Wednesday 11 August 2010


And this morning I am off to Priory Day Hospital for the first time in a week as last Friday I had an assessment here instead
AND I woke up and got up at the scrake of day this morning...
So I turned up at the Day Hospital today, it went as well as can be expected, yes it hurt etc. Then the lady came to take me home. I thought "Shall I have a piss or just go home then have one?". We came half way home then her SatNavc wouldn't find it any more and as we came here a different way than usual I didn't know where we were either. So we stopped while she typed into her SatNav. 3 times. When I was nearly wetting myself. In the end she phoned someone for directions, got here, dropped me off and I wished I could run but just walked quickly into the loo
And today was the first time in 7 years where I was able to climb the steps into a van