Thursday 24 March 2011


And luckily Ed is coming here for 6 hours today and we have no plan as such, because when I was getting dried after my shower last night I knocked the shower gel down onto the floor and the top broke in half. Sounds like no problem but it is a strange upside down jar that won't sit any other way up except lid downwards so shopping will use up some of our hours
Double good lord, we did the stuff I needed to s'morning, then came back here for lunch then pottered about in Carmarthen. Good lord but it has changed, we explored the new shopping center etc. Then we went opposite Ferryside and just pottered for a while, had an ice cream etc. When we were in town I got to use my key for a Disabled Loo that I have had for some time but have never been able to use yet
And we found Mynydd Cerrig where I used to live, they have changed all the roads leading to it
And gosh that right up seems too brief, we had a good, very important day oddling about