Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Prog Rock

I seem to have moved on from Punk now to Prog Rock. I have been listening to Marillion tonight. And good god, despite the fact that much of my memory is a bit wonky I remembered all the words, for songs that I haven't heard in a number of years

Came To See Me

And a beautiful visitor came to see me today which was nice. For dinner we had summat I had made and couscous with stuff in it. I may have cooked it before but I haven't cooked it for a number of years now and it was delicious


Pistols. Yes, I have bought 4 albums of them today, dunno why my head was being punk but it was/is


Thought there was supposed to be a blizzard last night?

But anyway, I feel trapped, I am moderately immobile at the best of times and I am stuck now, I can't even go and put my bin out tomorrow

Monday, 29 November 2010


So about 4.45 tonight I went outside to look at the dusk and what was there in the sky outside my front door? A star - at 4.45PM


So because they were too scared to let me go off in the snow to the shops alone today I was accompanied by Tristram another veggie who can't be taking ages to cook. He spent most of the time saying "Have you tried this, or this?" etc . Because he was nagging I spent about a tenner extra this week. Couscous seems to have attracted my attention this week, and some other stews etc. The veggie stuff seems to cook in about 5 minutes so it is easy...
And when we were in't supermarket today an announcement came over "Will the owner of car registration plate "CY570 NTH" please come and....". I want it


So this morning I was sitting in my PC chair and I noticed that the screen on my PC was grubby, loads of "bits" on it so I got a damp cloth and had to clean most of it

ETB, ETR....

Well I went to bed at about 10 past 12 last night and woke up again so I got up at about 7.30 s'morning.....

Sunday, 28 November 2010

Strange Buying

And I looked online for ages to find a Pocket Sized thermometer to see how cold it is when outside etc. I looked and looked and looked, was just about to give up then found a cheap "whistle" that when I read a bit more is a multifunction thermometer. Now I don't suppose I will whistle much but a thermometer for a couple of quid, excellent


And I found myself watching sport on't telly again. Dunno, it seems more up to date, it doesn't matter that I have watched very little telly recently


And today I asked again and this time the third person that I asked actually knew the answer to my question and actually knew how to switch my heating up.

I am a smidge upset that 2 MOS didn't know because the central heating is 'theirs', not summat that I own/had fitted


So I got up s'morning, went into the kitchen and turned the tap on to fill the kettle. Nothing came out. I was just about to shout "Help" when suddenly it started, about 5 seconds after I had turned it on. Now it's back to normal, switching on instantly like a proper tap, so dunno

Saturday, 27 November 2010

Oh Dear

Didn't We Have A Lovely Time... (noisy)


But I asked a chap s'morning if Dan The Haircutting Man was about. He said "It's me!", so embarrasingly enough he then said that he has got to take somebody to hospital this afternoon but after that he will tidy up my (now) scruffy long mohawk
And he did it, it looks not half bad

Weekend Now

So I woke up and got up s'morning. Today I am being lazy and wheel-chairing

Friday, 26 November 2010


So I got up early and took myself to Priory Day Hospital s'morning in a flippin' taxi because someone had contacted here and told them there were no Ambulavan's available. Yes, it was very scary being out in the snow but I coped. Unlike everyone else there, they closed early. So I phoned another taxi, they said "No, sorry, schools are out early, no cabs available, so I phoned yet another taxi company and they said "OK!", thought "Oh, I was looking forward to lunch" etc. I phoned the taxi company back and said "Where's my cab", they said "Sorry, chaos everywhere, we will phone you when your taxi is coming". So I was the only client there eating lunch, but I did enjoy it.

ObAnd I didn't see any Ixies (or anyone) riding a bike today from my taxi.

