Friday 20 May 2011


Gosh, what a day. First of all I went to docs with Paul and apologised for forgetting my allergies and got some hay-fever med off him. When I was there I said I have just opened my last brown 'haler but as I am here as we speak can I have another.

Then we went to Boots to hand in our 'scripts and while I was waiting I bought some multivitamins. So the drawer by my bed is now looking a bit full, asthma med, hay fever tabs, and multi vits.

Then we came back here while Sara tested me and my balance etc.
More to the point she said "When you get wheezy it might be nerves not asthma, tell yourself to breath calmer and see it that works". So I tried it next time I got wheezy and blinkin' flip, it did work so more notes to tell the doc in a fortnight when we see him about Asthma
And again she said "Walk more indoors Neil"