Saturday 23 June 2012

Busy Day

Gosh then we nipped out and it started being well busy etc. First of all we went to the mobility place in Carmarthen to get a new loo seat but we got there at about 12.15 and the sign said "Closing at 12 on Saturday"

Then we went to Curry's to buy a selection of phones for the new place, every room shall have 1, all linked to the same land line but if someone in room 1 wants to speak to room 2 they simply press 2 and it rings differently, just in room 2

Then we loaded Paul's van up and headed back to Herbie The House with another load. Then we came back here for lunch.

Then we loaded more in the van and went to Herbie via a curtain shop where we were able to buy white blackout things to make my curtains work etc and we also nipped into Tesco's and bought some more effective Hayfever remedy. At last we went back to Herbie with a load of bits from the kitchen etc and made up the spare bed for the first time with the duvets etc we bought last night and today