Friday 30 September 2011


After our trip to Leisure Centre we hung about in town. Had lunch in Morrisons Stores then went in and bought some Innocent Smoothies which is high on Neils new shopping list, I hope they are as good as they look. Then, after we came home and dropped off the smoothies, we went back out to Waverley Stores and did most of my weeks shopping


That Paul chap came in this morning, did paper work for a bit then took me to Carmarthen Leisure Centre where "someone" is paying for me to have 1 on 1 tuition. Today I tried the pedal a bike thing and the walking frame. I wasn't too exhausted leaving so I thing next weeks I will haveta work longer and harder

Thursday 29 September 2011

Iechyd Da

And we went to Club Iechyd Da (noisy link) tonight and it was excellent and Julia did come in to take Freya home, generally just good

More Scary Stuff

So that tall chap Ed came to see me s'morning, we hung about, did paperwork for an hour then we went off to the place that sells Bioness splints in Cardiff where they assessed me for various splints. They can't do me a Bioness, as my ankle doesn't bend back far enough but he did suggest rigid splint with a new pair of boots. Now I am waiting for "people" to agree to pay for it.
But I am no longer wearing my splint on my right foot, he said there is no point
And he seemed to think that my new boots will be same heel, not 1 upper like now, just normal boots

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Just Wow

Today we spent all day travelling about an hour and a bit away because once we were there they had to assess me, work on the bike so it would work for me, then eventually I cycled, by myself, just short of 1km. Next time I go they will have prepared the bike already and I will be able to try much further etc. Just WOW
And pissing, today I was driven all the way to Cardiff before I needed a pee, and even that wasn't urgent. In the past even going to Swansea (perhaps ⅓ of the distance) would require stops

Gettin' Out

And yesterday I was able, for the first time in 8½ years since my accident to get out of a car "normally"

My car pulled up, I opened the door then just moved both feet out normally, I didn't need to lift my right foot up by pulling on my knee like I have needed to for 8½ years

Tuesday 27 September 2011

More Walkies

And I walked everywhere today except into my kitchen to prepare food all day again today until me and Freya went out with that Paul for dinner


And today, while Paul was here to help me, I tried standing up from a "normal dining room" chair that had no arm support. I was worried and scared but it actually was dead easy

Phew, what a day

So nowt on this morning but Denyse had to come and see me after the team meeting. Basically she said "Keep on getting better, well done".

Then later Paul came round, did some paperwork etc, then when Freya arrived he took us all out for tea. I had some conversations to have with Freya, one of which was "I have told Toby he can't get in our way as it used to be our night out to Iechyd Da and then he got in the way of that when he came back from Julies" so I hope she now knows that I do love her

Monday 26 September 2011


And later I went out to play with Paul to a Folk Club miles away and it was excellent but I am exhausted now so g'night


And after Morrison's we went to Halfords where I bought a Pink Steering Wheel Cover for the car


So I got up, used my wheelchair to have breakfast and clear it away, since then I have been walking everywhere
When "he" comes and knocks on the door at 10AM I will walk to let him in
Still all the way, we went out in the car for a bit so I sat in my wheelchair for Morrisons then we went for a drive about Cwrt Henri but I am still on my "proper" chair now
Well I got in my wheelchair about half past 5, enough is enough for today. "See you in't morning" he shouted to his proper chair

& At 'Em

So after being so exhausted yesterday I went to bed early for me, about 11.30. Slept like a dead thing 'til 7 AM. Then I woke up for the day

Sunday 25 September 2011


Toby came up for a bit tonight. He is well and seems fine although he still can't get up in't morning.


I was watching a bike race on telly t'other day and every now and again it cut to the in bike camera to show some exciting bits. Good lord, telly cameras used to be big heavy things, since my accident technology has gone crazy

Not Like My Life

So I have set my video recorder to record some comedies, I like Never Mind The Bollocks and Qi etc. But it occurs to me, these chaps and chapettes who tell funny tales, there life is is alien to my life now.....

