Wednesday 13 July 2011

Walking, properly

So Paul came down at 1 minute past ten this morning. I tried to tell him off and send him away but he was having none of it.

Over lunchtime we went swimming in Carmarthen. Just WOW. For the past eight years, when I was able to walk at all, my right foot has gone forward then my left foor has come up parallel, along side, my right foot has then moved forward and on I walked. Today I was concentrating at first but then I was able to relax that as my feet learned how to walk properly. Right foot forward, left foot forward, right forward etc etc. I relearned how to properly walk, got out of swimming pool and tried it again and I remembered. Hopefully I relearned how to walk properly today
This afternoon I was feeling a bit scared so I waited until a MOS came past, I told 'em my story and said "Can you stay with me as I walk" as I was nervous, set off and immediately felt confident walking with both feet, properly, again. Obviously summat has been learned again!!!!