Thursday 30 September 2010


Now I am awaiting Freya but she has gotta finish her school day etc fist. About an hour after she comes a taxi is arriving for us, to take us both to the Folk Night at Caffi Iechyd Da, off King St
She's here now...


I went to bed last night at about midnight and woke up s'morning at 7 (sigh) but today I am wheel-chairing everywhere to recover, tomorrow I shall walk again


I said to a MOS how I thought I would spend tomorrow in a wheelchair a;though today I was walking everywhere eg I did all my washing up after dinner on foot, he said that they had noticed how much better I was getting in the brief time I have been here


I should be asleep now....

Wednesday 29 September 2010

Such Hard Work

Well I walked today until after 6pm, gosh but it was hard work, I might 'chair again tomorrow and walk again on Friday


Well I woke up this morning, walked into the kitchen for my breakfast and am still sitting on a proper chair
Still am, it's 1.15 now
It's 20 to 4 now and I am still sitting in my proper seat
20 past now...
And yesterday I had to sit in my wheelchair to have dinner because that Freya was here sitting on my proper seat but she is not here tonight, I am still up and about
Aargh, but I will need to get into my 'chair in a bit to carry out 2 bin bags for the bin men.
But I did my washing up etc first, now I am sitting down again

Tuesday 28 September 2010


And that Freya came to visit me tonight. It went really well and she agreed to come out to Iechyd Da on Thursday when hopefully we can have fun together


I think I may need my wheelchair back later but I haven't been in it at all today, it's now 1.30PM
And it was 4.30 before I went to make Freya's dinner and we only had 1 seat to sit on so I gave in and used it


So I woke up this morning, walked from my bed to the kitchen, made food and walked back and sat down to eat it. For some of my walking I wasn't even using my 'stick

Monday 27 September 2010

Ta Jackie

So today when she was looking at me walking Jackie said that I need to consciously bend my right knee as I put my foot down. I just went out for a walk up the hill behind my wheelchair and she was right. As I was concentrating my right leg stopped bashing into my 'chair which it had done last time I tried. It was much easier and quicker to walk if I concentrate on my right foot. For now


And some chaps came here today and filled in the hole in the wall, then they came back a couple of hours later and painted it and it looks pretty well fixed


And I made a Pizza again for tea, but again I was able to grate the cheese on a proper grater, I didn't have to use the device that was bought for me ages ago when I couldn't grate properly

More reasons to shop at.....

So I went to Morrison's this morning and bought not as much as in the past as I have some milk in the freezer etc but I succeeded and managed to buy everything on my card not with cash

I'm not camping

No not camping, not loitering with in tent at all


I was up this morning at 6.45, went for a pee (walked there) went back to bed but couldn't get back to sleep. In the end I got back up for the day at 7.30

Sunday 26 September 2010


So I had to chop up an onion and some mushrooms for dinner and once again I used my right hand to chop and it was much more excellent than it was recently


I had 2 slices of bread in my sandwich at lunchtime today instead of just one like recently. But I had less peanut butter and jam.
But I am loosing weight, my mother saw me for the first time in a couple of weeks last week and said so

Over Hung

As I had more to drink last night than I have had in a number of years I had a hangover this morning.
But I am OK now


And after my breakfast etc I went and had a poo. Now in the past I have had trouble with poo sticking to the right hand side of the toilet, G*d knows why, but today almost no poo stuck where it shouldn't be


As I was late and drunk last night I went straight to bed but woke up this morning went straight into the shower and washed my hair again, then went to have breakfast

Saturday 25 September 2010


Seems to be a bit of a theme today with this and this

More Pub

And that goes to show how in..ed I have become, someone had to say "Go out" before I realized that was an option. I was talking to another MOS earlier and I said "When my claim comes thru how (or who) do I ask for permission to leave?" She said "This is not a prison Neil, if you arrange somewhere then you can go" Blinkin' flip, I'm free


So I asked a MOS if someone can take me to a pub tonight, she said "No, no drivers here tonight, but taxi by yourself". I thought "YES!!! Fabulous"
And it was excellent. I went in on my wheelchair as there was no-one to fetch my drinks from the bar and I can't carry my walking stick and a pint but went in, walked to the loo there every time I needed, drank some and came back safely


So I had a look on this Interweb thingy and eventually came across an Irish Music Podcast and a Celtic Podcast which I downloaded and it is excellent to listen to

Right Hand

And my right hand is a lot better, more precise at cutting etc than my left. I actually was able to hold the knife in my right hand and chop veg for dinner. It worked!!! It's the first time in a number of years when I was able to do it with my right hand!
I feel that...