When I eventually got back here a MOS said "Ah there was a parcel delivered to you today, I will get it", got my parcel out and said "20 minutes after you left in a taxi an Ambulavan was here looking for you". So AARGH. I phoned Priory and said "Right, next Wed. if it doesn't come I am not paying for a flippin' cab again" and she said "Fairy nuff"

Thursday, 25 November 2010

Iechyd Da Folk Club

I am off out in a bit..... to the hole in the wall first then to Iechyd Da
And wasn't it fun tonight, I need to go to bed almost immediately


And a MOS has just told me that a chiropodist is coming this afternoon to cut my flippin' toenails. I assume we will arrange to see her again in 6 weeks or so too
And just WOW. A woman called Gaynor came to see me, cut all of my toenails and my feet feel so much better now. On the right foot she explored a bit (as I had an infection in my left big toe) and found under the toenail was a folded bit of more toenail, an infection in a month or so, but she fixed it today

ETB, ETR....

Well I got up at 8.40 today, not having gone to bed until about 1 AM s'morning....

Wednesday, 24 November 2010


And I saw a MOS today that I trust and said "My temp. filling has come out should I leave it for the 6 weeks until my next appointment?" but she said "No, phone your dentist tomorrow"
Which I did and made another appointment


Well I actually sat and watched Rangers play Man U tonight, but they lost


So I got up early s'morning and went to "the exercises for my right arm" at hospital. But it hurt loads all the stretching I was doing but "Wow" my right arm is better already and it will get even better when I go again on Friday etc
But there is a problem, no ambulance available on Friday so can I please take a taxi. So yes for Friday but I am not paying for any more

Tuesday, 23 November 2010


So I walked into the kitchen s'morning, stayed walking until this afternoon, again. Then later I was thinking "Where's Freya?", phoned her Mum, she said "Should be with you". I waited for another 15mins, phoned J again, she said "She must be on her way home". So I gave up, turned around and was just starting tio leave when she arrived. She had missed one bus and had to wait for another. But she came. Then, when she was here I cooked the first stir~fry that I have stirred for about 7½ years, mmmmm

Up Again

And I am up at 9.15AM today..... still feel a bit trapped here but....

Monday, 22 November 2010


And whoops, didn't mean that. So I was going to make me a coffee when "something" hit the pot too hard and broke it. Aargh, and I was at the shop s'morning. So I have ordered a new one which will be delivered on Wednesday, instant coffee 'til then
And luckily I bought an extra jar of instant for whatever reason last week. Obviously I knew

Up and Out

So got up s'morning and went shopping in Morrisons. It all went well until I was home when I noticed the BB today on my salad which I had bought for the week. (Sigh) The staff know I want summat, they will ask me when somebody is going

Sunday, 21 November 2010


And I am not, as I did every illness to affect me in nearly 40 years, gonna get better and go back to my life. That life has gone now and I am working towards a new life


And one of my temporary fillings fell out of my tooth tonight. At a guess I will leave it as I have an appointment with the dentist in 7 weeks

Still not going

And I spoke to my sister today, she said "Don't go yerself" she is gonna go. On Wednesday after Ian (her husband) and her have just come back from an Aunties Funeral


So I walked into the kitchen again s'morning...... I will be on my own two feet 'til this afternoon

Saturday, 20 November 2010


And my internet banking is broken!!!

Still Thinking About It



So yesterday I had to brush my path by the lawn as it was fulla leaves. Now it looks a bit healthier, so today I took some photos


And so s'morning I didn't get up 'til 9.15AM, Saturday layabout

Friday, 19 November 2010

In Need

I turned my telly on earlier got Children In Need and I am still watching it, a number of hours later

My Head

So I am thinking ~ "What does my future hold? What shall I do with the rest of my life?".
So I am not leaving here to get my life back, I am getting a new life

Up Again

Well, so I got up and walked to the kitchen again. My new hobby, walk every morning, chair in the afternoon

Thursday, 18 November 2010

New Plan

So rather than walking every other day I think I will walk each morning and rest in the afternoon


Well I got up today and walked in to get my breakfast etc. Walked

Wednesday, 17 November 2010


So today I am a bit excited as to making a stir fry tonight
Simple ingredients
And it was delicious

Tuesday, 16 November 2010


And tonight I tried to twist summat, couldn't twist it, get it in my opener and then open it, no problem

Over now

Gosh, long day, busy day but for the "first time today" I have been catching up on Ixion sat here


So s'morning I got up at about 5.15AM, walked to the loo, walked back, went to bed to try and sleep for a bit and dropped off, to my surprise, until 9.40AM ~ a lie in!!!