No Wheelchairing

So I sat in my wheelchair to go into the kitchen and make my breakfast, and carry it back, since then it has been sat on the other side of the room, I am in a proper chair today.
From then until I cooked for me and Toby at about 6 I walked everywhere. Afterwards I stayed in my wheelchair, flippin exhausting this walking. Tomorrow try again


Blooming... (noisy not WS)

Saturday 24 September 2011


And there was a comedian on BBC1 tonight talking about how pirates are disabled, one leg or eye patches etc.
To which I say "Pieces of eight"

Pan (redone now)

And as I am bored and alone this morning I was able to make a pan of food which I shall start tonight then finish with Toby tomorrow. As well as my usual veg I was able to add the veg that had been left here to make Potato and Leek Soup which I didn't fancy


And after having such a hectic day yesterday I hardly slept a wink last night

Friday 23 September 2011


And I phoned Freya tonight and told her that I would take her out for dinner next Tuesday, I know she is p*ss*d off with me and I need to tell her that I do love her loads etc

More Hectic

And next week I am a bit busy too


So first of all (Small) Paul came in and we caught up on paperwork etc.
Then for 12.00 we had to go to Carmarthen Leisure Centre where we met up with Sara who was assessing me again* for using the gym and met some of the staff who will be on my side. We were there for 2 hours then went and had coffee and a bun there with Sara to finish our conversation
Then we went back home and met up with Sarah who couldn't make it last week. We again talked about stuff and she made another appointment to come back in 2 weeks when we are gonna make Shepherds Pie, Without The Shepherd which I had in town t'other day and really enjoyed
Then we went to Waverley Stores and bought loadsa organic food for next week
* Because after the last assessment they got confused as my name has changed etc

Thursday 22 September 2011


And tomorrow is beginning to look a bit too busy, well first of all I have gotta meet Sara at Carmarthen Leisure Centre where we are gonna try to work out a series of exercises that I can do, then at 2pm Sarah OT is coming to see me and talk about my garden etc, then we have to go to Waverley Stores to buy my weeks shopping


So I had an enormous chap looking after my needs today. We started slowly, him catching up on paperwork, then he explained how to set my telly to record programs. Talk about easier than 10 years ago, I needed no time/clock typing, I just got to a program, pressed record once to just record this weeks or press it twice to record the rest of the series. We went and looked at my recorded programs and I had recorded 140 episodes of one, whoops, by accident, but it must be huge this memory drive thingy.
Then in the afternoon we went out round town again, even tho I was exhausting him by insisting that I need to go uphill

Wednesday 21 September 2011


And I found in a drawer another watch, a Casio F-91W, which I decided does everythin' I need that I would swap to that. I looked online to try to find out how to switch off the alarm and every website I found was saying how fashionable this watch is, how popular!! In the end I had to press buttons randomly until I figured out how to do it, there were no manuals in the 30 or so sites I looked at


So at 10 AM s'morning that Paul chap came round. For the first hour we were doing paper work etc. Then at 4 minutes to 10 (she was showing off by being early) the door knocked and it was Linda Smith the chiropidist to cut my toenails. It was fine, she advised me to get some Johnson's Baby Lotion to put on my feet as they looked a bit dry but healthy apart from that. Then we went out and took pictures of the entrances to Carmel park and on the way back stopped off at McD's for a milk shake and ice cream combination

Tuesday 20 September 2011


So this evening that Freya came round to visit me. It was a bit strange, she wasn't at all unpleasant but somehow I feel that we missed each other.

But then after a couple of hours our old friend Moishe came to pick her up. She said she has just started work for CAVS and they need a volunteer who is hot on IT. So I said yes, pass on my details and we will see what comes of it
And Freya complained that her phone was broken but said she was gonna get a S/H one off Moishe

Monday 19 September 2011


And Paul took me to, miles away, Burry Port Folk Club and it was excellent


So Ed came in this morning, we waited until my washing sheets had finished then he put it away. Then we went into town, did the rest of my shopping at Morrisons then came home and put it away. Then we went in, had a look round town, trying to buy a money box with a hole in it, eventually we found one in Clinton Cards, but you must put in batteries and it counts your cash for you and displays it on the top
Later we went in and had a lunch in Waverley Stores. They served (an excellent) veggie shepherds pie. I really enjoyed it, I have never made veggie slop and mashed potatoes which this was, excellent. When we were leaving I went back to them and said "Shepherds Pie?? No, no, surely should be Lentil Farmer's Pie, they said they sometimes refer to it as Shepherds Pie, Without The Shepherd

