Friday 9 September 2011

Wot a day #27

So first of all Paul came round at about 10 o'clock s'morning, we talked and tidied up for a bit. Then at 12 Sara the OT came round and we talked about lots. We talked about me having new new boots but first she wants me to go to Cardiff to see someone about having an electric exerciser for my foot. And we talked about my broken hand splint, she said it is no longer the right shape for me and she will try and get a new shape one. And she complimented me on how much better I look now than I did 6 months ago when I saw her last. I am getting better, apparently. We talked about loadsa other stuff too, I will see her again in a fortnight

Then me and Paul went off to Waverley stores and bought organic milk, blueberries, veg etc