Well after I discovered how to change the colour of a link I also discovered how to underline links to make them more visible (I found this in the same place)

Noisy ~ not WS

And so I kept thinking of one line from a song, I thought "Nah, don't be silly Neil ~ that's not right" but it was, sorry


And I got up today at 20 past 7 (sigh)

Friday 24 September 2010

Washing hair again

And so because of the rash on my head I had to shower and wash my head again, apparently it looks better already, I will have to wash it again tomoprrow and see how it is on Sunday/Monday

Double Gosh

And I finally found out how to change the colour of links on my webpage. For a number of weeks I have been looking and loking but today it just turned up so I was able to fix the half visible links on my page. Hopefully I will remember what I did so I will be able to do it again if I need to


And I was trying to draw another map and it went horribly wrong, in the end I had to get the format off another webpage and alter it etc until it finally worked


And then today, at last, as I have nowt more exciting to do, I actually had time to cook a curry for tonight. Luckily most of the veg seemed OK after it has sat for 5 days
And I made a big(ish) saucepan full, so I left ⅓ of it in the pan for tonight and froze the rest
So I won't need to buy much veg this week as it is already prepared


Well I woke up and needed a pee s'morning at about 5.15 but then, unusually, I went back to sleep 'til after 8 o'clock, phew, I must have been so exhausted last night

Thursday 23 September 2010

Out to play

And I think that I am going to the Folk Club in Llansaint tonight
And I have just spoken on the phone and agreed to leave my wheelchair behind and walk there
And wasn't it FUN, I walked there...


And this afternoon it occurred to me, earlier on I saw some men doing summat with the sign across the road and it occurred to me, it wasn't red writing before, they obviously changed that
And they are saying save money...


And a woman called Tina came in to see me to talk about issues with me moving and difficulties etc. I said "No, you are too slim, I won't be able to remember your name, you are too slim for me to remember OvalTina"


Then last night I was fiddling and I came across a "End name with" thing and I was able to tell it that web pages should have an L at the end instead of just calling them HTM like modern PCs do


So this morning when I was sitting outside Alex was going home from across the road. He came out, looked at his car, swore and said "Flat Tyre". Instead of pumping it up with a "press on this pump with your foot" thing he got out a small box, plugged it into his cigarette lighter, plugged t'other end into his Tyre then spoke to me for 5 minutes while it blew his Tyre up. OK, I might be a bit out of date but I did think "You lazy bugger"

ETB, ETR.....

Gosh, I went to bed as soon as possible last night and woke up at 6.30 s'morning

Wednesday 22 September 2010


And tonight when we came back it was raining. They were at the back getting my 'chair out but I walked without my walking stick up hill and round towards my flat


Well I must be tired now but I am just glad to be on my own again so I feel OK now


And "the assessor" came to see me today. It was strange, he didn't want/need me to do writing and answering tests like the last one but..... no, it's all finished for a while.

And my parents have been here all day and they took me out for a meal tonight but they are going home after a quick visit tomorrow so I can/must start being naughty again


So as this assessor is coming today I woke up at 3.30 this morning. Went to the loo at 4, did summat else at 4.30, basically I was awake from 3.30 'til I got up at 7.30

Tuesday 21 September 2010


But tomorrow a chap is coming to assess me, apparently he will get here about 1.30 tomorrow afternoon


Well good lord but today was fun.

First of all I went we went out to explore in a beautiful garden which had just started when I had my accident but by now is very beautiful. But it's rubbish for wheelchair access but it was still beautiful.

On the way back we went to somewhere I lived before Freya was born.
Gosh but I haven't had time to be sat here all day...

Less Dear

So I woke up and needed a pee about 5.30 this morning but unlike yesterday I was able to go back to bed and back to sleep until 7.45 when I woke up (and got up) again

Monday 20 September 2010


But as I woke up at 5.30 this morning I feel a bit rough now......

