Thursday 17 March 2011

Out And About

Well. Gosh. (Bang, bang, chop, chop) Busy (Busy, Work, Work)

So today I had 5 hours with my new Support Worker, Ed. Gosh, what a day we had. Firstly we went to that Tesco's place where I bought a New Phone as my old one was getting wonky. And my new phone was really cheap as I just want a simple phone, not camera, internet etc. He sent me 2 txts afterwards and I was able to delete them both at once, which my old phone had not being doing for a while. While we were there we purchased some Guinness as it is St Patrick's Day today. Afterwards we came back here, got my new phone charged and working with my existing SIM card (so the same number), I had some lunch, then we headed off to look for furniture. Three flipping places we looked to no avail. We went to a Charity Shop to give them my old phone. And if I had had to get a Taxi for every journey I would have spent 20 or 30 quid just on those today

So gosh yes, we had a good day, no time to look for cars but we will probably do that on Monday after shopping. Oh ObAnd he cleaned my kitchen floor which I tried to do t'other night but then every time I went back in the kitchen my wheel's were making a mess, but today we went out, so the floor was dry by the time I got back

ObAnd(2) and I scanned and emailed the first of his monthly "pay me" sheets, he took a copy to post too, it needs to be done on this date every month, so he had a small claim this month