Sunday 18 September 2011

AF2011 afterwards

And I came home today, It took from after breakfast to after dinner time tonight. Just WOW, I knew I looked up to Ixies before but I am certain now. Respect.
And it was a smidge odd waking up not in my normal bed. It is some years since I last managed that

Saturday 17 September 2011

Absent Friends 2011

And I went up and it was shocking. Lots of people praised me, said how they understood what I was struggling with in my head and just generally "WOW"
And it was a struggle to get in, walk across the thin bridge over the river from which I continued on foot inside and then waited for Paul to bring my wheelchair and a number of people commented on how much better my walking has got

Friday 16 September 2011

Strange Seeing Tonight

And I was sat outside this evening so I took off my eye patch. It was really strange, looking at the pillar in front of me they seemed to be about 20° apart if I look at them straight. If I bend my head forward a bit and turn it a bit to the left then the pillars are nearly touching at the top. If I straighten my head up they move apart once more, back to 20°


And we have been keeping busy all day, dunno what we did all day but we seem to have kept busy. Went out for lunch etc. Later this afternoon we went to Waverley stores and stocked up on food

No 'wimming

And Paul came round s'morning with his bag of swimming stuff, stepped over the bag I had filled with mine yesterday but listened to me when I said "My brain is elsewhere today, in Yorkshire" and agreed that we will re-start that next week instead of today.

Thursday 15 September 2011


Then today I had the taller of my staff looking out for me. He came s'morning did some paperwork then watched a QI with me on telly. Afterwards we went out for lunch, we arrived at Frankie And Benny's Restaurant where we eat perhaps once a fortnight or so. But being notorious the staff recognised me, said "Apple juice, Latte Coffee, Pizza Dip to start and what would you like as your main order this time?" which was correct. Then afterwards we walked round and round Carmarthen to see it.

We had to go into Boots and see a chap about the red hot swelling on my arm where an insect had bitten me, and I had some medicine and cream from there
And it is still swollen by now but the heat has gone, so I think it is getting better, slowly

Wednesday 14 September 2011


Then Carly phoned me as her and my father were at a meeting about my claim, she said "Nowt more" but that this meeting had definitely the first of the last kind of thing. She is having another meeting in mid October with even higher up legal types (my barrister IIRC) and although she couldn't promise said that I should know more and hopefully have my claim by Christmas


Then at dinner time that Toby came round to see me, and get his birthday pressie as I won't see him 'til after his birthday


What a day. So Paul came round and took me out to meet Jonathan who may be doing more hours for me. It is a strange situation but it seems OK. This is his first "caring role" as he delivers bread locally now. I think he seemed OK, lets hope it went well. We took him to my dentist to see where my "agenda" was, she said "Just finished it, hadn't even put a stamp on the envelope" and gave it to me. They wan't how much, obviously I need a lotta work. Then we went to my Drs. to get my asthma medication then we went to the chemist to get my script. Then it was late already, they both went home

Tuesday 13 September 2011


Then Freya came round to visit me. I was a bit worried because we hadn't parted well last time we met but it was as if we had never fallen out. It went well and strengthened my love for her


And Sarah contacted me and said "We have lots to do today" but didn't include cooking on the list so I have made some tin tomato and tin RKB and veg and garlic stuff for me and Freya to have tonight
But she did show up with the ingredients but I was able to put them in the fridge and cook tomorrow or Thursday. But we looked around the garden trug and she said "Look, these are ready!!"
Then we made some Chilli Oil which I may use myself or give it away for Christmas
And after handling the chilli I washed my hands but got a little bit from under my fingernail into my right eye, which has been closed for the last hour or so. Just luckily it was my right eye

Monday 12 September 2011


Then me and Paul went out to a monthly Headway meeting which wasn't where I expected but a bit strange, the visitor was telling us so much about dead people etc


And this morning Ed came round, did some clearing up etc then took me to the supermarket. Since then he has been here all day, we went out for a drive and had a walk around the new town centre in Carmarthen and bought some sweets earlier, then Oaul is coming later

Sunday 11 September 2011


So that Toby came round with his girlfriend earlier to let her meet me. That went well, I was polite and not even a smidge inappropriate due to the circumstances. He came back later after her mum had picked her up and had food that I hade made (or opened the tin and microwaved). He then said that he was reasonably impressed with me being appropriate, apparently he had warned her on the way here earlier that I was likely to be mad. Shucks