Monday, 15 November 2010

1, 2, 3

And today I retried putting a close this sign in a webpage but I realized
it must be an extra opened window not the main, first, one


Went shopping, bought salad, a pepper, mushrooms, forgot to buy fryable veg, at a guess I can fry loadsa mushrooms & and have that with oven chips, I have got summat else to experiment with when Freya comes on Tuesday
Stir Frying I believe now I have thought of it


Up half an hour before my alarm clock(s) today, ahh
And in another hour my taxi to take me shopping is due

Sunday, 14 November 2010


So even tho I got a see your Doctor letter off the DVLA t'other day, I don't think I am gonna rush as A) I can't afford a car yet and B) I am still getting better and I have an appointment with the eye specialist early next year, for now patience


Yes, I'm still here......


So I woke went to bed about 1AM s'morning, up at about 5.10 walked into the bathroom, had a piss, walked back, thought "Shall I get up?" then thought "Nah, too early ~ try", got into bed and actually went back to sleep, I didn't wake up again 'til 9.15

Saturday, 13 November 2010

Radio 7

And tonight I tried for the first time in ages and I am well impressed. Listening to Dad's Army ATM

My Right Knee

So today I can walk but when I am doing so my right knee is hurting in a way it wasn't before. Lets hope it just gets better by itself
It seems to have not hurt when I was making lunch, so..... dunno


So I got up s'morning and walked into the kitchen without my walking stick. Long may it continue...
And today I feel better at walking than I did t'other day, so I am getting better again
And yes, I am still walking after lunch, unlike t'other day....


And last night I went to bed about midnight (I was flipping knackered) and actually slept s'morning until 8AM

Friday, 12 November 2010


So I was outside tonight and I thought "Try my eye again", took off my patch, thought "Flip!!!! So as my my eye is usually under an eyepatch or I'm asleep, WTF is it improving? Too much to think about


So later I felt absolutely knackered because I had gotten up so early but there is no point going to bed early as I will wake up even earlier tomorrow


The ambulance taxi arrived and took me to the hospital where they were going to inject me. Both Doctors were there, 1 the chap I saw on Tuesday and 2 the chap that I haven't seen for about 3 years. First of all number 2 was really impressed with how much progress I made in that time. They had a conference about my arm and did decide to inject me. So Doctor 1 got 4 syringes ready and injected it into 2 muscles. As of yet it hasn't made much difference but I will wait and see
Actually no, just stretching on the table and possibly it doesn't hurt as much as it used to, as in the tightness is going

ETB, ETR....

Gosh, I got up at 5.30AM this morning but it may be because I am eager to go to hospital.... which I will, in hours

Thursday, 11 November 2010


Then later this afternoon that Han who I first met yonks ago and her boyfriend MRFS who I have known thru Ixion for some years but never met in the flesh came to visit. Han said "You won't remember last time I came to visit you, you were still in hospital". She also said that the last time she saw me I hadn't relearned how to speak, I could make a couple of noises but not recognizable as speech. They both also said how much better my Ixion posts are recently, I have learned partly how to communicate once more.

