Tuesday 30 August 2011

Oodles of Paul-ing

So first of all that Paul came here and caught up on his paperwork. Then he took me to the Dentist, which was a bit scary. He redone my temporary filling and said he will look at X-ray etc and decide whether to pull it out or not before next time. But it is already so much better. Then we said "Why haven't I had my repeat appointment?" but they said it was because my main dentist was still off sick and everything has been thrown sideways by that. Then Paul brought me back here where I had a cuppa and a snack bar for my lunch, and it didn't hurt to eat it which made me smile. I also think now that I will have to arrange an appointment with a private dentist and claim the cash back off my claim so me and Paul went out and drove 15 miles to Whitland to see abother dentist which is stated as having wheelchair access. But on the way to Whitland I used Nokia Maps on my mobile phone to find the way