Sunday, 12 August 2018

Mender Curtains

So as I was getting ready for bed tonight I called Roy and told him what I have already told 2 other chaps to no avail and said "This right hand curtain is not attached to the wall, I can pull it the whole way across" so he pulled the chair over, looked, said "Look in the other room, compare" fiddled about for a bit and actually fixed it

Saturday, 11 August 2018

Standing Doesn't Hurt

So as I stand up now it occurs to me that when I am pressing down on the armrests to stand up my right wrist hurts somewhat. So instead it just doesn't hurt at all.
I don't know if I am not getting better as it is a therapeutic press but........

Tommy Toes

And I went out to the greenhouse s'morning, watered it etc and had to pick 6 or 8 tomatoes. So they are waiting in the drawer in the bottom of the fridge now.....

Friday, 10 August 2018

Still Standing

And it occurs to me that I am doing it properly nowadays......

Cook Early

And I started cooking as soon as I finished my breakfast s'morning at about 8.15 or 8.20 or summat. Because it takes ages to cook yellow split peas etc and if I had gone to the 2 o'clock swim at gym there wouldn't have been enough time to have my nap then cook it afterwards etc. As it happens I didn't go to swimming but went to gym to go cycling so I switched off the pan of tinned tomato's and other veg then went to gym, when I came back I switched it on again and added yellow split and lentils and it is cooking away to itself.
In a bit I will switch it off again and have my bath/nap

No Swimming

So MM came into my room s'morning and said "As you missed the 10k cycle on Tuesday you can do it today if you want instead of swimming". I had to say "Isn't swimming therapeutic?" but he said "So is the long cycle. The choice is yours"
So I had to think for a bit, I don't wanna fscking do either but in the end decided cycling. So I had to pick up the towels that I had put in the hall with cream and the bag to put them in etc etc but we have a new plan. In a bit we will head gymwards, with a bottle of water etc
And "Oh what fun we had". After an hour I said "Right, home now" but MM got stroppy, sain "You only have 1.2km to go" *and* "But Denyse will be cross if you skive" so I pissing pedalled on

Thursday, 9 August 2018

Conference T'other Day

And when we had to take the car back to t'dealer t'other day I spent a few of our spare minutes asking chap whether when I replaced it in a couple of years I would be able to go electric. He talked loads about how they were a pioneer in the electric car field etc but he wouldn't say I would have one in a couple of years but he thought the technology is getting so much better quick;e he reconed in 5 or 8 years it would be a worthwhile option

Emergency/Panic/Crisis etc

Then when I was trying to take the chips out of the freezer to make our once a week treat  the front of the freezer drawer came off in my hand and the drawer was stuck. GGtGG looked at it and said "Oodles of ice, needs a defrost". I said "But we won't be able to...." but I hardly use the freezer now. Every week some casserole is frozen and defrosted in a few days, I cook nearly all the food we eat here so we were able to fit the contents into my extra little freezer and the ice box of the staff fridge.
It is nearly finished defrosting a couple of hours later, we will switch it back on and then an hour later put the food back in

Busy Thursday Morning

So as usual on a Thursday first of all we headed to the veg shop in the market and bought loads of various veg. On the way into the market we came across a chilli sauce stall that was offering free tasted so I tasted and bought the medium strength version
*THEN* we popped into MoreReasonsToShopAt..... and did the rest of the shopping.
We brought that home and put it away then went to gym and got stuck into out Thursday ritual on the rowing machine and did 3.25km

Wednesday, 8 August 2018

Grab Rails #27

After Denyse was here t'other day and saw my new grab rails she made a few phone calls, tested the "under the lid" function and later phoned me to say she had phoned the folk who had done it and said she wasn't happy as I need symmetry on both sides as otherwise my learning to walk etc will be uneven or somesuch and they have agreed to come back and do it again in a couple of weeks

After Lunch

Then after lunch Roy ignored my protests and said "Gym class" so we went to Gaynor's class again which wasn't very busy but as good as can be expected

Then on the way back we popped to the post box to post a birfday card that had been addressed to Freya c/o me which arrived s'morning. I put stickers over the address and wrote the address with my right hand and it was legible and another stamp and off it went

