Tuesday 28 February 2017


Lordy, I have just finished that Terry Pratchett novel I hav been reading and just loadsa positive stuff. I fscking loved it


And we are off to see Sara the physio in a bit. Hopefully I have too many questions to ask her to do any fscking exercise but.......
No, she had me exercising. Walked from one end of the room and back with no 'stick, walking along while rocking my stick from side to side in front of me which I thought "WTF?" but it was actually really effective and my feet were moving better than usual.... And I did loadsa sitting down and standing back up but actually properly, not the one sided way I usually do so it was actually rather good
And she couldn't supply bigger ankle weights but did provide me with a link which I used s'evening to spend £20 from petty on new adjustable heavier weights

Noisy Birdies

Again, tweet tweet etc from my bathroom without even opening the window

Monday 27 February 2017

Washing Up

And for the second night I did all the washing up. We may have a new routine.....
So when I told MM that I would have to pay him less now he said "So, that's the only reason you have done it", but I had to say "NO. It's a not very exciting therapeutic exercise......"

No Swimming

No swimming today as we are off to a Headway meeting in Swansea
Well oh what fun we had. But I did beat MM in cards and I didn't have to go swimming

Sunday 26 February 2017


Terry Pratchett. Lordy, I am currently 80% of the way thru "The Long Earth" and I am so impressed on so many levels. It's just..... wow......


So I thought "Lets go out for a walk as it is a quiet day" but it is still much too windy. Yesterday I posted this, it is even worse today
And a couple of hours ago it started dropping then by an hour ago there was no wind. But it's too dark to go for walk, perhaps next weekend

Saturday 25 February 2017


So I was sat at the table in't kitchen, I stood up and walked to the bathroom for a pee. I was walking slower than usual but my walking stick was in my left hand held sideways so it wasn't touching the ground. I had my pee and walked back too, in that no stick style


Ooooh, at half time now Wales are in the lead over Scotland
Oh bother, the second half wasn't as much fun!!!!

Meat Eater Happy With Veggie

And MM s'morning said his missus took him to a Hare Krishna restaurant in Swansa t'other day, he thought "I WANT meat" but when the food arrived he was so impressed with it that he will go back another time to eat there!!!


So we need to pop and buy some muesli today. Fairy nuff. But I didn't make a note somewhere, it just popped into my head s'morning, I can remember stuff sometimes

Friday 24 February 2017


And tonight I was having a play with one of these post your pic pages and managed to make this. No function, just trying


So today on the way to gym we popped into town to go to a charity shop to donate a strange pair of leggings that I found in the wardrobe yesterday.
From there we were on time for the Stroke class @ gym. Where I worked as hard and fast as I am capable of and was exhausted when we finished. As I was putting my fleece back on getting ready to leave one of the illest folk in the class said "Tara" and commented on how much better I am looking. As we were leaving I commented to RoyGBiv slightly perplexed and he said "No, I can see how much better you are getting here". Oh, I thought I was just still struggling on but apparently it is doing me some good

Thursday 23 February 2017


So Timmy (and the team)'s new cash card arrived, he phoned the cash manager and got the pin number for it so now he can pay for his own dinner at Iechyd Da eg. And all the rest. So petty cash has been split in two


Then after all the chaos we went to gym (Hooray) and I did another 7.5 mins walking upstairs at the slower pace which is much more effective. Then I went on the rowing machine and rowed for a kilometer and a half. It is noticeable how much fitter I am, I didn't need to stop and pant every few minutes like I had to 3 or 4 weeks ago


So we went to Iechyd Da to collect the veg, it hadn't been delivered. h*t. She phoned him, he said "Sh*t, I will be through Carmarthen s'afternoon, will drop it off then" so as long as it is all there or else we will have to nip to Morrison's in't morning too. But as we will be there s'evening for the Folk Night they will keep it until then
As we also had to nip to Morrisons after this catastrophe......