Double Lord

Well we went out and had an excellent dinner, I had Cous Cous stuffed stuff (Avocado p'raps), it was very nice and healthy too


And then, at last I took my parents shopping. I went round and round the shop and got everything I needed. At the cash desk my mother insisted on paying but I was too late to get loadsa extras, but I got my weeks shopping for free


We went off to Singleton Hospital to fetch my new boot which had eventually come back with a now less sticky up right footwear thing. They now feel a bit strange but pretty good, they are more walkable in than my old boots. But these ones are black which I am pleased about
And after a couple of hours wearing them I think they are more comfortable than my other raised up pair, so hopefully they will be excellent in the long run
And they said to me t'other day that they would post 'em to me, which they didn't and knew nowt about but luckily my Dad was here to drive me over, cheaper than a taxi


Well he came over lunchtime today and interrogated me. He did say that I was much better than he remembered me, in the 3 or 4 years since he saw me I have come on bounds. And after he interrogated me, and asked me obscure questions etc to see how I was


And at 11 o'clock this chap is coming to assess me, to see how much help I will need in the future. I want to shout "None" but he has gotta decide for himself

Oh dear

Well I woke up, thought "Aaaah", got flipping up etc, at........ at 5.30 this morning

Sunday 19 September 2010


And it occurred to me half way through my dinner that I was using both hands to cut and eat it. I think it was the first time since my accident when I was trying to be posh enough, so I was using both hands


And both my parents arrived in a hire car this evening, then we went out for a lovely meal in town.

And no~one commented on my haircut, dunno if they are used to it or are bored commenting.

But it did occur to me in the car on the way back that I hadn't needed a pee since before I left, I commented on this and my mother said "Gosh, yes, remember when you were in Bath, you needed a pee every 15 minutes then"


So now I am waiting. At about 4.30 this afternoon my parents are coming over because I have 2 assessments next week. They are staying until Thursday.



Well I got up s'morning at 8.00 o'clock, went into the newly cleaned because my father is coming to visit later today kitchen, got my breakfast and dropped the packet of muesli which spilled everywhere.

And she cleaned the last bits of muesli that was beyond me, my kitchen is clean again

Saturday 18 September 2010

more Hoo-flippin'-ray

So this afternoon I was again thinking of a typing device to replace my Psion and in the end I asked a MOS who said "Can't you use your phone?", I said "No, I've looked" and gave up.

Later I was looking at my phone again and I thought "Oh god, 'drafts'", looked a bit more and I can type messages to myself and save them. It is perhaps a little harder to read, you need to open and check your drafts but it may well prove valuable.
So now my bum-bag seems really empty without the Psion (Which is good BTW)


And a member of staff came into my room, said "OK, I will phone BT and find out why your landline phone doesn't work", first of all found out that I can make calls but not receive them, was on the phone to BT for an hour and a half, switched off my PC, switched it back on, resetting everything, and in the end said "Hooray" because my landline phone now rings properly, at last

Oh dear

So up at 8.00 again. But in my bedroom are sitting loadsa clothes that I was s'posed to get showered and change into last night but I was at MacBeth so showering today.... (But I had my breakfast barefoot so I won't need to change my socks too)

Friday 17 September 2010


And for some reason my toothache, which has been severe(1), seems to have got better, by itself, spontaneously

(1) I have an appointment next week with the dentist but nearly asked for an advance


So this evening a member off staff asked me if I wanted to go see MacBeth tonight, so I said "Yes" going out later
And as I am going out to the theater I got 3 tissues, folded them, and put them in my right pocket, it is 7½ years since I used that pocket
And good lord but it was excellent. Especially as I no longer watch TV or video films but real actors were acting, excellent


And I am walking up and down outside without my 'stick


Well now I have had my mohawk cut, trimmed, but my unshaved bit is now longer than my hair.


This morning, when I went outdoors, it was actually steamy when I breathed. Good lord, I had forgotten that this happens, it was 7½ years, at least, since I saw it last


Well, up at 7.30 today, a lie in!!! "Dan, Dan, The Hair-cutting Man" sez he will come and do mine about 11 o'clock, he hasn't forgotten

Thursday 16 September 2010


Well I tried to play my geetar today. It was still way too hard but it was easier than before


So here I am sitting down trying to stretch my right leg. ATM it won't go as far back as my left leg so I have been trying to make it stretch more but it flipping hurts to do so but as I insist on getting better........

Early - again

So this morning I woke up at 7.00AM and needed a pee. So I got up and did that then I thought "Oh, I can go back to bed and lie there awake or get up" so I got up very early again

Wednesday 15 September 2010


And my son Sam came over to see me today as he is leaving in a few days to travel back to university in Manchester


So today I was sitting outside, every 10 or 15 minutes I would get up and walk without my stick up and down outside my flat


Well I woke up and got up at 7 this morning.....

Tuesday 14 September 2010


Then this afternoon my daughter came to visit me. Which was special.