What A Morning

So s'morning we popped into the Toyota garage for the service on the car. I had planned to stroll about town while that was happening but it was pouring so we sat there watching Toyota Telly which every few minutes said "We are sponsoring the paralympics" and showing film which upset me/made me impressed etc
But an hour and a half later they gave me the car back and at home I could replace the bag of "car park" money etc

Tuesday, 7 August 2018

And They're Off

So we are going out tonight to a Bowling Club meeting, where I won't be bowling but socialising
Lordy. Some of them are very good at this, some of them not so


As I was walking past the kitchen door I heard some reference to this. Dunno what they were talking about, just the 3 seconds of conversation I overheard contained the name of this....

Long Way Round

And I went out to water the greenhouse but I forgot about shortcuts, I walked out the front door and around

Monday, 6 August 2018

Short Cut

I have just been out to the greenhouse to water it and it still seems odd, wrong in some way, being able to go out the back door after for so long I needed to go the long way round

Changing Colour

And one of the green peppers in the greenhouse has decided that is is actually a red pepper after all

Out The Back

I was just in the kitchen waiting for food to cook and I just went out the backdoor walked round for a bit then came back in through the backdoor
Because I can

Lifty Exercises

So we popped to gym and got stuck into "lifting and pulling things" exercises. On the lifting above your head that I do without any weight 1) I was able to lift both arms equally for the first time ever and 2) I was trying it with some weight, I managed to do 6 of the 20 scheduled lifts with 2.5kg. It's not very heavy but I didn't used to be even able to lift my arm up fully etc


Then we need to go back to the chemist next door to the Drs to fetch my script for sockings, the one that they gave me he note saying "Have none, come back" for on Friday
[Sigh] And they still didn't have any, she said "Come back later" but I thought "Nah, tomorrow" but there is a Team Meeting happening here tomorrow so hopefully they will have it by Wednesday


And I was on my way to bed tonight, took my phone, tried to plug it in, tried again, called MM and sed "Help", took his advice to plug it in and bought a new cable.
Ho hum 
So we ordered a new cable then later ordered a plug to plug it in with

Sunday, 5 August 2018


So a couple of days since my jab off the Dr and my chest and back seem remarkably free of spots/irritation. Lets hope it continues like this

Yum yum

And at lunchtime I cut up the first of the new tommy-toes. Apprehensively I bit into it. Fark, it was lovely, kind of sweet, just well nice

Sunday Bloody Sunday

Then s'afternoon I tried making coffee in the last cafetiere as the old one isn't broken but the coffee is full of bits. It wasn't in the new pot so I transferred to it instead and popped out to the obscure cheap cafetiere shop and fetched a couple of spares. Afterwards MM said "You can take it apart and clean it like this" which I did try. I couldn't undo it or do it up afterwards but it is done now, so I will try it instead of the new one later.
No, s'evening the newly cleaned pot put together (OK done) by MM was still a bit full of bits. Loads less than yesterday but still some


I forgot to close my curtains when I went to bed (in the dark) last night.
The light woke me up about 6 o'fricking'clock s'morning

Saturday, 4 August 2018


So last night I was thinking repeatedly "Lets go to the pub" but I managed to resist. Today MM said "Shall we go out...."
We popped to the pub in Carmarthen and it was actually rather busy. Like a pub used to be on a Wednesday at dinner time 20 years ago, the busiest I have seen a pub in ages 

Sore Ass

And every now and again, when I roll over in bed or change my position in my chair my arse hurts loads where it was injected yesterday. Most of the time I can forget about it then every now and again I wanna shout

Standing Up

And I have just recalled to stand up properly from the bench outside or my chair. Get my feet in the right position and stand up without using my hands to push, just standing up with my legs, like a proper person

Cooked My Veg

And I cooked the weekly "loadsa casserole" today and in it there was carrots, courgette and green pepper from my garden, that I had grown myself 😅


And I don't have my FES on today but it seems to have worked getting the muscle memory into my right foot, it keeps itself level most of the time whereas it used to be about 30-40º to one side every step

Friday, 3 August 2018


And walking into the swimming pool today without my FES on, my right foot stayed properly flat nearly all of the time. I suspect that the FES is supposed to be teaching me muscle memory, so lordy it works!!!!