And it is really windy now, there is some storm with a name but apparently there will be up to a foot of snow in Scotland now, so a wee bit windy is lovely, in comparison

Wednesday 22 February 2017


So tomorrow at Iechyd Da Timmy will have his own portion of cash to pay and I will pay for my own. Hopefully a bit simpler


So me and GGtGG had a discussion of what to do today as there was no Aqua Aerobics group on. So we decided to go to the gym and do 1 or 2 exercises then head off for a long walk. So we arrived at gym, and before I knew it I was on my fourth exercise. Mainly upper body we did today, pulling, pushing rowing etc
So we came back for lunch first then headed into town for walkies. It was just nearly raining so we were nearly dry when we finished walking around town and around charity shops. I was rather impressed with the Oriel Gallery on 4 Blue St although I think their website is down for a few weeks

Tuesday 21 February 2017


So tonight I ate my dinner, enjoyed it, finished the last mouthful, reached for my pot of coffee and knocked the coffee into my lap. Oh, wasn't there extra cleaning up for RoyGBiv to do, as I couldn't head over to even get the kitchen roll as I was stuck circle of slippery coffee.
But he has done mopping and wiping as well as the washing up etc. Much relieved I am

Bicycle Races Are Coming My Way

And today I managed the whole 10km on the bike. I set off today pedalling slower so I kept going until I had finished the cycle, but I was still quicker than I have ever been, as I am getting fitter week after week

Monday 20 February 2017

Brought Tears To My Eyes

I am 2/3 of the way through another Terry Pratchett novel ATM and there was a bit of a quote that nearly made me cry in this one, I thought it just applies to me very much so
And doing further research later just made me think wow or summat. It is a bit strange but nice with it

No Swimming This Week

So we couldn't go swimming today as it's half term, full of kids. I had said to MM to go walking in town but he was scathing, insisted I go to gym and do various exercises
AND I did 10 minutes on the walking uphill machine and only needed to rest for a short time before doing more exercises. Even that machine is making such a difference, last week I only managed 7 minutes and was nearly crying by the time I had finished, already I am so much better

Sunday 19 February 2017


And I just switched on telly just as Shrek 4 was starting, as I haven't seen any of the first 3 I was a bit bemused but GGtGG suggested watching it and just WOW, I am a bit of a fan now.
Long winded animation but well worth the effort

.... Bloody Sunday

And I have changed my bed and listened to the washing machine all morning now.....

Saturday 18 February 2017


So we headed down (or up for that matter) to the pub tonight for a few pints. Yes, I haven't lost any weight for 3 weeks but I did today so I went straight way and had a fattening night

Restful Weekend

So today I shall..... read my novel(1) more
(1) This still gives me a lot of pleasure, simply being able to read at all after so long

Friday 17 February 2017

Garlicless Pizza

Then we had the traditional Friday night dinner of na'an bread pizza and chips for tea, which was as delicious as usual but I made it without adding spoonfuls of crushed garlic, which I usually do. It was still delicious but a bit different
But I think RoyGBivs wife will allow him a kiss when he goes home in't morning, she complains most weeks as he still stinks of garlic. Apparently, my sense of smell is a bit fscked nowadays

No Plastic Here

So they are trying to make the world tidier

Link to a reference

Small Bug Crisis

And yesterday Timmy panicked about the number of small black bugs near their cereal, also near the enormous sack of bird food that had only had one lot taken out. The bag was full of these small black creatures so we put it in the garage overnight. Today me and RoyGBiv went out, he poured one feeds worth in a container which I put on the feeding device in the front garden and he poured the rest of the kgs of food along the back garden, below the hedge which is full of birds. Then tonight we will pop out and buy a couple of smaller bags of seed, ones that you open and empty onto the feeder straight away
So we did go out later and buy 2 or 3 smaller bags of food, either it will all fit on one go or I will be able to seal the top and sellotape it shut, so no more creatures, hopefully


So today, before I go to the gym class, I have got to head over to my doctors and a) pick up some 'scripts and pop out and get them in the chemist next door, and more to the point b) have a testoserone injection
Really summat to look forward to
Oh what fun we had. But it was done, the fscking injection took ages to be injected in, it is thick gloopy stuff which she had to squeeze for ages to make it go in.

