Thursday 20 October 2011

What A Day #27

Gosh another full day. Yetanother one, I need a holiday.

Anyway I was here s'morning, Ed came and did paperwork and talked for an hour then Linda Smith the very expensive toenail cutter came and did my nails, next time she will be coming back a couple of weeks later as they were still a bit short.

Then we went out for lunch, went to one supermarket and were greeted by a huge queue so we went off to another shop/café and had loadsa salad and a piece of Homity Pie which was actually a let down after the delicious salad.

Then we went off to the gym. Where I was back on form, flirting outrageously again, although I did have to tell today's MOS, Sam to tell Tuesdays MOS that I wasn't angry with her and that hopefully I would flirt again next Tuesday.

Then I went to bed for a 45 minute lie down which I think I stayed awake for but it made me look more presentable afterwards