Thursday 3 November 2011


Gosh, more of this "What a day" stuff

So first of all me and Ed drove to Singleton Hospital in Swansea to check out where I need to go tomorrow, where they are gonna try me out in some special glasses to fix my double vision.

Then at 12 o'clock we went to the swimming pool which I enjoyed as much as ever (1)

Then we went and sat in a carp ark and ate cheese and onion pasties and custard slices

THEN we came back here and got online faffed about loads then eventually I spent far too much on flights from Bristol airport to Glasgow airport to see my sister at Christmas. Ed is coming up with me and flying back later the same day, then flying up again to meet me on the way home

(1) Last night I packed a bag, Ed looked thru it and checked today.When we got to the swimming pool we realised that we hadn't packed a towel. Ho hum, I borrowed Ed's then he got less dried than usual