Thursday 16 February 2017


And it is loads warmer today, just everywhere. The radiator in the hall which I dry my sockings on is just fully cold.  The central heating has just decided it's as warm as a warm thing

Another Day, Another Dollar

So me and Timmy headed gymwards this morning and first of all I did the climbing up steps exercise for 7 minutes without a rest.
Then, after a few mins panting and gasping, I got on a pedaling machine and did 1500m

Wednesday 15 February 2017

Aqua Aerobicing

So we are going to aqua aerobics today.
So today I was looking at the piles of towels and clothes to take when it occured to me, I asked Timmy.... "So, all these clean clothes we need to take to the pool, shouldn't I get changed here, after lunch, so then within an hour I will be taking them back off at the pool, and we will have 15 bags of dirty clothes less to bring home with us". He thought about it, said "Try it today, wear your trunx on the way down.....".
Ooh and didn't it work well. It was much easier getting changed etc and much easier getting back to the car afterwards with less luggage.
And wasn't it as much fun as ever but I did it and am recuperating

Tuesday 14 February 2017


So me and Timmy headed to gym s'morning and I just did 8km on the bike, not the 10 I was supposed to. I thought I was a fast as..... but Timmy reckons I was faster last week.
But I was still fscking knackered

Monday 13 February 2017


And I was mid Terry book when chappy said to me "Did you see that program t'other night?" Which I hadn't but was even more impressed after watching "Terry Pratchett - Back In Black"

Pool Free

So we're not going swimming today. Hooray
Because we are going to a Headway group meeting to do...... fsck nose what I actually do there
And I did mention it to a MOS and he said "Get's you off swimming" so I suppose I shouldn't be so negative about it
And that was actually good this week. By a combination of it not being very busy and my head being in a different place we just headed in and looked for someone else to sit with, so conversation was a bit fuller. So I actually enjoyed it

Sunday 12 February 2017



                                          And W*nker this says to me


So today I went into the bathroom to have a bath. I mentally noted that it was cold outside but opened the window anyway as I was running the bath to let the steam out. I felt the cold draught but thought 'It's ok I will be in the water in a minute' but the toes on my right foot started to hurt loads, they were objecting to the cold air.
I have always known my right foot was fscked as the toes are all bent over but I didn't need reminding


Well me and MM headed into town for a walk about this morning and what can I say except it was fscking freezing.
But a long enough therapeutic walk was had
We went in s'morning as I will be stuck to the telly s'afternoon watching the snooker final

Saturday 11 February 2017


And I did see the woman who works in't pub tonight who promised me a pint if I swam 10 lengths of the pool this week, which I did. And MM who is a part time advanced swimming technique teacher was able to tell her that he was there and saw me do it
And the pint did slip down more specially than usual

We're Off To Watch England Getting Beaten (Hopefully)

And we are heading to the pub up the street for dinner tonight while we watch the England/Wales rugby match
We lost in the end but it was a well close match, one team winning then t'other. They took the lead 4 mins before the end

Friday 10 February 2017

Nuts Are We

Snooker Loopy Nuts Are We....... he sang to himself while sitting in front of the telly again

Isn't She Wonderful.....

Then after lunch it is off to my only gym class of the week, Pulse, with Sam (noisy link) in charge
Lordy. Well sorry but I am still a bit stunned about the room full of folk working their nuts off 'cos Sam sez "Do it!". But it is doing me sum good so......


And as Friday is the only day of the week I make chips I will have to not do so tonight as we ate chips last night with our omelette at Frankie&Benny's

Thursday 9 February 2017

To Shops

And first think this morning before we had any fun @ gym or eating out or anything, first we popped to Iechyd Da and were actually able to park on the closest spot and walk down to fetch my veg and then we popped to Morrison's and got the rest of a weeks shopping

..... And Benny's

So we popped out to Frankie And Benny's to eat dinner tonight. We were gonna order on top of tokens but in the end we figured out it would be easier/cheaper to just buy and nibble some food but it was delicious. So now in my wallet there is still a token with 2 or 3 days left on the usability stake but it was just lovely eating anyway


So today Timmy announced that I needed to cycle the 10km without speeding up/slowing down. I am fricking exhausted but I did it a minute quicker than last time

Wednesday 8 February 2017

Oh What Fun We Had....

