Tuesday 19 July 2011

What a day

So I woke up and got up and looked out of the window this morning. Tum ti tum, nowt to do. Just after 12 Denyse and Ed and Paul came here after meeting to discuss how I was doing for a number of hours. Soon we started discussing holidays and who I would be able to see then etc.
They did discuss how unbelievably well I am getting on, which was nice
Me and Denyse agreed to take on a holiday cover MOS until they get the cash (which is coming, eventually) to take on another MOS full time.

After a couple of hours talking to them three Sarah the OT came here to do some cooking. We distracted her with the TRUG and she spent most of the afternoon taking me round garden centres where we bought a plant and some seeds. She is gonna bring another plant with her next week and hopefully some netting to stop the birds eating my Blueberries

Then I defrosted and heated some curry for tea, Sarah's ingredients are in the cupboard for next week