Sunday 1 January 2012


Then this afternoon Tim(my) came round, chatted for a bit then we set off to Swansea to the new rugby stadium. We stopped for an early dinner on't way there then made it there in good time. It was up in a lift to the disabled bit which was 2 seats, 2 wheelchair spaces, 2 more seats, 2 more wheelchair bits etc all the way along to the end of the disability section. There were no seats behind us so access was excellent, there were loadsa disabled loo's and a bar there too. And it turns out that Tim(my) is a referee occasionally so I could ask him to clear my mind occasionally.
The game was entertaining, we had an excellent view, I did enjoy it but watching the game I could really tell how f**ked my vision is, gaps and not being able to look both ways without turning my head etc.
So even tho I did enjoy tonight I don't think I will wanna go again unless I can get some dramatically improved vision