And it's Aqua fscking Aerobics today.....
But first we popped to the Docs on King St and to the chemist next door to pick up another 'script for asthma medicine. And as we have a new system I put the parking receipt and the diesel receipt ('cos we killed two birds with one stone) in a new envelope to be given to Timmy at the end of the month
Well that was Aqua Aerobics. It seemed a fuller class today but perhaps that's more folk to show off to. And yes, every time I have a session summat is easier

Tuesday 7 February 2017

What A Day

So at lunchtime today we headed over to Sara the Physio's east of here. She was well busy but we got in. As we had to park across the way my boots were a bit muddy but I took them off and we looked at my ankles etc. I did loadsa walking on the padded beam, sideways was no problem and after about 8 go's I managed to walk up without holding on to anything. Now this is difficult even for proper folk to balance on but I did it
But it threw my time out, we got there for 2, left about 3 and it was 4 o'clock before we were back so closer to half past by the time I bathed and got in bed for a nap

Monday 6 February 2017


Hooray, so today we get to head to the swimming pool for some therapeutic exercise
Well I only did 8 lengths today but with loads of other exercises etc

Sunday 5 February 2017

If She Wins

Frexit too?

Marine Le Pen


And I am just about to watch Wales playing rugger in the 6 Nations
Aargh, end of the first half...
That looked easy in the end. Didn't we do well

Saturday 4 February 2017

Warm Enuf

And 10 minutes later I tried outside again and it is now warm enuf to sit on my bench reading


And while I was having breakfast s'morning out the window the sun had come up and was making all the rain on the windowsill turn into steam, so there was loadsa it going past the window. Steam, scary it looked like we were boiling away.
But the pictures I took of it were useless.
And I went back outside and tried to take further away photos soon after

Friday 3 February 2017

Pigs Bum, Cabbage and Potatoes

Yum yum..... So today we had the traditional Friday dinner of na'an bread pizza and chips.
Sorry I am still grinning

Not Milling Quite So Much

Well the scary wind has dropped. It is still a fair bit windy but nowhere near as much as yesterday

Weekly Session

Off to Pulse class. So today I have the only class I go to at the gym, it is about the 4th in line, I am now "so well" that I attend the "Pulse" class

Well phew, that's dun. Yes it was hard work but as (the gorgeous) Sam said to me, you can see how much quicker I am walking etc

Thursday 2 February 2017

Busy Day

And me & That Timmy are off to Iechyd Da to pick up the veg s'morning then MoreReasonsToShopAt..... (noisy link) to get the rest of my needs
Which we did then brought stuff back here to put away then we headed to gym where I did 10 mins on the up steppy machine then ages/miles in the rowing machine 


And the wind is back up but from a slightly different direction s'morning

Wednesday 1 February 2017

Well Windy

And I had to close the living room windows tightly today as it was *so* windy, but now I have been able to open them to the first notch bit again that they have been open to for some months

Split Seconds

And I listened to a radio program that was talking about time/medicine and just WOW I thought


So today Denyse said "Maybe you could set an alarm on your phone to remind you to think of another one tomorrow?" to remind me to look out and see a cheerful thing. So with my phone I recorded "Find summat cheerful", clicked various buttons and tomorrow (and every day after that) at 10AM my phone says to me "Find summat cheerful. beep. beep. Find summat cheerful"


So Denyse emailed me s'morning and said that I need to concentrate on what was making me feel good today. So I thought "Erm..... what?" and then 5 mins later got into Amazon/PrimeMusic/90'sDance and have been listening to it ever since.
That's what is making me smile s'morning
Especially when I wanted to leave the room. So I went to Amazon..... on my phone and made it play from there

What Fun

And s'afternoon we are going a Aqua Aerobics again.
"How pleased am I?" ha said sarcastically
Lordy. My sarcasm is beaten. I nearly, NEARLY, enjoyed getting better in't water today