Piss In It

And I used to think, when I was more ill, "I want to piss in a bottle when I am out" and today looking around the interweb I found this


And it was 10 years ago today that summat changed the world forever



It seems to be really windy up in the sky. I just went outside, it was raining, 2 minutes later there was blue sky from one side to the other then 30 seconds later there was cloud from horizon to horizon

Saturday 10 September 2011


So today me and Toby and Freya and Ed and Paul went to the Headway do at Oakwood. Gosh it was a strange do. When we got there we went up to the Headway desk outside and we got given £10 worth of food tokens each so our lunch and later our donuts were free. It was strange being there with the kids. I get the impression they did enjoy themselves but as I couldn't go on any rides it was really a day for them. I think we did enjoy it.
Although Freya did express disapproval at me buying 2 pics

Friday 9 September 2011


And tomorrow me and Toby and Freya and 2 MOS are going to Headways special party for the f*cked up at Oakwood which I am nervous about but hopefully it will be fine

Shopping Suzanne Moore

What I deeply resent is the idea that shopping – especially for women – is some kind of leisure activity. Shopping to feed and clothe a family is often a chore, not a bleedin' hobby. As for window shopping? Looking at stuff you can't afford? Culturally legitimated masochism

Wot a day #27

So first of all Paul came round at about 10 o'clock s'morning, we talked and tidied up for a bit. Then at 12 Sara the OT came round and we talked about lots. We talked about me having new new boots but first she wants me to go to Cardiff to see someone about having an electric exerciser for my foot. And we talked about my broken hand splint, she said it is no longer the right shape for me and she will try and get a new shape one. And she complimented me on how much better I look now than I did 6 months ago when I saw her last. I am getting better, apparently. We talked about loadsa other stuff too, I will see her again in a fortnight

Then me and Paul went off to Waverley stores and bought organic milk, blueberries, veg etc

Thursday 8 September 2011


And I had the longest walk without my walking stick today that I have had in over 8 years. No stick between my front door and my next door neighbours


Aargh. So Ed (he's back) came round s'morning then we hung about and watched some telly together then my Social Worker came round to assess me and see whether they were spending cash on the right aspects of my care. Then we went into town to give Denyse a lift back to her car as she got a lift up s'morning

Wednesday 7 September 2011


So I had a very small dinner as I had eaten so much at lunchtime. I tried to make a Grilled Cheese Toastie, and while I feel it needed some toasting on the cheese it was nice anyway. I think next time I will put a piece of bread in the grill with cheese on, grill it, add another piece of bread then toast the 2 remaining outside bits

Blinkin' Flip - what a day

Gosh. Well first of all Paul came round and hoovered for a while, then he took me to the dentist. That was maddening in that they were very nice, examining all my teeth, accepted that I can't clean as well as I wan't, x-rayed my teeth etc, then made an appointment for me to see a hygienist and then see another dentist in 3 or 4 weeks. I will see the hygienics to clean up my existing teeth before proper surgery. Then they charged my £65 for the privilege. Which does my head in a bit as obviously NHS dentists are no longer capable of fixing peoples teeth, like they used to 15 or 20 years ago

Then after the dentistry I wasn't feeling rubbish so we went 1) to Waverley stores and bought some more juice and some more snack bars too.

Then 2) we went off to........ and bought that Toby chap's birthday present, which is now all wrapped up and in his card.

Then 3) we went to Wilkinson's and bought a mirror and fittings, then had lunch which was very nice, Panini with cheese and tomato which they then took off and grilled and brought us these delicious warm thingies

Tuesday 6 September 2011


Then this afternoon my daughter came round to visit, in her new school uniform for the new year etc. It was fine and I didn't insist I took photo's either

OT less

I tried to phone Sarah the OT twice this morning then Denyse phoned me and said "She has just phoned me to say you were trying to contact her. You mustn't have got the email she sent you yesterday to say sorry for today but she has had to go home to see an ill parent. Hopefully see you next week"

Monday 5 September 2011


So s'morning I was sat looking out the window. Then Paul came round later and we found a private dentist in Carmarthen, went down, checked that I could get in then made an appointment. Then we went shopping. Now we are back cooking my dinner then we are going out to a Folk Club later (noisy link)
And while in the folk club I was complemented by a number of people about how my walking seems to be getting better. I left my 'chair at my table and walked across the club then into the loo then back 2 or 3 times, that's all

Sunday 4 September 2011

...Inside Her Insides

So I went next door earlier and had 2 cans of cider. Blinkin' flip, I was as pissed as if I had had about 7 cans of beer


And that Toby came and really enjoyed his dinner. He is starting college tomorrow, tomorrow. My first born is going to college, how old must I be then?