Gosh, I feel close to tears just trying to express how it was to see them
And I was speaking to a MOS earlier and I said that "This beautiful woman and her BF were coming to see me later" and yes, I was right, she is


And when I got back today there was a message from Lucy saying Jackie asked her to send this, blinking flip, he's a disabled punk


So after brekky today I was taken off to the Day Hospital to see the chap who is hoping to inject my arm with Botox tomorrow. We had to talk for ages, he was asking me loadsa questions which he will repeat hopefully in a few weeks to see how different my right arm feels


Well I still got up and was having my breakfast when my alarm clock went off. Up tomorrow too. So I went to the hospital today and we had to talk about all sorts of stuff so he will be able to see if tomorrows injection has worked or not. Then we did some stretching etc, I will see the same chap at another hospital tomorrow

Wednesday, 10 November 2010


Gosh I feel tired but if I go to bed now I will wake up at about 3.00AM tomorrow


So I remembered another unsuitable rhyme today, which made me think "Aargh" but I mustn't wish I would stop recalling stuff as it is a symptom of me getting better. Even if it is with such sad memories


And the postman came this morning and delivered an appointment with the "Orthoptics" department at Singleton Hospital next (flippin') year. So I had to Google Orthoptics and apparently it means someone too try to fix my right eye!!!!

Wheeling Again

So today I am "resting" in my wheelchair once more, tomorrow I will leave it here and go, in an ambulance transport vehicle, to Priory Day Hospital on foot
Because of fear I am gonna take my chair with me tomorrow, hopefully I won't sit on it between arriving and leaving but stop me being scared etc

Tuesday, 9 November 2010


And today however briefly that Freya girly chucked me off my PC and....


And I was trying to do another webpage with a small link on it and I had completely forgotten how to do it. After about 4 hours of work I finally managed but the site isn't that exciting, just relearning


And I wanted to record sound for summat, I couldn't figure it out. Until someone said "You have sound on videos" and I also have an MP4 to MP3 converter. Done recorded sound


I am a bit shocked at how difficult walking is today. So I had about 4 days off and I feel well out of practice.
So I walked everywhere until after I had put my lunch dishes away then I sat in my wheelchair. Perhaps I will do the same tomorrow until I get better

Sleep Is For The Weak

I went to bed last night at 12.02AM then I woke up and got up at 6.05AM

On My Own Two Feet

So today is the first time in about a week that I have left my wheel-chair by my bed, walked into the living room and kitchen....... It feels scarier, as I'm out of practice but I need to carry on with this getting better, even tho at Headway last night they were discussing coping with ongoing problems, but I am trying "to get better"
Now strangeness, first thing when I was walking today my right foot was trying to turn over, like it was when it was worse, but later I assume it's just because it is getting used to being used it is, if I concentrate, being more upright

Monday, 8 November 2010


And then after such a day I thought "Oh, it's Headway tonight, better phone a Taxi" but before I phoned I asked a MOS is anyone else going, and he said "Yes" so I got a lift, no Taxi fares. And the chap who was talking moved me rather a lot, he was mainly just talking about what can happen to those of us who suffer a BI and our families

What A Day

Flip. Blinking flip. Today was hard work. First of all I had to go to Priory Street Hospital for "stuff" checking my arms etc. He said he will be there at Hill House Hospital and inject the Bo Tox poison into my arm on Friday. He also said that I am not supposed to be there in my wheelchair although it is OK to chair on Friday as it's a new place. He did BTW say that it will be 1% as unpleasant as having my eyes Bo Toxed so that is good news, I hope. But he did make another appointment for me to see him at Priory on Thursday to "prepare" me for the injection on Friday. So on Thursday I will have to walk there. But when I came home I checked my timetable and I was supposed to be seeing the dentist on Thursday too, so I had to phone them and make a different dated appointment. Then I went to (More Reason To Shop at) Morrisons to do my weeks shopping, I did that, phoned a Taxi and they said "Nah, nowt for hours, school run" which is why I usually go shopping on Monday morning
But it's all done, it's over and Freya won't come here tomorrow and find an empty flat as I am shopping


So s'morning I went to LloydsTSB site, was about to enter my username and password when it occurred to me, that you don't need to move the mouse until the password bit is underlined then enter, you just connect to the site and the cursor moves in there automatically. It's small but impressive


