Monday 7 February 2011

Monday Bloomin' Monday

So s'morning I went to the supermarket on the Dial-A-Ride bus again, I am still so impressed by it, it picks me up by my front door takes me to wherever I want and it's free. Anyway I got most of my shopping and some new mouthwash. I suspect you use it after you brush and it keeps your mouth germ free for hours. BUT after I got home was unpacking I realised that I forgot to buy lentils which I finished last week. I have got the rest of the ingredients waiting.... so I asked a MOS and he checked then said that a woman is taking a chap to Tesco later so she will be able to get me some. Phew
AND I found the ingredients for a Whiskey Mac too.....
And I bought a small pack of Bananas for myself, to try and break my addiction to sweets
And I bought a first course for me and Freya's dinner tomorrow