It occurred to me yesterday that of all the 8 or 10 people who live here I am the only one that has 'my staff' doing extra "stuff" all the time. One other resident has 2x2 hour sessions with "someone from an agency" but that is all, no-one has anything like my staff.


And last night my PC wasn't able to access Broadband, as in it wasn't able to access the Interweb. I phoned and spoke to someone and they said it should be fixed in a couple of hours, so I went to bed, woke up s'morning and the Broadband light on my router is blue again, it works again
But I wasn't awake enough, I woke up, went for a pee and instead of going back to bed like I wanted/needed I popped into the living room to see if Broadband was working again. By the time I had stopped cheering I was too awake to go back to bed

Saturday 3 September 2011

Sloe Gin

And I am now having the first drink I have had since last Thurdsday

No Memory

I have no memory at all of my last job but apparently I was good at it


I saw a van advertising a freephone number. I thought I bet not from mobiles. Yes, I looked and it costs 20p per minute from a mobile. So I went online and looked arount and then I found a number that you dial before the 0800 number on your mobile and it just charges you for a normal call, not the 20p per minute

Bookmarks Button for Chrome

For a number of weeks I have been using Google Chrome as my web browser, genarally I am very happy with it but it refused to put a "bookmarks" button on the toolbar that's already there, either use another toolbar or do without. So every couple of days for a number of weeks I have searched the Interweb for an addition, I couldn't find one. OK, I only found one and it sulked in my PC so I deleted it. Today I entered "chrome bookmarks button" into Google as usual and this time the first result was correct, now I have a button


And I am watching a strange program about rock bands playing acoustic guitars. Strange but pleasing
And it is making me feel a bit f**ked as I can no longer play

Sleep is for the medium

So I woke up and got up at 8.15 today. Not a lie in but not quite as early as recently

Friday 2 September 2011


Well that Paul came round today. We did loadsa stuff, we looked online, checked stuff, checked local hotels then we booked the hotel that we are staying in for Absent Friends in Yorkshire. After much more busyness when we didn't have a chance to book private dental care we went shopping in Waverley Stores and bought loadsa organic food and drink.

See you

Oh my good lord, we have just booked for me and Paul to stay just around the corner from Absent Friends, we are going on Saturday night, the 17th


Sleep is for the weak. Again

Thursday 1 September 2011

I've Been Had

Sorting out the change in my pockets tonight I found one of these


And I watched on BBC iPlayer the first of a new Dr Who adventure. Good lord, it was a lot more scary than Dr Who used to be, but it was good anyway

Much Later

Then Ed came in, I haven't seen him for ages and I won't see him for another week now as he is on a course next week but..... He was helping me read the instructions to my razor and said "Brush here", I said "What brush?", he said "It was in the pack..." so we looked through every piece of wrapping that we had unwrapped to no avail. I was just heading over to my PC to email a complaint when Ed said "Ah here" reached under the table and picked one up.

It was the first of their 'longer days' so he was here from 10AM to 5PM but it was fine. He went and sat outside while I had my lunch etc, it just went well


Then the postman brought me my new razor which does seem really effective etc. So I might actually use this razop every couple of days so I won't look so stubble at weekends. Good lord.....


So this morning I was up ages before my alarm clock went off and hadn't even had a brew or breakfast yet, I was sitting outside in the sunlight when a van pulled up, and the chap who I was told would come at 9 o'clock to fix my wheelchair came. He replaced the handle bit and said "What screw?" watched as I opened it, said "Ahh" and got stuck in. Initially he thought he was gonna have to come back with one next week but in the end replaced the threadless screw. Secondly he thought he was gonna have to go out to his van and saw a bit off the end but on further looking he found a shorter screw with same sized teeth