Monday 10 January 2011


And in a bit I am off to the supermarket to do my weeks shopping
Blinkin' flip, I was in Morrisons and someone walked past the other way, I didn't quite recognise her but felt a bit odd. Next aisle she came past again and I had to say "Excuse me, do I remember you from about 10 years ago?". She looked at me..... and said "Where from?". I said "Ah, sh*t..... Glynabbey?" She said "Yes, what's your name?". I said "Neil" and she said "Oh my god, yes, hello" She had heard that I couldn't walk or speak etc when I was in hospital and nowt since, so she was really pleased to see me. I was pleased to speak to her for 10 minutes and more pleased that some of my memory is obviously coming back.
Gosh and BTW the shopping went well, I bought a snack that I haven't had for 8 years for lunch etc