Thursday 12 January 2012


Well Ed was in today. He spent most of the day saying "What's wrong?" but perhaps I was grumpier than usual. Later s'morning we went to a charity shop in town and dropped off my old bedside clock (radioless) and a set of sort of lace thingies, to tighten your shoes withiout pulling, that didn't get used

After lunch we went to the gym where today I had Sam to myself, the other 6 folk who were there t'other day weren't here today
And today we had to say to her that I had got a letter of someone who wanted us to come over there next week at 9.30AM to tell me how well I was etc but she said "Don't worry, I will contact them and tell them no need"
And I kind of broke it to them that when my cheap membership runs out next weekend I will stop coming. They all tried to say otherwise but dunno