it off today. I am going on holiday on Monday, see you in 3 weeks?
And we came home from Aardvarking at 10 to 11, just in time, but she wasn't here!!

Thursday 13 August 2015

...And About

So me and Alex headed out for a trip tonight. We went up narrow roads neither of us had ever been up and found out way home again

Didn't She Do Well

While we were out for our walk I received a txt but I didn't look as I was busy concentrating on walking. a few minutes later we bumped into Freya who said "Did you get my text?, I said probably but I haven't read it yet" she said "No, need, I've passed my A-levels and am into college"


So we went out for a long walk today instead of going to gym. So we parked at the end of Llamas Street/Water St then walked along the pedestrian bit past The Boars Head onto King Street (although this map is a bit "the names not here")  then back down past the old middle of town to the car

Wednesday 12 August 2015


BBC3 at 8pm tonight, Me And My New Brain, about an injured person recovering. I lasted 'bout  20 mins, couldn't bear to watch any more. Just fark.....

Birthdé Girl

Then as it was Freya's 18th birthday yesterday we picked her up this afternoon. First we came back here where she was delighted with various presents, then we went to the new Florentino's restaurant and was more than impressed, it was excellent, well staffed etc
And because Freya is 18 now we ordered a bottle of house red and split it 2 ways!!


Then we went to the pool again, this time it was deserted, dunno why, perhaps people are heading West 'cos the weather is good, but we did it anyway

More Treat

Then we had to nip into Morrison's and buy Freya more birthday gubbins.....
Then nip back and get a refund for the 81 carrier bags which I had clicked "Pay" for..... There wasn't an issue, they just said "Du'uh" and paid

Tuesday 11 August 2015


So Alex got stuck into the leaking shower in the staffroom, the one that all my other members of staff had been saying "Pay for a plumber". He had a look earlier, we just nipped out to B&Q (1), got some washers and he is putting it back together as we speak. Cost £1.13, much cheaper than a plumber
(1) When we were in town we nipped into the new italian restaurant that Freya recommended and booked a table for her 18th birthday tea tomorrow
No, didn't work, still leaked. So I bought a £55.99 fixing it part so hopefully he can fix it on Saturday when he's back


So we had to go to the Drs s'morning to pick up a script for chest cream and while we were there I spoke to receptionist and made my appointment for my testosterone injection in a month.
Hang on, tell the story
OK, when we were leaving t'house s'morning Alex said "'Chair?" but I replied "NO" so went to the Drs in the car, walked in, got my script and spoke to the receptionist, walked back out, across the car park, walked down the slope to the chemist, handed in my piece of paper and walked across to he chairs and sat down. In a few minutes a chap came across and gave me my 'script, I stood up, walked back out, up the slope out of the shop and across the car park to the car
After we got in the car Alex said "Gtm time" so I walked in did loads of exercise machines then got on the bike. I only did 15 minutes out of the 20 because then I left gym and walked back down the stairs to the ground floor. There I turned round and walked back up to the between floors landing, turned round again  and back to ground floor. Walked back out abd to the car.


No Salad Cream

It occured to me, whileI was eating my lunch. So as usual I had granary bap and a small portion of cheese which I ate together, effectively I was having a cheese sandwhich which didn't get made u til it was in my mouth
But it occured to me, a cheese sandwich with no salad cream!!!

Monday 10 August 2015


And we went to the Headway 5th Birthday Party and it was as ........ as usual. We did sign up to go to a gig in September at their expense


Then we went exploring a carpet shop then we bought another tape measure as we couldn't find the old one so we could price up the job. Timmy will be in Thursday or next week so we will go buying then and he can fit my new kitchen carpet.
But no landlord paying, I am a homeowner so I'd gotta pay


Then secondly we went to gym. Not swimming, Timmy had remembered his towel but not his trunx. So I went and had another extra long cycle


So first thing s'morning we (me and Timmy) nipped to Morrisons then uber-nipped into Farm Foods and filled my cupboards once more

Sunday 9 August 2015

On Two Feet

And cooking dinner tonight I noticed how much easier it is getting on to my own two feet. And walking a short distance, without holding on etc

Where's The Jack

I was playing solitaire (again) tonight but where had the jack gone, all the rest were out?
But I won it easily anyway.....


(... dinner...... dinner, dinner, Bat Man)

So as Ed was here last night making me cook summat different my usual Saturday Night Dinner of roasted veg was left to cook tonight. But as Timmy was on my diary for tonight and he refuses to eat my food I thought that will be Tuesday Dinner when Timmy is no more. But as he is not working tonight that means Ed is here for another cooked from scratch meal
So I don't have to worry about organic veg staying fresh etc

Oh Double Dear

And Timmy who couldn't work today just txted me to say that his missus is still ill but his in laws are gonna have the kids tomorrow so he will be in wurk

Saturday 8 August 2015

Oh Dear

And Timmy who was supposed to be working tomorrow and Monday txted me and said "Ask Ed to contact me" because he wasn't coming to work tomorrow (and wanted Ed to stay on) as his missus is ill. Dunno what's happening Monday, wait and see

Steamy Dinner

And I cooked a pasta, tomatoes and veg dinner and it was lovely, if a bit steamy.
It was surprisingly easy to cook, still much harder than frozen packets but not too much hassle. I am torn tho, organic veg day is Friday, how long will it last if I buy more than Saturdays dinner (And 2 mushrooms for the pizza on Friday which is what I do now)?

