Friday, 15 April 2011

What A Day

Well first of all we went over to my new job. It was strange but I think we will manage to check on everywhere etc.

Then we went and had an enormous omelette with mushrooms and cheese for lunch. It was very delicious but as I hadn't known quite how bit it was gonna be and I had a bowl of fried in fat chips to eat too. I am still not hungry for dinner.

Then when we came back here the door knocked and my 2 sons were here to visit me for the first time in many months. It was well cool to see them both (I feel like crying just telling u this) and all went well. Sam had brought a copy of Office 2007 which we installed no prob. Except then my firewall decided to refuse to allow any pages of my website onscreen as it was too scared. Sam had a good look at the html, did a CHECK HTML thing 3 or 4 times, they ALL said it was clean. Then Sam and Toby had to go home so I deleted the anti-virus problem, my website worked once more then I installed a different AV and now it is all happy and working as well as it was this morning

So phew what a day