Wednesday 15 June 2011

With Little Chap

So today me and little Paul got it together. Last night I was awake at about 6AM but by the time my alarm clock went off I was asleep, big style. So by the time I had woken up enough to do my splint, eat breakfast and do a big pooh Paul was already here, I didn't even have time to drink my coffee first. Anyway once he arrive and I finished my coffee, he did a few chores, said "Lets leave the gardening until it is dry" then we headed off into Carmarthen, into that evil Tesco's shop, where we bought some swimming goggles and a little mini kick board float type thing. Then we went off to the end of King St to that restaurant, Frankie and Benny's, we ate at last week where we had another different meal, which was as delicious as last weeks.
That Paul has taken my goggles and a black marker pen, that we also bought, away to colour in the right hand lens, to make it opaque