So after I am walking so much with no stick I thought perhaps an emergency only stick would be useful. Dunno, I will have to wait and see when it arrives

Bleedin' flip

So I got up this morning at about 8 o'clock, went into the kitchen and made breakfast etc, no problem. When I finished my first mouthful of breakfast suddenly I really needed a pooh. It was strange and sudden (shrug) so I had to go to the loo before I drank my coffee

Monday 13 September 2010

Out tonight

And a member of staff said "Are you going to Headway tonight?", I said "Is it tonight?" and tried to say that taxi's are much too dear but she said "Person from here want's to go and he has a car, wanna lift?" so I shall go in pair tonight
Good lord, it was a bit strange but it was good being out, and I think Anthony is gonna want a lift every month (even tho he can't talk) so I will be able to blag a lift
And someone said to me "Where's your 'chair?" but I walked tonight, and good lord, we parked across the road, half way up a car park, bleedin' miles but I walked


And I managed to do my shopping, got it all, remembered juice this week, still didn't need a pee when I came back so obviously summat is better


I woke up hours ago, and in the end got up ¾ of an hour before my alarm clock went off.

Sunday 12 September 2010

National Botanic

And this afternoon I had another visit to the National Botanic Garden which is right over near where we used to live, and god it's impressive, like really. I have been there before (not before my accident) but I think last time I was there with my parents whereas today was just a relaxing visit but WOW
And I went without my wheelchair today. I walked in, queued for ages, eventually we went in, then I got one of their wheelchairs to borrow


After I got up s'morning I (it's still a novelty) I changed my bed, washing machine is going as we speak and my new quilt cover looks very posh. That is only the 3rd time IIRC that I have been able to do it myself

Fixed it

And at last summat occurred to me and I was able to make the link to Blog be down from the text above rather than being a long way down. "(BR)"

Saturday 11 September 2010

.... Have Seen The Glory Of The Coming....

Good lord, my eyes are nearly in line. So if I take off my patch and look straight forward if I tilt my head a bit forwards then I see it properly with no distortion. If I change the angle or look to one side then it gets very confusing and I need to close my right eye and just see from the left. But PROGRESS


Gosh, after that walking today I feel absolutely exhausted
And it is now late enough to be worth going to bed, I can now not need to be up at about 5 AM

Good lord

Well today we went out to play, we explored Kidwelly Quay, Burry Port etc. It was excellent
And I walked further today on an uneven surface, I think it was the most I have managed in 8 years

Friday 10 September 2010


Well today we had a meeting about me. And how well I am doing, it turned out. And the man who is making my claim was there, he said I might heve my court case winnings by December, wait and see

Thursday 9 September 2010


And 3 people who are here tomorrow visited me this afternoon


And this evening we found the house that I lived in when I had the accident, but I have no memory of living here at all


So here I am waiting for my Father and Big Sister to arrive tonight for my assessment tomorrow

Tuesday 7 September 2010


Erm.... I am starting setting up another private blog, which is excellent but I can't figure out how to let any members view


That Freya came to see me, eventually, today and it was occasionally how it should be again. Like proper father and his 13 yo daughter talking

HELP Bloggers

I want to export my blog to a new site but I cant see either export or import

Panic over, sorry

Monday 6 September 2010


Went shopping 'smorn, got everything except juice, I forgot that, och well

Sunday 5 September 2010


Wow but I am getting......... tonight


Sunday, Blooming Sunday

Saturday 4 September 2010


And today for the first time in...... at least 7 years, possibly a whole life, today I have drunk more tea than coffee
And I am having tea with my supper too


Resting on a Saturday...

Friday 3 September 2010


And today I will have to taker the shower I was supposed to take yesterday but I was busy seeing Freya
I did in the end


See these f**king butterflies that are flying about ATM. Flying too fast to enable photoing, sitting still until your camera is half way to your eye...

Thursday 2 September 2010


And today I had that Freya come to see me. We had words but both apologised....

Wednesday 1 September 2010


That Freya phoned me and said "Sorry you didn't know we were away" as she had been told to tell me that the whole family were going on holiday this week. So after that I will have to look forward to her coming tomorrow instead
So we may try making some Lasagne


If anyone want's a private offlist chat about what's going on for me please feel free to drop me a line.... at hippyweb

Well I went to see today

A Dr in Swansea about my eyesight. He did obscure stuff to my right eye, having given me 3 painkillers already, and hopefully summat is different now. We will see in 24-36 hours. Everything looks the same apart from my actual eye which is red. He said we can't look too far ahead but he was a bit confident although it is now a wait and see situation.
"Have you got better yet?"