So I went to bed relatively early last night so I could get up s'morning at 7.30AM. Because of that I woke up at 6AM instead

Sunday, 7 November 2010

In't Morning

So I am up early and off to t'hospital in't morning. So I wont write til later


And today at 7pm I will take off my boots ready for a shower, then pause, don't take your trousers off until "Oh Hel" has been in to inspect my feet, someone may have to come in and work on them, paid by my winnings
And yes, she took one look at them and said "Get some cash for when the cutter comes"


And unusually I was watching a football match on the telly. The first half was a bit dull but in the second half they scored 5 goals in about 9 minutes


So I said to Helen "Well Helen.... is that your name?", she said "Yes, well remembered Neil". So I said "Helen, Helen..... what can I say afterwards to make it memorable?". She said "Dunno, but do not call me Helen Of Troy". How can I not now...
Ah, it occurred to me later... if an abbreviation is a nickname I will refer to her as Oh.
"Oh Hel".... I will remember that
Or Helen Earth.....


...Makes A Man...

ETB, ETR....

Got up at about 5AM s'morning as I had already been awake for "ages"

Saturday, 6 November 2010


As I have been instructed to spend my transport allowance I took a taxi to t'pub tonight

Sh*t, I had no idea

On the news tonight the US president is visiting India ATM and today he went here to pay respect

Try Again

So tomorrow I will try to start BLOGing again, if I can write about pointless stuff that's going on


Well what can I say... I learned so much about how ill I was a few years ago that I don't feel the need to talk about now, I was so ill, I am lucky to be alive

Friday, 5 November 2010

Double Goosd Lord

Gosh I had way too much to do s'morning and then this afternoon and then, at last, I was taken out for dinner. Gosh, they are impressed with me but.....

Thursday, 4 November 2010

What A Day

Well, I have been out with my parents loads today, they had to take me to where they are picking me up tomorrow as a check etc. Good lord, I am glad they have gone now, even tho I did enjoy my dinner

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Denyse Procter

Good lord, this afternoon I had 3 hours with my new Case Manager. I think I love her, not inappropriately, but because she seems knowledgeable and she cares. She willl be back to see me in a few weeks
Mmm and apparently she works for the (much lower paying) NHS 2 days a week and works freelance the other 3, she does care about all of us


Good lord, I am getting really stroppy now, my parents are here helping me &c because the woman is coming in half an hour but it's doing my head in having my parents here helping, it reminds me of being 10 or so

Not Walking

As today is full of visitors &c I am wheeling. Walking requires me to be left alone &c


This morning, after my breakfast &c I tried to log on to Lloyds TSB. It said "No, sorry, we are fixing it". I panicked a bit and tried again before I had another cuppa and it works now. Phew, don't panic Neil

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Mum And Dad

Good lord, what a day. Well, my Mum and Dad came over because I am having serious meetings over the next few days. And we all went out for dinner with my Daughter, awwww, they were all pleased to see each other


And last night I was fiddling with random stuff on my PC, I was having a look on the Control Panel and I noticed a link called 'Mouse' so a bit of fiddling there.... A) I switched off the "shadow" on the mouse and B) I switched on 'Display Pointer Trails' which makes it a lot more difficult to lose the mouse

Happy Chappy


Well I woke up and got up at 7AM this morning..... Waiting now.....

Monday, 1 November 2010


Gosh, I am a bit excited because tomorrow I am going out for dinner with my daughter and her grandfather

My Hoist

And this afternoon someone knocked on my door and said "Can I maintain your Hoist?" so I said yes. Even tho I have never used it they need to maintain it in case the next person to live here needs one.

Did it

Did my weeks shopping, couldn't find one item it turns out they have changed processor etc


So I got up s'morning, going to't shop in a bit to buy this weeks groceries, hopefully storable items as my Dad is coming over and we will hopefully be eating out some