Wednesday 20 July 2011

What A Day More now

First of all Paul came round and we made conversation for an hour 'til the chiropractor came around and cut my toenails and talked about the nearly but not quite ingrowing one, she can treat it either way so wait and see. So she did my feet and sloped off. Me and Paul went out and had a delicious lunch.

Then when we were back at home Paul said "You emailed Denyse about your ankle hurting, lets take a look" He looked and said "Dunno, but it's bad enough that you need to see a doctor", phoned the surgery and made an appointment for later. I said "But you are s'posed to finish work before that and pick your son up from school" He ignored me and took me to the doctors. Doctor took one look and sent me straight to hospital, suspected DVT. Eventually we did stuff, injections at the hospital. She sounded surprised when my blood test results came in, didn't look like I was in the DVT watch out area. Anyway they won't know 'til I have a scan on Tuesday next week so they have given me loadsa anti DVT medicine and an appointment has been made for the district nurse to come out and inject me every day 'til Tuesday. So dunno, either I will need serious Thrombosis treatment or are back to the doctor saying "What's wrong with Neil?"

It was 7 o'clock before Paul finished taking care of me
And "they" phoned me this morning (Thursday) and we agreed to do my scan tomorrow, so less waiting etc