Friday 10 December 2010


So here I am relaxing in my room late. WHAT A.....

So I went to Day Hospital today and the instructor was being half way really dead pleased at my progress and half way being "Well in that case keep up this progress be doing this until it hurts" and it works.

Then Toby my precious firstborn child came to see me for the first time in months. We talked, he has fu*ked up again in his new place and all circumstances have really gone mad around him so he is now against his will staying with Julia and her new chap BUT WE REALLY TALKED ABOUT HOW HE FUCKED UP AND WAS NOW REALLY TRYING ALL THE TIME TO MAKE IT WORK he is nearly a grownup now. &c etc

Then a MOS came in and cared.

Then I had some dinner.



Then my Dad phoned and said see you on Sunday as I have just received notification of your assessors coming on Monday to see you