Ouch, that must have hurt

And in the picture that I took today you can just see the scar on my throat from where IIRC they had to insert a tube to let me breath when I was unconcious in hospital

Friday 7 August 2015

Oot To't Pub

So we headed up to the local pub, it was OK talking to one of my neighbours but it is really a restaurant with a small bar room at one end, the economy and folks habits have changed

Pizza 4 tea

And we are having Friday dinner of na'an bread pizza for dinner, it is cooking now and I am excited already


As I had missed the last 10 minutes of class and refused to cycle afterwards because I was feeling very strange after seeing the MS sufferer I walked down the stairs instead of using the lift as usual

And me and Gareth headed off to Aardvark s'morning.
First of all GGtGG fitted some new pads to the FES as someone is coming into gym s'afternoon to have a look etc.
But then we went, bought my usual amount of stuff (but they had no muesli this week) and an extra meal worth of veg as Ed is coming in tomorrow and we are gonna cook a meal from scratch
Well the visitor (an MS sufferer) came in and took me away from the last 10 minutes of class as she was talking to me & GGtGG. She is well unhappy with the FES but doesn't know how to set it etc, she has an appointment at the hospital next Tuesday and I said "Tell 'em you need support" but dunno. It did her some good talking to me she did a couple of steps...... dunno. She did say she is gonna come to class next week so we will see it any progress has been made


When I woke up s'morning I had a strange song in my head, going over and over. My iPad told me during my breakfast what it was, by whom?

Thursday 6 August 2015


Then me and Timmy went out for a brew, we are in Caffè Nero and it is nice


It was a strange day at gym, Timmy said unusual exercises so we^h^hI went on a bike for a long distance session and instead of stopping after 20 mins as usual we cycled 7km and it took me 33 mins

Wednesday 5 August 2015

Good Tunes

So we headed down to The Parrot tonight as they were s'posed to be having an open night and it was actually rather enjoyableif half deserted

For Old

And wee were coming out of gym today and sitting there having a brew was a nurse who remembered me from Bath, that long ago. It was nice to catch up etc but she did admit to being the first person to cut my hair into a mohican.
Which was nice, it sorted a fault in my memory


So we headed off to t'pool for 1pm but even then it was much too busy but as I was still wearing my sockings we just headed upstairs and did many exercises
But I was able to wear my new headphones and listen to a very funny comedy to distract myself from the dullness involved in cycling, which was nice

No FESing

And I am still astonished about how right my right foot is even without the FES yet today. It has done me so much good for a short device sitting on my belt. My right foot just behaves now!!


And while I was having breakfast I tried 3 times, 2 of which ended up the same and I failed
That's better, 11'ses

Tuesday 4 August 2015

Fark, no, I will cry

So I was looking thru what's on telly tonight and I thought suddenly, "No, I will cry, not watching that" because last time I watched summat like this I was crying

Nipped Out

Then we nipped out as I couldn't find my earphones and I wanted to listen (and distract myself) at gym t'other day. So we nipped out, got some for £2.30 and they work. In Wilko they were from £1.05 to £10 so I think I chose well.
When we came home I thought "Ah, how to tidy them up and put them in my bumbag?" but luckily the interweb told me (noisy link)


So me and Alex went to gym and did a slightly different play. First of all I did 10 minutes on a rowing maching then 12 of my 20 allocated on a pedal machine. I was too knackered after rowing to finish my whole system

Monday 3 August 2015

Garlic Bread

And we nipped out after dinner to Farmfoods to fetch more garlic breads as I do seem able to taste them nowadays and we were also trying to get more pizza style baguettes but they didn't have any in stock


So at lunchtime, after Gorgeous Greta has come to sort my toenails out, we are going swimming in the pool
And I couldn't do my usual get ready stuff of piling the equipment up on the hall floor as Greta is coming and she might think less of me
And she did come, she was as beautiful as ever and as efficient cutting my nails as ever
Sigh. We did it. It was busy but with not as many nutters jumping in etc, so we managed. 2 lengths, some stretchy exercises, 2 more lengths then we got out

Change Of Plan

So I had my pooh s'morning before I had my breakfast, not after as usual


So I went to bed, got up about 6 hours later needing a pee, then had to get up for another about ¾ of an hour later

Sunday 2 August 2015

Out Walkies

So at dinner time we drove into Carmarthen, parked opposite Aardvark and went for a walk along Merlin's Walk. Alex was pushing my wheelchair but we didn't use it at all. So we walked up Merlin's Walk, turned right at the end and walked along there to the next turn then walked back to the car

Sunday bloody.....

So it's Sunday today. Despite the fact that me and GGtGG commented on how yesterday felt like Sunday...... dunno why
But I stripped the bed s'morning, washed it, Alex has put it back together.....

Saturday 1 August 2015


Right, after she forgot to go to Iechyd Da on Thursday Freya is coming here for dinner. Dunno what we are eating (or in or out) I will have to ask her when she gets here.
Well, after we pick her up
Oh that was nice. So we came back here and discussed choices in the end we said "Oh back to Frankie and Bennies" where I had a crushed pizza of summat I hadn't tried before and it was pretty lovely
So Freya has gone home after about 5 hours and we haven't had a single cross word said either way
And for that 5 hours I didn't go to the loo, this is still getting better

Nip Morrisons

So we nipped to Morrisons to get more blueberries and I thought "May as well do most of weeks shopping, more small salad later in the week" but when we got home I notice that my small pack of half weeks veg is a double pack, another one zipped to the back so it might last a week anyway