So next to my reddening tomato is one that yesterday looked much yellower but today it looks twice as red, ripe


And I was having so much fun in the pool s'afternoon that I had forgotten all about having a jab s'morning but sitting in the car on the way home it suddenly hurt loads briefly. Oh yes, I recalled, there doesn't seem to be owt I can do about the pain, it just hits me briefly every now and again


And I went for a rescheduled swimming session today and it was as much fun as ever. BUT I am still getting better at it, I was able to do more of the exercises, better, than last week


So I went to the Drs and had my jab s'morning. She was very good, it didn't hurt at all to start. But she had to keep squeezing to get the enormous quantity of enormously thick gloop into my arse and it did hurt a bit in the end
So afterwards we took the scripts we had just got into the chemist next door and they gave me one and said "Come back on Monday for the other"
And I am well enuf that I can't make any excuses for swimming, I will have to go later

Thursday, 2 August 2018

Fun In't Morning

And tomorrow we are going to the Dr's early so I can pick up 2 'scripts and then see a Dr about the injection in my arse, testosterone.

Thursday Dinner

Usually Timmy is working on Thursday so I have to cook for myself but it was MM today so we could have na'an bread pizza and chips for tea. Mmmmmm

Pant, pant, pant

So first thing s'morning me and MM headed off to the food market, where he has never been before. First of all we headed up the wrong street but I said "No, around the block" so then we came back to the place where us blue badge holders can park. It was full, so we drove past and turned around. As we came back one car had switched his headlights on so we waited for about 45 seconds and he emptied up the space. From there we walked in and got the veg. We are starting to form a relationship, it was the woman of the team working today and I said to her "When you said 'Lovely!' I thought you were talking about yourself" and as we were leaving she said "£14.06" and just charged me £14.00 on the machine
From there to MoreReasonToShopAt.... where I got owt on my list, including fly killer strips which we haven't needed to buy for a year or two
Then we went home and put the shopping away then headed for gym. As usual I have to do about half an hour cycling and it was pissing me off how my two arms react differently but half way thru the cycle (That Beautiful) Sam came past and stopped to react to my complaint. She said "When you started here that arm was as broken as a broken thing, you couldn't even put it on the bike to start with. It is getting better and better, it's just a matter of patience and keep up the good work you are doing and it will get better eventually". Which is really good to hear on one level but on another level it means "Keep working hard"

Wednesday, 1 August 2018

Stress Buying Online

Then me and GGtGG tried to buy some tickets to The Big Cwtch which is a festival type thing locally but you can buy "Disabled persons" tickets for less and you get an accompanier to come in for free but you have to prove you are disabled. We tried many times to but them with The Staff Card but it just wouldn't. No visible reason, just kept bouncing. So then we tried it with my card, no problem, and we have booked a disabled parking slot etc. And if it is raining we paid so little we can just not go


Then after dinner we popped to town to buy a new clothes peg holder and some more anti fly strips. The clothes peg holder was easy but we went to 4 different shops looking for the fly killers. Most of them said "We usually do but there has been a run on them this week". So I have 1 more shop to try tomorrow then it is onto Amazon who are putting all these businesses out of business
Oh and we got more mixed seeds and nuts for the birds on the bird table, it seems quite popular these days

Different Plan

So as it is the summer holidays now today I am going to Gaynor's gym class instead of swimming and on Friday instead of gymming I am heading to the 2.30 swimming session which apparently they don't let kids in the pool then or summat


Then we popped early to The Lyric Theatre as it closes early and my nap would get in the way. She said "Want a refund or new tickets for when they come back?". "Pardon, I thought they hadn't sold many tickets?". "No, it had nearly sold out, they were here setting up when the roof let in some rain and the drain flooded us with sewage, making the electrical equipment a bit scary"
"Lordy, yes, just give us 2 new tickets for that then"
So that will be why they didn't phone us to say "Cancelled" until a couple of hours beforehand