Sunday 4 December 2011


So Carly and Ian came over to mine about half past 11 today as they had been in a shop and they said "No, we can't sell you anything until 11AM". We had a conference about the seaside, I said "Nah, too far" but Carly insisted so Ian drove us to Tenby and it didn't look good, couldn't find anywhere to eat so we came back and had a delicious sandwich (with freebie salad and crisps) in (More reason's to shop at) Morrisons and it was lovely if a bit long routed.
They have gone off now for 40 mins to let me have my daily nap
Ho hum, this afternoon I was stuck trying to make conversation with Ian as Carolyn was being nosey looking through "my staff"'s notes about my life
And then we went and knocked on Toby's door, took him out for a meal, to The West End on Lammas Street (?) and then brought him back here so I could give him his new alarm clock
It seemed a bit odd having Toby with my when I met then. I used to do this when he was 4ish, now he is bigger and trying to prove himself as an adult